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... BRECONSHIRE ASSIZES. These* assizes commenced on Saturday last Mr. Justice Wightman arrived in Brecon, accompanied by the High Sheriff, Rhys t>avies Powell, Esq., of Graigynos, and retinue, about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and proceeded to the Shire Hall, where the commission was opened, and the court adjourned till ten o'clock on Monday morning. His Lordship and the High Sherif ...

[No title]

... LONDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE. MONDAY. There was a large foreign supply of wheat during last week, and also considerable foreign ariivals of other grain. Tbe market in regard to prices assumed (for the principal articled a downward tendency, and the extent of business was also contracted, not only lor wheat, but also for other produce. This morning there was fresh up to market a somewhat sboit ...


... CAERLEON DISTRICT OF TURNPIKE TRUST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the TOLLS arising at the Toil-Gates upon the Turnpike Roads in this District, called or known by the names of the Goldcroft Gates, Penyrheolhyr Gate, and the Christchurch Gates, will be LET by AUCTION, to the best Bidder, (subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced), at the House of ANN GIBBY, called the HAN ...


... | We are happy to learn that there exists no falling off in the arrival of orders, such as generally is the case towards the close of each quarter, and more particularly might have been expected from the drooping condition of many other trades, combined with the adverse state of the money market. On the other hand, we are informed that the order-books at some of the first houses are now better ...


... TO JOHN BULL. SIR,—My attention has been called by a local paper to an article extracted from the John Bull, and headed The Church in Wales, wherein are some remarks upon the Dean and Chapter of Gloucester, with regard to the Churches in Glamor- ganshire, of which they are the patrons and impropriate Rectors. As I have, for upwards of twenty years, filled the office of Chapter Clerk at ...


... (Continued from our fourth page.) Lord Stanley presented a petition from the churchwardens o Manchester, complaining that while the rectorial revenues of the parish amounted to more than JMOOO per annum, oni while 'hey were received by the dea. and fellows of the .Collegiate Church of Manchester, they claimed to be exempt from resi- dence. and altogether exempt from the cure of sovtis. This ...


... (ficase of Line and Works to the Taff Vale Railway Company.) NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session for an Act to enable the Aberdare Railway Com- pany to lease, upon such terms and conditions as may be or may have been agreed upon between the same Com- pany and the Tatf Vale Railway Company, the Aberdare Railway and Works authorized ...


... POETRY. PASSING UNDER THE ROD. (The subjoined lines, from the pen of Mrs. M. S, B. Dana, are founded on the following passage of Jewish history:—It was the custom of the Jews to select the tenth of their sheep after this manner: The lambs were separated from dams, and enclosed in a sheep-cot, with only one narrow way out; the lambs hastened to join the dams,and a man placed at the entrance, ...


... LONDON MARKETS. CORN EXCHANGE. MONPAY. During last week this market was not excessively supplied with still the arrivals were fully sufficient to satisfy The demand, and even to depress rates, which towards the clo of tbe week declined, not only for wheat, but for most othe' grain. This morning theie was a fair supply of wheat fre*^ up, the condition of which was much inferior to that of l»st ...


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT.—We refer our readers to our Parliamentary Summary of Monday, which appears in our fourth page, for the outline of the New Poor Law Bill, introduced by Sir G. Grey. The proceedings on Tuesday and Wednesday, of both Houses, we are com- pelled to omit. They possess but little claims to impor- tance or interest. THE FOREIGN NEWS of the week possesses no interest to the general ...


... f CALENDAR AMD LIST OF FAIRS, NOTICES, ETC., IN THH COUNT! GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, AND BRECON, FOR THB SUING WEEK. AUG. 29. THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Morning, 1st lesson, 19 chap. 2 Kings; 2nd ditto, 27 chap. Acts. Evening, 1st lesson, 23 chap. 2 Kings; 2nd ditto, 2 and 3 chap. Johu. 30. Paley born, 1743. 31. John Bunyan died, 1688. SSPT. 1. Partridge shooting begins. Last Quarter of the ...


... SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. Third CaU, £ 5 per Share, making £ 15 paid. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That, pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, the Proprie- tors of Shares in this Company are required to PAY the FOURTH INSTALMENT of E5 per Share, on or before the 12th day of JULY next, to any of the under- mentioned bankers:- London.wMessrs. Glyn, Hallifax, Mills, and Co. Liverpool.-The ...