Advertisements & Notices

... -Ethe undersigned, INCLOSURE CO.MMIjSSION_ 'W 'ErBS for ENGLAND and WALES, hereby give ?otijeethat Applicatioinshave been imadeby ALEXAND ER 0(;STON of Ardoc, in the County of Kineardine, E3squire, orthe Advance of theundernmentioned Sum by way of Loan, under the provisions of the Act of the 9th and loth Viet., Lap, 11, for the Drainage of the Lands hereinafter speci- .fiedappie of Estate. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIAN CORN, __ 1 IT E and Y EL LO0W, of Prime for W SALE, by t! 22, Skipper Street, Belfast. (938 .'I HEI SUBSCRIBERS offer for SALE:..- Beat INVDIN 3JE74L, Best ITv ,7IEA TE M1EAL; Freshl, and of their own Grinding. WVILLIAM-EWART &SO 24, Donce-all-Street, Belfast, 20th Jan., 1S47. (136 STEAM ENGINE AND CORN MILL GEARING. T O be SOLD, a Ten-hlorse Power Hi1gh Pressure STEAk ENGINE, nearly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION AS TO LONDON PORTER. 1 N consequence of the rise in price of the above Arti. cle, from 4d. to 4Ad. per Quart, efforts are mall;g to palm off Country Brewed Forter for the genainear ticle; but the cheat is'easily discovered, 66th by itt eye and tongue; as the former will do so by the diffi-; rence in the colour of the head, the froth of the Lanito, having a much b-owner oppearance than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DESTITUTION IN T}IE HITGlLAN> I A.D ISLANDS. Glasgowr. 2i6th lec , 1646. TO THE NIO-N. T[1E LORD PRII Y, (j vF GLASGOW. MY lonn, I rTE, the UNi)EItSIGNED, respeetfirilIV teq;;ist that near fw ?? ;ca;ll a 1'>1- B 1. L C Ni F. E ' N G Of the ii 10llitcilits of this ciuv. to tab-c into consideration tcoe Jlistress xlxel at, present prevails in th:1c IIOhict: s-ar. I I-iantis of Scont- Il ?? I ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. O S T. A LADY'S GOLD NECXCHArN, between Partick and AX Glasgow. The Finder, by returning it to Messrs. Aluir- head and Arthiur, Watchmakers, 80, Argyll Street, w~il receive a handsome rewvard. 1'0 L 0 S T, j7 A R L Y Yesterday Morning. between the Crow Tavern. lE (;eorge Square, and the Ayrshire Railway Station, a small Sum of Money- in One Pound Notes. Whoever will bring the same to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oe 'Third Edition, of edO Coapes, nucht inipooved, Price Is. hd. ~ts H-El D1'FICU LTIES OF i N G I S It RIl T GRA41lIL0 It IMIOMVEDl ; ot Hl.tqtvii I3t',)iisu N for I ra£ltoen. Adalpted ?? /and bll-I'Itr;ncutisn. I To Which Is added. aI TIUt.TTIE X 1N UNCTU'ATION. the s, ?? J. 131;ST DAIDrlSONY. I~lual of ' Thoto :oe osany 0 itohits itttS liltle vaiJjnsie. )t. * n-rrnimg.a tnent ts nat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHAMBERLAIN'S OFICE, Dublin Castle, Jsr5 25, 1847. !- TIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a - LEVEE at Dublin Castle. On WEDNE815A)w the 10th day of February, 1847, ot 0 o'Clock. It i. requested that each Gentleman attending Loves will bring Two Cards, wvith his came and pi oi real. denoe legibly written thereoin, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to receive them in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Sevninary, v RED HILL, NEAR BEAUIMARIS, CONDUCTED BtY 3tlRS. It. JONES, AjILL be Re-opened on the 26th instant. IIOPE COTTAGE d% Es;tabtishllslwtell; for i WI adles, l'l.N-\Y-M:AES, NEAR HOLYWELL. JXtIR1S. .48'T1;E, T ULY' gratef'ul to her f'rcnds for the support w ith which they have so kindly favoured her, 55SciCCthIlll informs them and the public, that the pleasing ditties of her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inoura~nce erorpanfr0. U A RANTEE SOCIETY, GNo. 19, BIRCHIN-LAI4E, CORNHILL, LONDON, For providing scurIIity for the fidelity01' persons in situationlsof trut, where sureties are required, on the arerunl payment of a stipulated rarte per cent.-Capital, £100,000. DIRECTORS, James Celqliounlr, Esq., Chalrmarn. Charles situaresaon, Esq., Deputy.Clrsirmsir. Thoma Aire . ArhmLinde Mtocatta, Esq[ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pape PiiceT~lree-pentco inajdit.;,n to thet ncv in the 'Moratng In~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~n _Cl Nil kX t he HOMEacid FOREIGN ThI ENC 1'ivhjct tmay arrive oti the day. jG 'I hte IL th e nofit of the Far1'eign coe and other colitly charac- _q, Pon ence,~ ~ ~~~tio ~101 ~ oin~ og Jourilal. B ut the fell and I~t fpared REPORTS of the M1ONEY, prepare~ ~ ~~~~~~rp c~J~pit~olCE, CORN, CATTLE, and I -KF'i~T 'i he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jpplieations by letter respectinq adedretisemernts iksot be postpaide ,or they will nof be recivedl. Applications directeof to be tirae at the printer'o ,nrit be peresonal: iii S14ch ases, 1to writteft rose- maunicaioas cans be atteanled to. Persional inquirles cganlOt be f anawered, When the address ise to be bsy letter.j 'TANTED b a middle-aged l1 , i Situation IRS HOUSli- given.-Addross ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, January 13,1847. The adjourned meeting of the Council wm held this for the purpose of Uking into consideration the notion, of which Mr. Alderman Band« had given notice, for increasing the aalary of Mr. Rushton. There was numerous attendance ef members. The Mayor, in introducing the proceedings, read a memorial, signed 1200 persons, of which the following copy To the Wortkipful ...