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Manchester Times

Advertisements & Notices

... 1)RI ISH ANTI.STATECUO SOI- ilOThT.-hFIRST aiSTRIESaof ECTRES on behalf o htb' n~t~l ilbgvno~saa evening next in LS Christianity by-the Etror Uon, cine.-rhe chrr to ber taken at hi-oal Ot 8 c'le.diiSiffee ROYAL MA NCHESTER /k~6 R INSTITUTION.-The' Cou~ncil . being n-* engaged in reparing an EXHIBITION OF PAIN'ITNGSby the OLD !AlASTEn5, (including those who flourished not later than the close ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APpiivaliosls bY Utttcr respecting advertiscisetita must be past paid/ or- they ivill riit lie rctei'eit. Applications directed to bie miele at the prinier-'s niast tbe persional: lis such cases, ns tveitien voiH4 SI raunicajOtionii can, ike attended to. Personal inquirles ccomot bie- ansivered, when the adcittes is to be lip letter. i!t *ANTED, ro,),)Apetabl tId, ~t-eda:Ited YOUTH for theIs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... publictions Now ready, the Sixth Edition, xvith considerable additions,C VESTIGES of t'~kItAL HISTORY of London: John Chuirchill, Princesq-stroot, Solw. Just published, Vol. VII. Part II. of the M EIOR F y IJTERARY AND) PrHeVfILOSOPHIC %f WT OF 3IMNCIIESTEIL v London: John WVetle, High olbalorn, and all hoolsellors. NNEw S1t1lING, FASHIONS. THE LADIES' GAZETTE OF FA4SHION for T April. prt' oe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIRIIONI: Trusl rointhe Fronch -of London: C. F. lai I:FORREST. Jlast Plllbihlad-the Sixth Editionf, wit considerable additions, ESTIGES'- O %HWAfttRAL HISTOILYf A RtERINIIITo eea i,~13 n sfo. olvd, 2o, Ol. Lonldon: John Chunrchill, Priviles-street, Soho. Just publlished, price 4s. cloth. -UPVTORY OF THE 1~1LIO F1P5O .JLl~ I10aaotiirl, Cojiios. Vi &M Edition, Formhing the fifth V01h1111 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S o?~ECL]SIASTICAL POLITY. fECiURFTHof this BSE will gvbe delivered Fj IcFTH 0y U N O In Ducie Chapel, SUNIDAd by tb ev'.D.NO LAN. 9?a~-NC S ers faEN r Forms of corn- c~iteriti 'rhoMe Ilglandtties. Discipline mod ofrec~ti, pevi in ariuSreligious corn- ~ic5~'~amencesat half-past six o'clock. LILIN FAMLY wll gve their 4 PIQtZ DANIE~STOi.B, Jea., Managing Director. p3, e2tlo , 1847. __ AN UAL I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LATEST EDITION. 6,jTHE ECTORS OF THE SOUTHERN T. DIVISION 0 E COUNTY OF LANCASTER. Gentlemen,- .Understa g that it is not the intention of you'l'resent honour e representative, Mr. Entwisle, again to offer himself for the representation of your divi- sion of the county of Lancaster, I venture to present myself to your notice as a CANDIDATE for that honour at the approaching general election. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~ loTEACHERS AND ADULT SCHOLARS IN SUNDY SCHOS *.kN(HESTERJ AND SAL- coreof 2EG tlE~th etimon of Histor'y to L Cp~'lb il 1v 1WM~EDD iChiapel-sre ~lp',- 'o.~'i ofFivr LctreJul 21t, he agocy aicr Succesyfruj fCrsint nteTreFrt Conto, eq. I -cirTH LANCASUHJAE ELECTION- .14of0T E. -Thie Central Cofitteo for Condtucting thle P't;lov(f VWilliami Bron, a~ nd the H'onouratl hre '1,2g1e Vitllierii, SlT ...


... inn. N-ih FnIDAY EVYINti. A second edition cri the Til1jf * gives the following, received Ige, by extrraordinary express from 'Paris:- The Queen of Spain, by 1(. a royal decree of tho 3rd instanit, recalls Generial Espartero, and The names him captain-general of the army. The Dulie of Lucca has ety been deposed, and Ab-del-uader is viotoriously advancing in otMorocco. [AN MO t. r arnccv.-Ci, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _B APTIST CHAPEL, jROSVENOR-STREET EAST, CHORLT 9W UPON-MEDLOCK. WINTER LECT URES, 184-47, by the Rev. D. lIHYS STEPHEN. A Next Lod's Dayvening, January 31st, LECTURE V.-h smApplied to the British Anti-Sae Church Movement. Service to commencezat baif-pitat six o'clockt. - :tIAN SIR .-FR E TRADE HALL. AXAThe FIRST 'FRAL EETING of the Early- 'Closing Association wIl celebrated as a G R A N D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE TWOPENCE-iiAL~p~~ 'VIEFAMILY 'TIMES, e _jL ewsppertwice as large a large as the double 'Iimce. This i e ep' London paper, giving all the' nesa , and after 16thFerayfvee io e Monday. The ls otist al tak l *** Give yorodrto er ges nea ately Office, 0335. Strand Lodo 'iidyis lluohliehi, wIth plat. o, prc s.,~ A iiVIC tothe DEAF; with IRerark;O, h £~PresntI~tae of Aural Surgery. By J th ...


... . TO T0 IADERJS AND C t ':. f J. T.-'t member aL larlianiont, who repros. ne : h does not require any property qva!:thtteLI IL. S. kButty).-'I'he explanation vhisih Ile d.:-. tl our district news. Y F. L. S-Th~e transaction to which hc-. l. b He i ill find t fuil account of it in t)c .M:e. Y year. y .A LtAfopats.--We cannot give him any ?i; .- e then has Rhieady appeared in lhe to.,. :;,. . e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t4rvBOLfSM; OR3 T-ITE SCIENCEB OF Sell of Itertn I .i1 Ob . tion egint their therity, I 0-M0Itttl EVENING, Nov. 14tht, by the rf j.I.SMITHSON, tit the NesLe Omae Churalh. Peter- ir11--SH& FOREIGN B LhE O ET - ThEm AN~NULAL MEETING of thle Ml'ncli, r idSafr to ,,o*ar Bible3 Socioty wilt Ibe held on TUIESD)AYEVNN lif N,-mbner 113th, in the FIlEE TitADE IIALeer ox ,jC7'I. ,T.1ItOURlNEi eo~ f the ...