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Advertisements & Notices

... oalt% by, auctfon. SWINIDON, WILTS. VAbUABLE FREEI}OLD PROPERTY rort RESIDENCE OR01 ]BUILDING INVESTMENT. ESSRS. DORE & FIDEL are instructed [Vi ?? reecsflatives of the late Charles James Fox hTfferIbY IJOTION tU Public Competition, on r 8th Any of June jnst., at the BELL INN, MOINNDO s at Four o'clock in the Afternoon (subjeCt to such as vein then be produced), ll Iavery desirable IHOUSE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE OLD-ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE & RETAIL BED, MATTRESS, PAILLASS. AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTOBY, .BRDDIMG, ZEATMER AND MILPUFF WAEHOUSE, B. & H. ROGERS late WALSH), 7, [CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL, Beg sincerely to return thanks for the liberal support they have received since they have taken to the above Establishment, and at the same time respectfully solicit a continuance of that patronage which they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,luourancir Qo~npzwatm COUNTY FIRE OFFICE. t 14, WINE-STIREW', Bristol, March 9. 1847. W. THOMAS & SON beg to inform their Frieuds and all Parties insured in their Offie, whose renewals fall due at the present Quarter, that the same should be paid previously to the ith day of April next, in order to secure them agauinst any loss in case of an accident by fire, NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &*alto bv Auctiofl. BRI DG D, GLA31ORGANS1I1RE To Timber. grcil~l Whomrcel ights, Smiths, Grocers, and VfSSRS. BRADLEY, BARNARD, & CO. ?? ?? SE'LL by AUCTION, T are direDctRIGEND oni TUESDAY. t t TSIBAEn TUSA Next, the 27tlu, 28th., and 9h daY Oof APril I87 STC NTADE. HOUSE- othd Timbolfe~cpfemt~h5 vulsscand effects of Mr.John Je 'aRNiTURE, WheelwrightS, and Grocer, Bridgend oresid r Stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rp HE PARAGON COMPOSITE T CANDLES (ItANUFAcTUnED ItY W. S. HALE, LONDON) Do nat require snu!ling, and for brilliancy and softness of light, are filly equal to wax iiaind sperm, at one-third thle cost. Also, the PARAGON NIGHil1-LIGII I'Sfor the Bed-chamber. As a stubstitute for the rushliglit it stands unrivalled, is free fromn smell, safe, and economical. Sold b~y all thle principal lamily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SITUATION WANTED as BAILIFF, CLERK, or unMEKEEPER, by the Advertiser, who has had many years' experience in the purchasing of stock, and cas produce eatisltiktory testimonials as to character and ability. Letters addressed to E. W.,atthe Post-Office, Cambridge Inn Gloucestershlire, will receive prompt attention. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vubifcatfao+0 THE BRITISH BANNER. e J. Edited by Dr. CAMPBELL. ;9 JAMES ACKLAND, BooxsELLER, STATIONE and 'S LITHdOGRAPHER, begs to announce to his Friends and the Publia Y generally that on FRIDAY, the 7th day of January, 1848, he will be receiving a large supply of the BrilisZ Banner, which he sed to forward on the DAY of PUBLICATION thlose who may favour him with their orders. 0 Sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OUGH & SONS, . TA NI ;1ESANS AND STATIONES PAPER.MAkERS, ACC0UN 'rBBOK MANUFACTURERS, AND LFFF STRElT. TLEDING SA TES. TF. SNOW'S ?? NE I, pepafrltme contains a beautiful Valie NE W te fro Paris and Louon, to which he fil tle' c thea alntttion of Ladies and the Peblic r rbetfull I 0Si WI Stock else is more than usually replete ei ,relly Tile in . l Hture and Style. jortrli f ei~n cn atth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 10trblicaton%. Picte rgtdtarmd, to dispose of the fewe renaini Copies. In Royal lomo, Price Is. 6d., Cloth Boar>, A UNT KATE'S STORY. A ?? ANN Tnonp, With Four Illustrations, drawn by Mrs. ROSE POCOC, and Lithographed in the first style of the art. London: SEELEY & Co., Fleet-street; Bristol: OLDLANri C1lILCOrT, RIDLER, JoNiEs. and VICEERY; Bathi% GoDwiN, NoysE, HAYWARD, BINNS & GODWIN; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]lnoura1lce(E 0onpvntro. DISEASED AND HEALTHY LIVES MEDIAL. NVALD AN GENRALLIFE OFFICE, sc, roll ,llall, i fll, anl P, Yaesauz.street, Dablin. isooffice was established in 1841, and possesses tabes formled esa sieifcht basij5for the assurance ofrdiseased livese. 'Tlise ugint necessity for such an insilltittoln may be estimated It ucrdl s of the populatione are shot assurable ase 1.0 tiso It5h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In --Noticto. for I ate Iatclr u otetfo h uolq oX. isRISTOL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. d INot50q is beroby given that the ANNUAL MEETING g of thes CIAMBER will be hold on MONDAY, the 25th instant, )- at the COMME5RCIAL-ROOMS. g The Chair to be taken at Halfgcast Twelve o'clkck precisely. g LIOXEL OLIVE G BIGG, Secretary. By rlstol, 16th January, 1847. n A LTERATION IN TIME OF SAILING 18A FROM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inoura~nce erorpanfr0. U A RANTEE SOCIETY, GNo. 19, BIRCHIN-LAI4E, CORNHILL, LONDON, For providing ?? for the fidelity01' persons in situationlsof trut, where sureties are required, on the arerunl payment of a stipulated rarte per cent.-Capital, £100,000. DIRECTORS, James Celqliounlr, Esq., Chalrmarn. Charles situaresaon, Esq., Deputy.Clrsirmsir. Thoma Aire . ArhmLinde Mtocatta, Esq[ Mayors' ...