Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE is hereby given that the Boards of Manage- ment of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance ,,49ociety, and 'that of the India and London Life Assuerance Company, are united; and that hence- forth the business Of both will be transacted at- the, tilt 0fficc of the 'Great Britain Mutual 'Life -Assurance s'r Society, 14, 'WaterloO-Place.-. Proposals for As-. suacand other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? iJIR ULEABORG, the CARL, Capt. MATULIm;4, vill continence Load. 'Yiig about the 4th August. ?? 2S!%h July, 1847. 1IASSELL & CO. (JR ROUJEN, the BETSEY, ?? aIrwuAna. Has Three- .3,e*'Fourths ofthe Cargo ready to go on Board, ?? aili Sail 'n a few Days. ROBERT KEDDE:Y. h.ull, 211th July, 1847. . 1-.11O IELSINOR E, PILIJAU, and K> ONIGSBIERG, the fine Schooner kCORNWALL, Capit. HaNrr BnsTa, ...


... The Natural History oj the Ballet-girl. By Albert smith. London : D. Bogue, Fieet-street. The subject of this little work does not give the same S5. e n '® adTe r«ion and humour as its predecessor irtnt; but to those unacquainted with theatrical mysteries and the Baliet-girl's every-dav life, and to whom an introduction to such things would be interesting, peep behind the curtain, such as is ...

Imperial Parliament

... HOUSE OF LORDS. THURSDA Y April 15. Their Lordship-, assembled ia ths now House for the first time this day after the Enter reccas. The attendance of Peera was not very numerous, and Instead of a brilliant display, which anticipated, there were no Peeresses present, and not above twenty persons the gallery. There was, however, large gathering of sons of Peers and members of the House of ...


... ne French papers Monday contain fearful ateounta « , av , a e * caused by a dreadful hurricane on th* night of the 22 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *1Apping. TO CLEAR ON MONDAY. X F OR MALTA tbe Brig AMELIA; AkF - & 1 For VALENCIA & MARSEILLES, SYLPHIDE.-Apply to RD. VAUSE & CO. be To F OR ELSINORE, PILLAU, da: F and KONIGSBERG, the fine A 1 Ex British Schooner MENTOR, 139 Tons ye Reg iter, Capt. SSAL. HERoN, will meet with dispatch. For particulars of Freight, &c., apply to GEO. MALCOLM & SON, Union Three Crane Wharf, 22, High-Street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s$uoinfo o ,-PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST FIRE, VIOLENCE, AND FRAUD. l ILNER'S PATENT FIRE RESIST- MvL ING PRINCIPLE.-Improved NorConduc- tion, generating evaporation (in fire) at successive tem- peratures-self-contained, self-acting, and durable, as applied in MILNEIt'S ONE-CHAMBERED PORT- ABLE BOXES (1, inch thick), recommended of not less than one cube foot inside, for ordinary-sized Dwelling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,) Y'NE DRIDGt TURN- ?? AND BRANCH. * '-olmy gIven, that the GE-. U I- \ IA METING of' tile Trustees 13ie ttch. is appointed to be hold at I' ~~ -tIle131 igburn, innkeeper, in 0rder it' tb-i Trustees, - ti~ i~ 'URNIFIKE ROAD irh given, that the Trustees i,6. f6 ni I t hd tleir General M arch next,M 01- 2 ?? at . ottgthe Accouonts of the . d t t, oiviug Report, of n is.y oi-cur. Kit st II'f' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f/j7 y GRANIJ PROMENADE AT T}!E ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. A GRAND PROM ENADE will take place at the GAR- A DENS, on SATURDAY the 19th inst. from Two till Five P.Mr. The splendid BAND of the 76th REGIMENT, by thekind permission of Colonel CLARKE. w-ill attend and perform a fa- vourite variety of Military Music. Admission, 1s.-Children, 6d. ROYAL C LEDEONIAN HORTICUTLTURAL SOCIETY 14AEt SU~IMER- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? /- LAY ASSOCIATION 11P' L Su-PPOIRT OF TH FIVE SCHlEMES OF TEE CHUR0CH OF SCOTLAND. A MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS will be held in the ASsEsXaY's HALI, upon the Evening of FRIDAY the 21st inst. The Rv. Da RosnRTssox, the]Rav.J.JnzEsVESTeC, and the Rzv. NORmAN M'LtoD, will address the Meeting; Ladies and all Friends of Home and Foreign Missions are in- -vited to attend. The Chair will be taken ...


... OF HIER MAJESTY A-ND COURT. EE eelebrated HIIGHLAND DWARFS (TWO T BROTHERS and SISTER) will have the honour of yerfornwgn. in the WATERLno ROOMSE, VERY DAY THIS WEEI. ?? Twelve and Two in the middle of the d n the Evening at Seven and Half-past Eight ?? Admi5stOtL-Bodv of the Room, Is.; Gallery, Gd.; Children under tO. H~aTi-pr>ice. For farther particulars see Handbills. fy;DUDDIN GSTIJN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , /3 Will be Puished N~ext W~eek. CONTENTS. I. David Hume. 2. The Streets of Paris. 3. Local Taxes of the United Kingdom. 4. Bancroft's History of the United States. 5. The Chev. Bunsen on the Basilicas of Rome. 6. Thornton on Over Population. 7. Genius and Writings of Pascal. S. On Centralization. Edinburgh: ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, London: LOSNTIAN & CO. /6/LECTURVES ON ...