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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... 6OWBINGb, bregs Ceave to inform his hs F-OPEN S onth ~igd00? ~1~ i. anted-Apply by letter, post paid, O ,,t1 oM.Gnwr'~g- at Mor. Sy'mmott, Post-office, P- Sp Ui.asprQnarter.-At a r, ON Fouhel'Acdtn ertown, YOUNG GENTLE- fir, oelde, hhtiand Frnch Langutiges, In vSlditioni to gC Th oscis replete wvith every eonvO- di esi~~~~aa teOtuationl is high, and eon- gv 0 C L ',on None but respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UAI)RILLE PARTIES.-The ORGUE wQl NELODIUM LENT for quadrille and other musical parties, for which itis relxiarlkably adapted, one performer upon it being equal to a emnall band. Terms to be had at the. rooms of the agent, J. F 1,Tyers, 8i3, Chariotte-stroet, l'itcroy-square, where a spcial perfor- snance by a talented musician takes place daily, commencing at 3 and ending at '. This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY, EXET,. L hALL.-On TUESDAY EVENING, January 21, Wll be . peated HAYDN'S ORATORtO, THE CREATION. Principal Vocal P1erformers- lissBirch, r. Lockey, asd It f Phillips. The Band and Chorus wil consist of above 500 Perffr9 i Tickets, 3s. each; Reserved Seats, Ss-, may be obtained of the Drr . dipai Music-sellers; of Mr: Bowlcy, 53, Charing-cross; Mr. hic 102, Strand; or of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lI- CHR o LA.-Regul1ar Monithly Steam T * 0 on ta 'sngr n igt Giolod to P'enang, enin. ~ 1(ovz, vft Egypt.'the Plenhrsifilar and Oriental ~ caoroaeirYBOONPASSNGE.RS and l'orwaird torend len' 5e~ te' sxty' prrs, by their SteflnItirs., 'lom Southamrptonl, ~ ~ ~~o~h.For particuliws at'iVrt thle cotopsony' ~ ~WbA 1E, to NIADRl-AS, CALCUTTA, O~i~ ~ ~;N~pOtEand HONG KONG, calling at the U raACElT~c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItE.ISSUL OF BURKE'S LANDED GENTRY. Now reailv, price 5s., PART I. of BURKE,'S HISTORY of the LANDED GEXTRY. To be comnpk'ted in Ton Monthly Parts, prtce Is. 'ach. Orders received by ill booksellers. Henry Colbsnrn, Pitlisker, 13, Great Marlborough-street. Now retidy, in three vets, post Svo. 'VHE ROMANCE OF WAR; Or, The HIIGHLANDERtS in SPAIN. By JAMEFs GH-UNT, Esq., Ifteind Regiment. 1Since ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E f to CEYLONT, MiadSras, aucd Calcutta, via E *It ultr AMonthly mail Steam Conveylulee for Paucell- EeolLt- olls.'The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navi- nda BOOK 'f'ASSFSGERS and receive goods and pa.reelR since , rec. by their steamers, starting fromn Southampton the from 5000 Suron or aba'. the 10th of every month. For f ans '-e mtoney, planS of the RseamneYY, rind to sccire pas- ap.~tue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOR71I BIIITISII INSURANCE COMPAINY, NLi4, '.es' PIt' nh-buidinga, l.rchhur.v, aint 10, tall-mall Eiist, London, eo.~ ill189rid inelf o nltrr;,oiracd by ILoy'al Ciierter. Pl'e.sident, li~i Gs (,ra the [Duke of t.LOLFII11--LAND[, X.G. De l;hirmin SIr P'LTldt r[AuiOIE, Aldlerman. resllOent IDeciem.)s. I. and Ii. llYD Fqrs. 1'hvsician, J011 IIX SPEt M.D., F.R.S. The benefits of Life Assurance are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BTLSof RUE'S MARKING INK, 39000 ere s~old in one cloy skince Crlcri'tnasl! Bottles, Gd. at1 1'. eaCh. Ede's Mfarking lIck is tile mocst perfect ever in- vent. cl fur weritinig on Linen or Cotton, writh At Ceummon peti, and w~ithoot~any ~e~aratiotc. Malnicfactory at Dorkicig. Wholesalle waor-A houtle, 9, Soe- a vt :II 4t TIlE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for SILVER.- or T 'Ikeo highe estimlate formed icy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE BRITISH and FOREIGN INSTITUTE JL enters on its FIFTH YEAR in 1I47, and members joining it at the present time will have the advantage of the full Semsion of the 8g*oes, Lectures, Conversazioni, and Discussions, which will com- zaence on FRIDAY, January 22, and be continued on the Friday Evenings of each week from January to June. The CLUB attached to the Institute is now ready for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~sSTOVE~ AND FENDER I-'e.~J~.-*S EORGE and JOHIN DEANE have ex- its D~P1~.,rt' o tr own, wlihereevery article is manufactured ttr15l-`e Tc th owmtril tiimchn of the ,J, ite 5ti cocgeil the fendier ana stovec doparltnents ar Gt Wrhuend si,,eo,._rooms exhibit all. the toteot improve- !r3 .px whicha cannot be comipeted with by any other housse. 11 publi bitildirgo, ge'nilernen'sO mansions, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1?GlYPTIAN-HALL, PICCADILLY.-LANTUM a audXTIIOPIAN SEREINADERS, THIS DAY (Saturdbay), the 50th, t] and dutiring the next week. The unanimous opinion of the musical world pIcshdms this entertainment to he unequallcd. 'The. delightful ti tone of the Lantum is the surprise aind admiration of all who; havc (I heard it, whilst the glees, overtures, and ducts, nig*htly elicit the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL HAYMARKET.-Triumph- v T ant Sucecss of the rew grand fairy Extravaganza of TLHE C INViSIBPLE litlNCE, or the Island of Tranquil Delights, thoegrcatest hit ver made': vide the Public Press. InI order to give es much variety as possible, the interesting aecd csteces.ful new Drama of E THIE 1.0UN. D OF WRONG will only be perfornmedoetlMonday, Ved- S nesdla, and Frliav, and three ...