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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... .STER IL I DA YS.-HANDSOMEI rlc~t~TSforLADESat MODERATE PRICES. ..*beesin hiteandblu enamsel, ornamencited leather, asnd~ ~'~js~Seed, fro and. palner mnaclaid, ivith superior fittings, am ';Companiions, from Ss. Gal. upwards. Lalies' nroewooel, mahogasny, papier macli, &e., plain VlItg Deskis, I o dernmele~euenisFrench Frans, Purses, Gold Pens, Gold and lee Pecilcme sd a etteniv variety of new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1LTER \lAJESTY'S THEATRE.-The nobility, at _jLsubscrlibers to the Rpera, and the public are respectlfultly in~foid el that there will be u GUIAN E'XTl A 3Htt;IOTon 'TIlURSDAY NEXT, it May 20 on which oceasiox wilt be performic.1 MOeeTbaCr's celebrated C Opera, entitled ROBEKTCO IL I)IAVOLO. Alice, Millie. JTNNY ci LI-ND; Isabellct, Madaon'u Caitello,; Raborto, Signor Frachini; r Etainbalde, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMNDELSSOHN'S 1FIRST WIALPURGIS1 AlL tst1lI,and HANDEL'S 'ALEXANDER'S FEAST willJ bope smAa Exeter Hall, onIMONDAY EVENING next,bMay 31.C Frhtctr~al ic',al performers: l~teis Birch, Miss Duryl, M~r. Manvers, S and N!r. If. Ihutipa$. Conductor, Mr. JOHN HIJLLA1L Tickets: I Area, 2.s.; reserved seal'~ in western gallery, 3s.; reserved seats in at area, 5s.;- mar be had of Mr. PARER~l, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILYMET fr SPARE TIME.-Persons Itt n~ ewhus pare tImC in the couisesof thle, week, 01.Clfl't, bO'V Ce aplobintid AGENT'S to the EIST parAN 12 l~iiflo tas are in leiode ioeag ei &d inl the -ii.e. Naey ioll';~idv'dom oke yearii' a,1 henld. j'iI . . ie in ld ,. l)I* this agen1CY, and Wocithoot the I 1',SL* I Lrss, No: 9, Great St. ihelen's Churchyard, IEMPfOYMEfN'I'.-A desirable T~~i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~E followi1g splendid SHIPS, belengig to ~~I, WIGR~~U of Blaclkoeifl, built and fitted 'TpEDo~ ,,To wil IYANE GRA0VESEND ait the APPOINTE (Ilao,1~tn i, the E~ast Indlia Dock's three days pre- SO u c': ~tes xed surgeon. FORS10fOr0.i II,S' D CALCUTrA, oe. Commander. ~~ct00VA ~~~~~~~~~ e~~. J. GEREIE ..May 26 rV nwsi)C XPE A.'D CALCUTTA, jFort 1000 . J. T. NASHi..July a ~OT'SE.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1' TIIlNA..-REGUJLAR LI-NE of PACICPTS be. qjtweet LONDON and ClhNA.-The tundermentioned chips wipl ea liots Liumlpito'.lly it the days nainee, for VICTORIA QU~mCT A.. TIutton Decenther if). lit ULtd YO~N. .1J. G . Camieron. .. ..'uatom 10. , GO'ismt be akoilrit tyes dlays tres fees to the aton~e dates, and ettieh l atv -ofim 'orts'nouth on ths 15th of cash month. The ar~ hioe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S¶TEAM to CHINA.-Pegular Monthly Steam SCeonunication for f'asse g,,rs and light Goods to P'eninig, .Xin. j gejee,.anrd Ilong Kong, vih Rgypt. The Pzeninisular and Oriental tit fiuan, ,',igsigtion. Company BOOK P'ASSENGERIS and :orwartd goode in ,i portals to the above poytts, by their Steamers, from Southarmatonl, tho oliii! f every month. For, p)artioulars apply at the Cornpany'e, l.St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £,dnEvcjljny Peeper. PinCC 27tree-pence. THE EXPRESS inaddition to the ncws in the Morning £on~jl~ lf LRYof the HOMIE and FOREIGN LIGE CE wichmay arrive on the day. THE E PRESShas the benefit of the Foraeigni ~prSSCr Ct~erodence, and other costly ch-arac- of aMoring Journal. But the full and ~ prpard RPORTS of the MONEY, R~lL~ PROUCE, CORN, CATTLE, and 0therlM RK TSare the marking- feature. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LCUTTA Direct, a Chartered Ship ; to adS;ld 20thay (all good4-i at he aloasgeide 10r ,lth SI, my), thce -well-known Frigate-built ~ Y O U N G , I , R o y a l E x c h a g e - and Co.,4, Birche-latteCorn1e11. IA Ii 0I iov . iret-~tce.- To'okippes-' 0 o lii aico KIRKtlCNLkN FINLAY, 8500 tons, S ii C alder will receive goools i h etTdi li~l rtI,~ cos fet-rtot poop) aeconarmodation. for b TOi-?o2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (OMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' SCHOOLS for ORtPHAN sad NECESSUrOUS CEHIDREN, Wanstead. A PESIDENT.-JOHN MASTERMAN, Esq., M.P. A General Quarterly Court of the governors of the above institu- tion was held on the 28th inst., at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate- street. Robert Wilcoxon, Esq., V.P., in the chair. The following children were elected, and their admission to the ansiution it is understood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9 0 t b ~ ls p p i t c ay n th E a t I ~ ti fl c k s th re e d a y s p r e.. 8.10 . W. N. IIOWA March 15 . .NV BUICKLE . April 17 ~11ttti' ;*shi l 850 . J. OBERE _ _ W ay 20l FORA nw hp C. APE AND CALCUTTA, . Y.&OE i~.FO CALCMTA DIRECT, JuyI . 11PON 105.N. A. BOWEN, li.c.s. July 20 So ~~~~~~~~~I 1350 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DONALD311LEOD.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ODNto BOULOGNE Direct, at IReduced ..LjFares-Salen, l2e. ;Fore Cabin. 8s.-The Comnerglia Comp g Wpendid St unrhIet CI'TY of B017LOGNE or EMERALD231 leaveLondon-brldgel~barf,everySUNDAY, TtJESDAY,audiF2UDAY (geather peremitting): Sunday, Aus. 1, at2 morning. IFriday, Aug. 6 at 8 morinln luesday, Aue. 3 at 5 morning. I Sunday, Aug. I, at 9 weemingi. For freighter p ivoaplynt~thd Offices of the ...