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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ASTONISHINGI EFYICACY HOLLOWAY'S FILLS. Iroel Tbhe Testimony of a CILsgvyliak YoucThing to H-been Casles ths .of Cores by tehsse wonderful Fills. Nxt,-e-,t of a Letter froma thve Ret. George Prior, Curate of Heeelgh, Leiter K&Py, CYAVrigatar, Irttllsd, loth jan. 1946. Wil To Professor Holloway. tl Stat,-! 'jend you a crude list of somec eleven cae' ~r rured by tile use of your P'ills. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MNithern Star Offlce, Ffiday night. 1S,,aye to apologize to our Readers and Agents for an unavoidable delay in the delivery Of the second edition ofourtpresentpublicationf AD accident, against which no care nor fote- 'At could have guarded, occurred at the mo- ,ent of our going to Press, by which two of the pages of type were demolished, and, in con- seqilencei the Papers which should have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO DISTRICT SECRETARIES AND TREASURERS. All district Secretaries and Treasurers to the Chartist Co-operative Land Conspany, are hereby strictly enjoined to attend to the following regula- 'ions in all transactions with the Directors. No circumstancesvnill be admitted as a reason for de- parting from these roles in any case where they apply. First.-Ascrutineor shall be appointed by each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -VES T.RIDiI'NG OF YORIKSHTR-E.l . v WAKEFIELD. ADJOURNEDSESINS) toheeb wmco, that. the CAIRISTMAS GENERA)L SESS~IONS OF TIlE PECfoLhASyo~laefgt ,:;tie GetitY ofy' ic, wilt be'ltold, bo AdlouI-1tttfenlt, tin cte a ?? ?? ioa ?? C ro ta-aa Twelve 1 airdt aot ei the )cnrjeltlritDa ?? h P4iIYk-itlcttnirg- i cOOI . ?? yr-a'- et't ofCorctLionl~, altri fot ?? il! t orthe 'torper of-the 'sald itoeaC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cuted Pf the D tlte 3sent, etiral r- that neted YorkesI ng of tran-. Itues, le in- ining have ming Loeds let us they that ister- a the ,or]ks, : the ed by in of plied of an nable truct time licteros ,t the e fol - plans ?? of addi- xcome llung- 45 to above Dy isu- stsate- ies of they :o thees ber of plied, ter as yral of larlc. ilying ir im- juire- eaily s be- idante each ill; a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .EEDS, DEWSB3URY, AND MANCHESTERM RAIL WAY.' NOTICF Is hereby given. that thle FOURTH! ORDINARY PRlt GUN KRAL MEETING of the i'ROPRtlENtllS of the LEEDIS. theti IDEWSBUIRY. Ant MANCHIESTSR ICAILWAY will be held STAT. At thle COURTa'.ISItiS. In LERos. Oil Honeday, tile Tvseefte-seconi.i Ingla .Da ?? TwiIlveO'Clocut at Noon Tb. NOTICE, ts hereby further Given, that tise Booke for The Dr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT10E TO DISTRICT SECRETARIES AN1| TREASURERS.I d(e All district Secretaries and Treasurers to the a Chartist Co-operative Land Company, ace hereby strictly enjoined to attend to the following regula- 1e' t cirnn all transaction: with the Directors. No ,,,1circumstandes will be admitted as a reason for de- -'parting from the-se rfles in any case where thea se apply. nd IFirst.-A scrutineer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ERIBES AND 'IrHiRsK RAILWAY.T NOTIE i heebY given, tha the1 HAI, YE'71ARY17 O~iIIAIOV itN~t~t. EO1T~cO2or the Propiete fc th Lees ?? Ittwywl i old at ?? ltt int Loaos It fimdite olf-'fi) Dna IIf iebruao'.oo ewl GE at Twelve o c eiat Noeool for ohs ' Taaoction of the Ordillil1y Haf osi> ?? the Coonrm'lly aI An't NOTICEf is hereby on-thor greaO thast. all EXTO It- Da01 Oii~tXAMi INEUTUNG of ttte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHING BY B. D. COUSINS, 18. DUKE-STREET, LINCOLN'SSINN-FIELDS, LONDON. Tbe Shepherd, by she Rev. J. E. Smith, M hA. Vol. I. price is. 6d. Vo ll II piice SIs. Vol. III. Price 6g. Gd., cloth boardse ; or the three volumes in one, balf-bound I I salf and lettered, Price ifss. Refutation of Owenism, In, G. Redford, of Worcester; with a Reply , by t he Rev. J. E. S Stith, M.A, Is. l New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT it wberer times Cityo ill all What Thli Papp,, are th Capita ktiowI duce t in hi conto all *.tt Hiticil] daily teiltei the ws, Tbe parti rI PRICE THREEPENCE. T H EJ D A I Y N E $S Losndon Vs.oraing Newspaper, in Time for the Morning t a5 s remarkable, that imore than a cntury twino there THlE DAILY News is te Hmnts size as all other Journals qlesteen papers published in London. doily or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t) ?? & ~or0lttou1bur to. Ma. HARNEY was compelled through illness to re- main atbomefor several days last week; in his ab sence from the office several matters were omitted from lost Saturday's Star which ought to bavs bees inserted. The report of the meeting of the Central Rtegistratien and Election Committee, and several notices of Forthcoming Meetings in town and country were neglected by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .OTHE WEEKLY .BOARD O H AIU GENERqltlAL INFIRMAR-Y AT LEEDS. re.- WVe the Undersigned Five Troaoslo3 having seed a consider. 1il a ble Space tof Ground in the Township of. Leeds. which we (found necessary to remove it by reasn Of othe prjce Ues I 5 tral Railway Statioun in -Leeds, and hacingl had a -P'roposall In - Writing submitted to ijs on behlf of the owner of that ,Ground, signifying ...