... THE BIGOTRY OF THE BENCH.-THE RIGHTS MOTHERS. His Honour the Vice-Chancellor Knight Bruce, unfortunately for the poor suitors the Court of Chancery, lias an itch for meddling with what is entirely above and beyond his province. lie will insist upon travelling beyond his last, and it is not, therefore, to wondered at that cobbles causes badly. lie is, in point of fact, that intolerable nuisance ...


... l.tbrrvaol BALUS POPDLI LEX BUPREMA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1847. Our faith in Queen's speeches has been mightily shaken of late years. The prologue is rarely a true key to the play. We have learned to becautious in forming an anticipatory judgment of the probable character of a legislative session from the words of royal promise, that usher in the opening scene. If the speech from the throne ...


... The Tablet publishes the following letter, in reply to the Daily News and Freeman's Journal Dear Sir, —On my return to Kngiand from the Cont,nei,*« W J«» made acquainted with two articles, one in if- News, the o.her in the Freeman's Journal, to which I think it my duty to reply; and I trust those two papers will have the fairness to copy this answer* prefer sending it through your paper, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o htip) ping, HULL AND LYNN. j ffi rr H E WELL KNOWN STEA i LORD NELSON, W 4 SS2;;CAPT. RO08T. WISE, will leave each CZ Port as under, (weather permitting,) F HULL to LYNN, TUESDAY, February 16, 7 ?? Night. _ TUESDAY, February 23, 12 ?? Night. / LYNN to HULL, FRIDAY, February 12,2 ?? Afternoon. w FRIDAY, February 19, 8 ?? Morning. C AVERAGE PASSAGE, TEN HOURS. FAttES (incuding Steward'sFee) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEVERLEY AND BARMSTON DRAINAGE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the N ADJOURNED MEETING of the Proprietors of Lands within e LeeofthIeverley ?? Dranaeywill behl at the East Riding Sessions Hall, SE in Bereon T RtSDAY, the 24th day of June next, th, at Twelve ?? at Noon, for the purpose of further pa considering the Report of William Le-win, Esq., on the state of the Drainage, and also receiving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 60u t% RBre0% ZAN SALE, a CARGO of Superior RYE MEAL, just arrived. VD E THOS. WOOD, & CO. Hull, 13th Oct., 1847. TO GROCERS. i/ rINEnew.PATRAS CURRANTS F expected to arrive shortly by the E xcHANoE, Sbaxton, she having sailed 6th September. M. & R. KEIGHLEY & Co. October 14th, 1847. TO DRYSALTERS, CALICO PRINTERS, To DR DYERS, &c. G EO. BUCKTON & SON beg leave to G inform the Dealers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF FISHING SMACKS. 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by A Mr. STAMP, on TUESDAY, 14th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock, at his Sale-Rooms, Alat I well-known FISHING SMACK, FOX, 39 Trols, O.M., with her Boat, Sails, Net Warps, &c, in excellent Condition, as she now lies in the Rail- way Dock. She has long been known as the fastest 'Vessel of her size on these Waters. Also that useful and vell-found SMACK ...


... YORK ABSI2BS, , . , maoKas. The trial nf Patrick Raid, charged with the wilful ® urd «'» f Caroline Mirfield, on the 12.h Btaj, 1847, and Michael M*Cabe ( charged as an aider and abettor in the said murder, cane on Yoik, Monday morning, before Mr. Justice Patteson. Toe court was densely crowded. ® dec was servant maid to Mr. James Wraith, w,^e » B e d 65, resided in a house called Waterojd ...

Latest Shipping Intelligence

... T/WIISDJ Y, November 11.— Wind S. freth. Arrivkd -Cumberland, Power, Paraiba-Sea, Barstow. New York—Kblana, Cadiz Viola, for Mobile Era, for Leghorn ; and Lcssiug. for w*—- bnrgh, have put back Majulcofar, Unibaso. for Havannah, has put back with lom of Bails Cambridge, from New York this port, sailed and from andy Oe ober On the Bth November, * Cape Clear, w is passed a steamer, sup Dosed be ...