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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... STEA41 to ITALY.-Genoia, Leghorn, Ci vita S cccloia, and Napleg.-Direct from SO~iflHAMt`T0N.-'mc rR.,NWA1and ORIENTAL STEAX NAVIGATION CONM. I q 'S an'-'s~hiP the TIGER. Captain- G. lamluitoi, wilt START soutbampton oil MONDAY, the 4th of January, at Two p~m., Families travelling to Italy will findrtisoute ~Odtj~~s erisitictlandc interesting. llac~ orflit-hiS pssengers, servants, horses, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAMtO CINA-Rognlar Monthly Steam CT m!eE nfrPaot.t±Oadligt Goods to Penang, sin- Kong ri Egpt.ThePenin~sular end Oriental 50tr,~ Cemeny O~h lASSEGERIS;%nd forward goods andpirtleto 0aboe ecnbythirSteamers, from Southampton, lieait o eerymoth.~o patiulars9 apply at the Company's ote, 1. t.ltay~rte Lndo, r57, Otigh-otreot. Sotuthampton. TEAM vi da CAE, to MADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENAO, s~oAPREl, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... As I'MION for the RELIEF of ~ E ISTRSS ini the REMOTE PAJ.TF'ES of *odiMao. hoof fne, Jun., Esq. ,41-C a- ~'6t Dalhousie. lHenry Ifingscote, Esq. 1, , P k flon. Arthur TRinnaird Satociel Jones Loyd, Efsq. AV. G. Pyoseott, Esq. SertlOEsq. lon. Stvphon Spring Rice. ~~.-i-oo ltl Baton ILionel Rtothschild. I. p David Sa'lomons, Esq. C.1.Siith, Esq. add to their number. tta* tacflgto he slhort time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STlF t cu .-Regular Monthly Steam co anotin for pasrgr and ihtGood to Penan,sn -ta - aj, t- Lei n oher Steamerhs t roet Southampton. f -the aoveP rpartOicuaDrsappyS h, CALCUpAy,, ~T~~o~IND~l~tEand HONG KOGcligtth CYLON. -The PEN SLA an t~ltl'I~ASIGA ION COMPANY intedt eptl I0 Tons, 400 horse power, 35th .Tannery. CE~1,400 Totns, 100 borse power, 5th February. -rae Tin fo sners tire of a very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 OYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- a PROFESSOR SCH(ENBEIN'S GUN-COTTON, and other e Explosive Compounds, with brilliant Experiments, lectured on by Dr. Ryan, daily, at half-past three o'clock, and on the Evenings of E Itfondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The principle of the various N ELEcTRO-MAGNEFIC TELEGRAPHS explaised daily by Professor Bachhoffner, including the patent of Messrs. Cook and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING of PARLIAMKEN.T.-A single copy o fthcEvening EXPItE$S,contahiin~gthe QTEEN'S SPEECH., ill be forwarded by post, on receipt of a pirepaid totter enclosing a iourpenny piece. Timothy Smith, News Agent, 2, Bell.-yard, Temple- bar, London. N.B. The principal London Newspapers regularly Coz supplicd by morning or evening mail. Daily News, by morning mail, Petj It. is. per quarter (18s, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OYAL COLLEGfE of SURGEONS of ENGLAN D.-The -7rINTERIAN ORATION will be deli. veredby Mr. GREEN, OUl -?dONDAY, the 15th of February next, at Three o'clock. Tiekets of admission will be delivered to members T upon written or pirsonal application at the College. ED. BELFOUR, Secretary. THE OPENING SOJIREE of the BRIRH- and POREIGf INSTITUTE will be given TO.MOI? \V n 22, at Half-past Eight; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM to CEYLON, Madras, and Calcutta,, vii g f,_ltcua Monthly Mail Steam Convoysnee for Faw~n- iR-Lri Peninsular and Oriental Steitna Na-ri. g~t9 ~ BO~i{ 1ASSE NGEIII and receive goods and pa-cele gel ens. i tIir starcmeni, siarflng frmSouthamptontb acc frm UOLonor sibout the 10thL of every mronth. For l~tic, moneyplans of the steamners, and to secure pao. rats5 ottb~Co oramy a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBA11 to CEYLON, Madras, and Calcutta, vi& fonthlylffail Steam CoV ynef fr assn S ueqLR~i ~ei..-jhe peninsular and Orinte Steam Nav-. #0c td igt )'B0ol rASSENXGERS and receive goodIs andt parcele 1.coapa0.1, y ther steamers, starting le-om Souitharmpton the orte rmSuez on or abocet the 10cth of ceerr month. Fo,- OAa ae aoner, Plafls of the steamers, and to securo pcas. r3- ofpi at- iee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ALL WEIO HAVE FARIMS OR GARDENS. m HE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, IT AND AGRtICULT ZL GAZETTE, (The HORTICULTURAL PAR Edited lby Pro.f LINDLEY) Of Saturday, Jfan. 1, contains Articles on Agriculture, antiquity of Hotbeds, dung Apples, select ff()ya Imaperialis Apples, Padley's rippin (with ImpHatipn platIps' I la Engraving) Insects, to kill' Botanic Garden, Edgbaston Insects; on osiers Calendar, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAU tO CEYLON, Mailms, aid Calcutta, VIja n Egyilt ~ttegbor Mothly M~l Swa Coos-eyalieI, tor i'aei,,,o I gs~o nd Ltht GootePASSEcNGEulRS adOriental Steam Na-Ti. Or ~ ~io~ pors by heir steaniieO5, Sltn rmSctantnte o 20th, td from ore onor P-botit the 1thoeermnt.Fr s ~eto o ~~N sonypians of the eteasorad oacrepa tages appl atlle OeItanv's Offices. 51, 'it. lTar-ae I0itn ThAX[to CINNA.-Regalotr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAMT to CEYLON, Madras, ana Calcutta, vie. Egvlit. -Itegular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance for Passent- gets anud LiPIt U.,)de.-The Peninsular and Oliental Steam Na-el getIso ~clrn BO00K PASSENGERS ant receive- goods and parcel t~srtheahm 1-rt t byther se-am , stard ng fl-aM Soltthampton the 20thaol aeat on o abo the 10th Of every month. For rats o I'''~ moeyplans of the oteamret ., atirt to ...