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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... EXCHANGE BANK OF SCOTLAND. /J// INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL, Of which One-half is paid up, L 700,000. THE DIRECTORS hereby intimate, that this BANK, be- Ting now Incorporated by Royal Charter, is entitled to re- ceive Railway Deposits, the Funds of Friendly and other So- cieties, Trust Funds, and all other Funds which are specially required by any Act of Parliament. or other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? of the FnsDs for the RaaLIMF Of TE~ TUTE HIIGE[LANDERS takes place in the RE orl BeanS0, onu MO(NDAY EVENINEG the 1lth JUvntr. Ticketes 5s. each, to be bad at the MSusic Shops. 3oors open at Sever, Concert to begin precisely at a qual- ter before Eight- For particulars see Programmes. DELLNBCRGH GA&LLOWA-Y ASSOCIATION. T HE ANiJAL : MEETING of the ASSOCIATION T will be held in Giu'5,BO3 TL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /6 5;WATERLOO ROOMS. EXAIAORDINARY MUSICAL ATTRACTION. T rE Nobiliy and Gentry of this City and Vicinity are re- T spectinlly informed, that the IN-FANT SAPPRHO, LOUISA VINNING, the Royal Vocalist. who was commanded to Sing before Her hfjie,- sbthe Queen, His Rloval Highness Prince Albert, and the Court; with the celebrated TYLER FAMILY, the Asto- nishing Juvenile Brothers, ill give A GRAM) ...


... OF HIER MAJESTY A-ND COURT. EE eelebrated HIIGHLAND DWARFS (TWO T BROTHERS and SISTER) will have the honour of yerfornwgn. in the WATERLno ROOMSE, VERY DAY THIS WEEI. ?? Twelve and Two in the middle of the d n the Evening at Seven and Half-past Eight ?? Admi5stOtL-Bodv of the Room, Is.; Gallery, Gd.; Children under tO. H~aTi-pr>ice. For farther particulars see Handbills. fy;DUDDIN GSTIJN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , /3 Will be Puished N~ext W~eek. CONTENTS. I. David Hume. 2. The Streets of Paris. 3. Local Taxes of the United Kingdom. 4. Bancroft's History of the United States. 5. The Chev. Bunsen on the Basilicas of Rome. 6. Thornton on Over Population. 7. Genius and Writings of Pascal. S. On Centralization. Edinburgh: ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, London: LOSNTIAN & CO. /6/LECTURVES ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,WZONCERT in Aid of the Fustrs for the REntE? of ?? e DESTIrTUTE E[IGEtAERS takes place in the ogron; Roo:is, THI[S EVENING, MOiDA~ the I I th Tickets, 5s. each, to be had at the Music Shops. Doors open at Seven, Concert to begin precisely at a quat- ter before Eight. For particulars see Programmes. TEM1PLETON'S 3MUSICAL ENTBRTA MENS. ifrIPLETON begs Tespectfully to intimate to his Inumerous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATE TERLOO ROOMS. BE iENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION given to the TE INFANT SAPPHO, who has been designated THE MINIATURE MALEBRAN, And the Celebrated TYLER FAMILY, on Wednesday Evening, induces them to appear again THIS EVENING, the 2 5th January. AD3ntSSION .-First Seats, 2s.; Second ditto, is.; Gallery, 6d. Tickets and Programmes to be had at the Music Shops. Doors open at Half-past Seven P.m.; to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the SHARE- A HOLDERS of the NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY COMPANY will be held on WEDNESDAr the 10th day of FEBRUARY next, 1847, in GiBn's ROYAL HOnEL, Prince's Street, Edinburgh, at half-past 12 o'clock P.M., for the pur- pose of having submitted to them a Proposal by the York and Newcastle and Newcastle end Berwick Railway Com- panies, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMlES COOKE'S ROYAL CIRCUS, A/, /K- NicCOLSOe STREET. GRAND DAY PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY the 23d inst. Commencing at Two o'Clock, being the LAST DAY EXHIBITION BUT ONE of the Season. on MONDAY EVENING, 25th, Mr JAMES COOKE willtake his BENEFIT, on which occasion a most choice selection of Entertainments will be produced. All persons having Claims against Mr Coorn are requested to send in their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17 ?? _9CELTIC SOCIETY. TI-IE, ANNU-AL GENERAL MIEETING of the CELTIC T SOCIETY will take place inl the ROYAL HOTEL, 53, PRISCE's STREET, o01 FnriDkY the 29th current. at Three P.M. ALEX. STUART, InE.-Sec. Edinburgh, 5, Regent Terrace, 20th Jan. 1847. NEW CLUB. THE ANTNIVN ERSARY MEETING of the NEW CLUB w rill be held on MONDAT the 1st of Fanamxr.r 1847, at Three o'clock PF.t. JAMES ROBERTSON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fiIAGISTATES and COUNCIL having this day had f der consideration the present DESTITUTION in the HIGHLANDS and ISLANDS of SCOTLAND, unanimously resolved tocall a PUBLIC MEETING of the INHABITANTS and PROPRIETORS of PORTOBELLO and NEIGHBOUR- HOOD, for the purpose of considering what measures should be adopted for raising Sabscriptions for the relief of the inha- bitants of these places. The said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pr r LIC MEETING will be held in the ! x iUSIC HALL, GEORGE STRzET, On TUESDAY (TO-MORROW) EVENLNG, 5th J3axnv~uy as,, anbehalf of EARLY SHOP-SHUTTING. jhe right Hon. the LORD PROVOST in the Chair. The following Gentlemen will address the MeetingL -Rev W. L. ArLnxAx3Knn, Di.D ?? RoBnRT NesTr, St Gile'. J. rss lBsoo. D. T. 3. DPRUxoD.q W. H. GOOLD. 0. 0. CAIWBZLLL ?? ADnEW THOMSOX. Bailie ...