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Advertisements & Notices

... NOW LOADING, AT L.In * Pickle Herring Wkarf, r con-iLon.n, _ ITch- OR CARNARVON, MIENAI BRIDGE, I were F BANGOR, BEAUMARIS, RHYL, and r all places adjacent, d 20e tod stre- The fast-sailing Schooner I pacy, ALNN AND CALTHIERINE, Captain JOHN HUGHES, - 0,000 To Sail on or about the 1st of April. C ilain- To Bil UiLDIEJIS. ,ainst i time TO BE LET BY CONTRACT, gy of THE WHOLE OF THE WORKS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW LOADING, AT for d fi , Pickle 11erring Wharf, r for London,- F OR CARNARVON, MENAI BRIDGE, I ne, 3BANGOR, and BEAUMARIS, and all .en places adjacent, the fast-sailing Schooner n- NEW DBOVE, nes CAPT. WILLIAM BARROW, 'in. To Sail on or about the 14th of JUNE inst. st- Gold Giveir Away!! - ill ANOTHER FREE GIFT BY THE PROPRIE- a not TORS OF THE ' PICTORIAL TIMES. G C- BY subscribing to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... al Conway A-ericn~tulral Sociey re Lit PRESIDRN'T, PsThe Hon. E. IL, LI. MOSTYN, 1U.P., Gloddacth. a ~~~~VI Cf,- llESlD B T, la- TII03IAS WILLIA5iiS, Esq., Glyn. ndt PFremiums for the Year 18I7. nt PLOUGHI-NG MATCHES. Ol -NOR FOUR lOI'JUGI-IING I1ATCIIES,-viz., is Jj one in each of the following Districts, on the he day mentioned above each. ty DISRniCT NO. 1. DlSTRICT No. 3. ed February l6th. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lira be Sold or ILeot, AxiD EINTLRED uPON, I3ISEDIATELY, No, 1, ERW FAIR TERRACE3, Garth Road, Bangor. rrIlE above desirable Residence, consisting of tLplicr and Lowerlitchens,Front and Back a'riours, Drawigli Room, Best and Back Bed Rooal, and two excelledt, Upper 13ed Roomns.- Attached is.a good Garden Yard, and Out-offices, ard a never-failing supply oftpure spring water; thee is also a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. mR. OWEN \WILLIAMS, of Waunfawr's acceptance of 11 AILIUD 0 \1' LAO El DADAU'S friendly challenge sh1all be given in our next. A CoNStANT lcADen.-IThe Duke of Wellingtod, when Sir Arthur Wellesley, represented St. Mi- chael's, Cornwall, in the lfritish House of Comn- mons, vice Sir Christopher Hawlins vho, at the ucuecral election, 1806, was returned by no less than thrco ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, AND - CHjEMlISTS and DIJGX1GISTS. G. JONES, Chemist, 5, Paradise-street, 1I'. LIVECPOOL, is in immediate want of a re- spectable Youth as an APPRENTICE. Also Wanted a junior ASSISTANT, who has served the whole, or part, of his time, in the Principality. Apply as above. Liverpool and lrena Bridlge , THE POWEIRFUL AND PAST SAILING NqW itDON STrEAMEk CALMtURIA, Captain JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,.. ,V a, ,, ',' jtt :' Oli dcil'- - d CO Of th'o rcOulltrV-- *.A! 'I 4lca tioni R eport, a ild B vro-; TIra. * ,. ,.>,,,\ Aid)' 1J! i~Os~r~ailont 0 ceOir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01 T1'NT TO FjAMILIES. vil-. POPULARI REMEDY. g 3' LXE PILLS. mi'-J, S5i1', nlol Imlst efftctual cure of Imldi- Ii.Oht, 1ilous, Liver, and Sto mach Com1- -, bk litd-aci, Costiveness, &c., &c.- cvmosill nois truly excellent, they are corn- ai~ celtoJYlN of vegetatble products, frced . ,tt naitilg and deleterious matters, vhich e;t sir n ; i(ll Mild and agreable; they ,,, ic th least conix ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Seininary, V RED HILL, NEAR BEAUMARIS, CONDUCTED BY MRS. 1I. JONES, WTILL be Re-opened on the 26th instant. Liverpool and 11enai BrIdpe. TUE 1OVERrUTL AND FAST SAILING NEW IRON STEA3MER C i B RI A, Captain JJ)ILN HUNTER, Y ILL sail frr m ' nai Bridge on TIIURSDAYS Vand SATURDAYS, at .Nine in the morning, and will leave George's hier, Liverpool, on TUESDAYS anil FRIDAYS, at Ten in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'VANS &k ROWLAN,\DS, Li' |; :i'..9 : l ttioine tnt thov have * jlst received, cr l'lri I'reston, flomn Cadiz, tirher- SitueL of pul.)Qrior SIJIiLRFYS. j Nov. lst, 1817. 0T PI E .i 0 if, 1) Is Vt A t C 71 .g IV X BY Al l. II. llOBER'l'S, / On tlie Premises, nt the VITaRIOL lWomcrs, near AMI.\iwci, in the County of Anglesto, on Moq- DAY, the 1lth day of NocviMrIroc, 18i7, and thc following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... County of Merioneth. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Ip IA T the ADJOURNED GENERAL [ QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEiACE for tlhe CoInity Of MIERIONETH, will be held in the C(,XTY hIALI, BALA, on THURSDAY, the 1st of JCLY, 1847, and the Finance Committee appoint- ed to aulit all Accounts, will meet for that pur- pose at I t o'clock in the Morning, when all Bu. sincss rclating to the Assessmert, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1F a E E If 016 I D FA R M. MERIONITHSHIRE. Pont-a berGlaslyn, . Beddgelert. To BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Tit-lsDAY. the 2d SEPTEM1BER, at the HOT3EL, BEDDOOLERT, at Four in the Afternoon, THE Picturesque Farm of Geillirhynt, con- taining about 68 Acres of Land, with two lIouses. This Farm is situated at the mouth of the celebrated Pass from Pont-Aber-Glaslyn'to I3cddgelert, within a stone's ...