... lament learn that another Catholic clergyman has been attacked that dreadful malady which has already been so fatal his brethren this town, no fewer than nine having fallen victims to its ravages. The gentleman to whom we allude is the Rev. John Fielding Whittaker, lately, we believe, of Manchester, who succeeded the Rev. Mr. Murphy, as incumbent of St. Joseph**, late All Saint's Church, ...


... Gallant Repulse and Capture or Rockites —We rejoice to see evidence of better spirit in North Tip» spirit it is one of the objects of the miscalled Coercion Bill to create and encourage. The Tipperary Vindicator has the following:— On Sunday morning last, the servant man of a farmer named Michael living near Ardoroney, got out of bed inspect • j *• *■ his usual custom, when three fellows, who ...


... It j - oexLEYcS HISTORY OF THE SARACENS; London: H. G. Bossot-This is the seventeenth volume of a series (chiefly I republications of scarce or valuable works) published under the general title of Bohn's Standard Library. WeV may safely say that no publisher of the present day has contributed more to t the wide diffusion and popularlsation of standard worke of value than has Mr. Bohn in this ...


... LITERARY VARM11T3S. Cunning pDY8 no reglrl to virtue, .UdI i, but the low mimic of wisdiOnI-ot'livjt6roke. T111: Ilyr(CUMrr t Ile wli the manl Who stole the lirery of' the Court of' Heaven To serve the devil in. InI holy phrase tralsacted villanics 'Ibeat common iinnersi durst not meddle with. At sacred feasts, lie sat among the saints, &nd wit hi guilty hands toullched hollest things; With ...

Selected Poetry

... ,dtcte 13ortrip. I' E ACE. (I'romz Trel T/ossund a- lear.) N\ iI:{av, 0 wlhere 113th gentle P'vAcr founrd rest? Ilulildjs soi her bower with lidy fair 7 Bllt Iove.-lie lhlktl possession there, Nor long is ,he the guebt. Sits she crowned 1$iuloath a pictured dome ? ISto there AMBI1rTIObN keeps his ground, A id Fear rnil Envy skulkl around ?? Cannot be her home Will she hido Ini scholar's ...


... The following additional particulars of the loss of the packet-ship Stephen Whitney, is given the special of the Cork Examiner. Some facts already known are repeated, but it necessary retain them to render the narrative complete : The ship Stephen Whitney sailed from New York on the 18th of October last, bound for Liverpool, having on hoard, including passengers and crew, one hundred and ten ...

The Court

... Windsor, Thursday.—The unfavourable state of the weather prevented the Queen and Prince Albert taking their accustomed morning walk. His Excellency M. Van de Weyer, the Belgian Minister, and Madame Van de Weyer, his Excellency Baron de Brunnow, and Sir Robert and Lady Peel, took their departure from the Castle to-day. Her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied their Royal Highnesses the Prince ...

The Court

... Windsor, Monday Evening.—Her Majesty and the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Princess Royal, left the Castle at a few minutes past twelve o'clock, in a pony carriage and four, for the Slough station, where the state carriage of the Great Western Railway Company, to which was attached the Ganymede engine, was in waiting to convey the Royal party to Paddington. The escort to Slough consisted ...


... ' : . Daily News Office, Monday Morning. The. Paris journals continued on Saturday to be engrossed with the Guizot-Normanby quarrel. The more of the cabinet observing sqAie setf-restraintr but-the-quasi-official organ, Preuse, pouring out the usuaLmeasure of scurrility and abuse against England the? English. On Friday evening an unusually crowded assemblage filled the salons of M. G uizot. ...


... _ . DUBLIN, JAW. 26. It has said of Ireland that everything' there, whither in administration or execution, is job. Fhat corrupt and nefarious spirit has penetrated even the sacred precincts of charity. Major Ainslie not long since reported on the tendencies of the landlords. Clare enjoys a reputation scarcely less enviable. The excellent Inspector of Relief Committees, Captain Wynne, has had ...


... EDINBURGH, Ja». 21. The following extracts from the proceedings of a meeting of the unemployed and others, held in Paisley, on Monday last, to take into consideration the inadequate allowance given by the relief committee, will exemplify in what spirit some of the destitute expect that their distress is to be relieved: A speaker named Cochran asked where were the clergy that they were no; ...


... YORKSHIRE. The Game-Laws. Near Dewsbury, Jesse Senior, one of the gamekeepers of E. Haigh, Esq., was going to meet some other keepers, about 10 o'clock, and in crossing the fields had his dog shot, and was then attacked some men with a sharp instrument and bludgeons, by which he was horribly cut and maimed about his head and arms. Nothing as yet can be made of the affair ; but the dog was ...