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The Epsom Races.- The Derby

... The summer meeting commenced on Tuesday, with very in viting weather, but in the afternoon, an unfavourable change took place, and the wind shifting from south-west to almost the opposite quarter, was accompanied with somewhat cold though not very heavy rain, which continued to the close of the racing, at half-past five. The racing commenced with The Craven Stakes, Of 10. sovs. each, for 3 ...

[No title]

... An Account of Iron brought down the Tram-road from the July 10 to 17, and Canal from July. 10 to 17. Tram-road. Canal. IRON. TONS CWT. TONS. CWT. Tredegar Iron Company 340 0 .Ebbw vale Company 788 0 Rhymney Iron Company 503 1 Cruttwell, AllIes, & Co. 297 6 1928 7 2091 15 ...

[No title]

... WEDNESDAY, Jan. 2J. Share. Railways, I Paid, Closing Prices. 100 |Bristol and Exeter 5 75 j 3 5 pm. 336 Do 10 2 3 pm. 25 !Bristol and S. Wales Junction; 4 j 2J 2J dis. 20 |Birming. and Oxford Junction^ 5 1 9J 9| pm. 50 ^Caledonian > 30 j 3 £ 2| dis. 25 | | 21 s J dis.— par 25 Eastern Counties. aver. 14.16.0 2121 22i 20 | Do. York Extension > 2 j lg 1J pm. 100 (Great Western i 85 41 44 pm. 50 ...


... x s d ;e s d X s a Agriculture, a friend to 1 1 0 Hawkins, Thomas, Newport 1 1 0 Morgan, T., Angel Inn, Aberga- Allen, J., Tredegar Arms 1 1 0 Hale, Henry, Christchurch 110 venny Baker, Richard, Llanvihangel. 1 1 0 Helhcar,John,Merchant, Newport I 1 0 Morgan, Hugh, Butcher Newport 1 1 0 Barber, Edmmid Scott, Newport, Hughes Henry, Tintern 110 Morgan John, Grocer, Newport.. 1 1 0 q 2 ...


... LON DON MA RKET CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MONDAY, A At this morning's market there was only a moderate wheat, by land carriage samples, from Essex, Kent, and f w consisting mostly of new, of good but not superior quali The smallness of the supply and the rather threatenir. ...

[No title]

... An Account of COAL brought down theTitAM-HOAD An Account of COAL brought down theTitAM-HOAD from the 1st to the 30th April, 1847, inclusive. TONS CWT. TONS. CffTJ Thomas Powell fi-iS Q Ditto Union Colliery D ...

[No title]

... 1st to the 30th April, 1847, inclusive. Tram-road. Canal. IRON. TONS CWT. TONS. CWT. Tredegar Iron Company 2279 11 Ebbw Vale Company 4674 15 Rhymnev Iron Company 2794 3 CruttweH,AHiea,&Co. 1240 (J 1098S 15 2499 10 ...


... T ÔIES OF HIGH WATER AT NEWPORT HIGH WATER. DAY8 DEPTH AT MORN. EVEN. DOCK GATES. Sept, 1847. H. M. H. M. FT. 7 IT. 12 £ 6 1 35 21 10 2 24 3 1 22 li 3 40 4 3 25 0 4 33 4 51 27 2 5 17 5 34 28 9 5 57 6 9 29 10 6 28 6 43 30 8 Day of j Sun Q „ { { Moon o S Day of Monthj Rises ^Sun Sets j Rises> |MoonSets.jYear ...

[No title]

... SEED MARKET. I There was not much passing in the seed market, and no par- ticular alteration occurred in quotations. Tares were 6d. per bush, dearer. Canaryseed sold with difficulty, at late rates. BRITISH SEEDS. Linseed (perqr.) .sowing 60s. to 63s.; crushing 46s. to 49s. Linseed Cakes (per 1,000 of 31bs.each) £ 13to £ 13 10s. Trefoil (per cwt.) to 20s. Rapeseed, new (per last) £ 30 to £ 32. ...


... URS of Fines levied on summary convictions before Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace iing within the several Divisions of the County, payable to the Treasurers, from October Sessions, a January Sessions, 184i. Fine im- iposed, paya- Amount Name of party fined. For what offence. ble to paid into Remarks. Treasurer. Treasurers' hand*. DIVISION OF ABERGAVENNY. E. s. d. E. s. d. Assault John ...


... LONDON, MONDAY, MARCH 22. The arrivals last week from Ireland were 3,351 firkins butter. and 1,869 bales bacon, and from foreigii ports 8,383 casks of butter. The Irish butter market ruled flat during the past week, owing to the free samples and lower rates of foreign, and the business transacted was but moderate, although holders were quite wil. ling to meet the views of buyers. Jill he carl ...