Advertisements & Notices

... STRICTURE, STONE, GRAVEL. ND all Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder w speedily and effectually cured by Dr. Young's URETHdRIC W MIXTTURE, The efficacy ofthis Medicine in theabove corn. it plaints hasbeenlongproved byitsuniparallelledsuccessin aaprs. [, tice of many years' standing and has induced the present F:. ir prietor to make it more generall known. Its object ib to su- persede the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By h 1'Portamiouth & 1'ortsea Bank for Savingb. In hs ERE OFFICE of this INSTITrTxON Twill be e o.en. every Al ONDA Y, from 12 to 2 o'clock, as. usutl, tbir de Receipt'and Paymentof Illoney.-Attersd It ance will be given at the Officc everg F R I DAY 1e Eveiiing, at Seven o'clock, for balf.ari.hour, to receive rt Depositors' Books, for the purpose of having the In. m terest added to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MICHAELMAS SALES, By COLCHESTER & SON. afloe }wFarlt, Tiraflenlats. On Monday, September 27th, 1847, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, mHE entire LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, 1H Dairy and Brewing Utensils, and a few lots ot Furdi- ture, of Mr. JAMES SMYTH, comprising II Chesnut and bay Cart Mares, Geldings, and Colts. Dun Cob, quiet to ride and drive, 2 Alilch Cows. 87 Fat Sheep, 27 head of Swine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I At PstiCit To be SOLD by AUCTION, By RORT. GARtROD, On Wednesday, thle 22nd day of December, 1847, WITHOU'T BF.SERVE, lT HE neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, 1China, Glass, and other Effects, of Mrs. AMY' CHRISTIE, Deceased, Fore Street, St. Clement's, Ipswich; Comprising fenders and sets of fire irons, carpets, hearth rugs, hair-seated and other chairs, mahogany, dining, loxo and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 11h~r&d a A~i btJ ig~ah' oUtee.I l.Iae 'A 41w 1dl,m~i ensl ~d to jg6 Pageu. JUS r PUIItLI tRD, price &e. 6d. or by post, direct fiiom the . Establishment, 3s. 6d. in ponstage Stamlps, A M~ hedical Work on the infirmitieB anud decay of the C1 generative systemn, from excessive indulgence, infec- tlon, and the Inordliaste use of mercury, with remarks ont IIIRRIAOS, a nd the means of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (BY PERMISSION OF THE REV. THE VICE-CHANCELLOR.) Mr. and Mrs. REINAGLE HAVE THE HONOR TO ANNOUNCE A SECOND SERIES OF Four Classical Chamber Concerts, The first of which will take place in Mr. WYATT S ROOM, HIGH STREET, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, January 25, at Eight o'clock precisely. Mr. and Mrs. REINAGLE will be assisted by Rfsa NESSENT and M1rZ. ELAGROVE. Single Tickets, 7s. each, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nowo SELINIYG OFF, at 30 per Coett. under Cost. No. 7, MAGIDALEN STREFT, OXFORD. RUSSELL, late Manager at Spiers and Son, invites e o the attendance of all who have not yet been purchasers in useful articles for the toilet. lie offers to the public every sort of FANCy SoAr, and particularly recommends his Old Brown Windsor, of which hbe has yet one hundred weight on hand, selling at 2d. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nels'on's Famnily and Coummercial Hotel, LA BELLE SAUVAGE, LUDGATE 11ILL, LONDON. T HEpatrnag of entlmenand Families visiting1 ?? s espctfllysoicited for the above Hotel, atwih vr cmot n ttninwill be found, and at ma- Jr, deae hrys-mnbss oan rm all the Railway Stations V~ EDDING STATIONERY.-Cards engraved in lr W .silver or ink; envelopes, of satin paper, with lace, silver, a) or embossed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT CAUTION. MESSRS. A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton Garden, London, beg to caution the Nobility and Gentry against being misled by the attempts of somne shopkeepers, who, to cornpounds of their own manufacture, give the titles of Macasssr Oil, alydor, and !'Odonto * some under the im~pied sanction of Royalty and the Government departments, with similar attempts at deception; while ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREEHOLD COTTAGES AND LAND, At LE WKNOR. O qfo;rdshdre. 0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, T -Five substantial well-built TENEMENTS, with Gardens, One occupied by the proprietor, and the others let to tenants, at moderate) rents; together with Eighteen Acres (more or less) of excellent Tithe-free MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, in- cloed within a ring fence, and now in the occupation of Mr. Fennel White ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY INuT BALL. FOSTER axid Co. TNFORM the Ladies they have just received a quan- newv textures and stle c SsS i a vaity of tity of BALL and EVENING DRESSS na v uarityo new textures and styles comprising Brussels and Mechlin Skirts, Plaisn and Embroidered Tarlatans, Black and Colored Satins. Brocaded and Watered Silks, Grenadine and Egyptian Gauzes, &c. ?? Gossamer, Mousseline de Soje, Lace, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NVOTICE OF REMOVAL. - OXFORD.DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. NFREDERLzcK JSONES Dyer, Embosser 4- Waterer, Cleaner, Glazer, Silk Dresser, tc, EGS to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Oxford and surrounding towns that, for their convenience, he has removed to those new'and centrally-situated Premises, No. 16, M~arket-street. opposite the Star Hotel, where he hopes to ire- ceive a continuance of their ...