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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... -Ethe undersigned, INCLOSURE CO.MMIjSSION_ 'W 'ErBS for ENGLAND and WALES, hereby give ?otijeethat Applicatioinshave been imadeby ALEXAND ER 0(;STON of Ardoc, in the County of Kineardine, E3squire, orthe Advance of theundernmentioned Sum by way of Loan, under the provisions of the Act of the 9th and loth Viet., Lap, 11, for the Drainage of the Lands hereinafter speci- .fiedappie of Estate. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alf PROVOST BLAAKIE'S -- D UPROVE ME NTS SC33ME, COPY CORRESPONDENCE - -E.TWEEN CERTAJ N MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS, WI H- PROVOST BLAIKIE. 'No. 1. Aberdeen, January 5. 1847. provost Blaikie, Aberdeen. Gus Lord, TyNG observed, in the Newspapers, the heads of the Li Report of the Sub- Committee on City Improvements- aD, considering that the meeting of Parliament takes place n an early day, before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR READERS AND THE PUBLIC. ENLAR3EW Or c' a TU JOUZEJnNAL. Ix ACCorDANCE with an intention which we have for Sme months desired to carry into effect, 'we have now the pleasure, at the comml1encement of another year, of Presenting this Paper to its numerous readers, in form and features so materially altered and enlarged, as, perhaps, to call for a few pas.hing remarks. Os the occasion of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN rIRE AND LIFET ASSURANOE COMPANY. EMSTAULISIIFD, 1825. CAPITAL, ONE MINLLION. -GoverIo2?. The Right Honourable LORD FORBES. Bead Offzice-s9, UNION STREFT, ABERDLEN. Oflice in Edinbburgh-65, Princes Street. - .Ojfce in Glasgov-69, St. Vincent Street. ri^HI5 Gompany, orned by a n2umnerous and influential 1-Body of Proprletors, is thze OLDEST INSTITUTION o~f the hind in the North of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Abwaend.Town and County Bank. ABEr.DEEN, 8th January, 1847. T HE Directors.haie Opened a BRANCH at INSCH, Tnunder the charge of Mr JAMES BiSSET. By order of the Directors, W. LITTLEJOHN, Cashier. ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPEmING 'O Ty HB FEE:E NO=I3 CHU1W:. ON SABBATH First, 17th current, Special Collections will be made in this Church, at all the diets of public worship, towards liquidating the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NTERFERtNCE IVJ T11 AnD NAVIGABLE WASTERS & APPLICATIONS TO PARLIAMENT FOR LOCAL BILLS. NOTICE. W E JOSEPH MAFTNARD, of Fullarton, Comnmander Royal R''i avy. and DAVID STEVENSON ofthe City ofEdinburgh, Civil-Engineer, having been appointed bythe Lords Con- inissioners of the Admiraltysurveying Otticers under an Act passed in tbe loth year of the reign of )1r present Majesty, intituled An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN RAILWAY. LOANS. HPIE DIRECTORS of the ABERDEEN RAILWAY TC OMPXkNY are prepared to ret'eive L 0 At N S Onl 11O TGAG E, in Snnis of not less than xaio, for a period of three y ears an upwrds. Ineetwill be allowed at the rate of 41~ per cent. per an- nup i be li df-yearly, in London, Edinbm-gh, Glasgow,t or Aerden. ad a~ ~ei'es if signe~l Interest Warrants wiltb i~ssuedwith eaLch D, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEPOS11' ASsumAYNCE AM 1M TMABLE 4 zNvmSTWENT COMPANY. A Considerable proportion of the Stock required for the Aformation of the Company having now been applied for, the Allocation will take place on SATURDAV, the 23d January, after which no further applications wvill be received. A Meetina will be called on an early day thereafter, for receiving a Report from the Provisional Committee, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF SCOTLAND D AS'V1RANCZ CO PA2NY. 'TO &TI694[ Y GIVEN, that a SPECIAL GE- NEN TL EETING of the Partners of this Company will be held, within their House, in Aberdeen, on FRIVAY the 15th day of January ensumg, at Two o'clock afternoon, for the purpose of considering and deciding on the terms of a proposal, to be submitted by the Directors, for an amalga- wation with the Western Fire and Life ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COURSE OF LECTURES ON TRE MIDE NC ES O CIfEIB'swXANXR!Y, TO 3E: 7DELIVERED IN THE FREE NORTH CHURCH. I T will be studiously endeavoured to make this Course bear - oil the present phases of Infidelity. While there will be much addressed to the judgment and conscience of all classes the attendance of Students, and of speculative persons or considerable reading, ho are under temptations to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... capital Takte Zid Lpon GIo esli6a: Xair. Capital Fjre chCa-rie Aidherchefiz, 24 fa dozen. Chpital Seotch Cambric HanIdkerchiefs; a dozen. Capital Chintz Furnituei3; a rri.- : :. capital oike Germuan Afin R ture, 113 a1 ard. CapitalFrench Tarlatan Mwlfin,, alt colours. Capital Reallrish Poplin, iatered and plain. Ctapital Furs, in Muffs. 1 6, i rines, 5 19. Capital Sable Boas, sod to so0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD~N 3 3zM A=~ LWP ASSUnA~CdM C6ooPAN. T ESTABLISIEMD, 1825. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. Governor. The Right Honourable LORD FORBES. Rlead Qffice-s9, UNIroN STRrET, ABERDEEN. O.Qice in Edinburgh-65, Princes Street. Qfice in Glasgow-69, St. Vincent Street. T I C'om7zy, formed by a numerous and infuential TB of Proptetors, is the OLDEST INSTITUTION of the hind in the Nortl of Scotland, and combines ...