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Selected Poetry

... Srlctcl vctrij. APR I L. BY TITE AUT1ORa OF RUR&L SONSETS, &C., &C. Tbe ?? gales are Iill'd to rest, Tie early watbilrs re'atth'me their strains As timid April, by the Sun caressed, XNow with lher breath of violets, walks the plains; And when her lord, like some enamoured youth, l),cels on the changeful colours of her cheek, She, like some miaid, hoart.eertain of his truth, Smiles thro' her ...

Literary Reviews

... Lf Jtsrarl) lbidutSc~. N (I. l7. IIANIMI1,.; SIllCED (RATORIO z, TEI , 1M E\SI *s ii' -I IAY D N'S 0IIIATIOIRo, ' Tiil'1 CREATION.' arranilgod 11! Vincent INIvlo. Iondioni: I .(1fred Afrefs. W'e ?? ?? tlhe .laim iry ald ?? I 11111O m Of this (leap nod dleganlt pliblicatioll. Ilrilg driadly favooic- abnl introduced this e1 llealpst niisical llliblicatioli in tilc Wrld'' to our readers, e ...

Literary Reviews

... Ritcar Msebicrus. No. 78.-DuBLIN UNIVERSITY. MAGAZINE. April. Dublin: JarnesAMGlae/an. TIIIRE is extremely little known in this coulitry upon a sub- ject which, though not immediately affecting ourselves, does so in anl important degree remotely, and may, ntccsso individuals, do so very seriously ; we allude to -the criminal jurislirndeiice of Scotland, which, diffihring in many essscn. tial ...

Literary Reviews

... Riterarp 9irbivWd. No. 137. SHARPE'S LoNDO IMAGAZINE. June. London: T. B. Sharpe. This periodical deservedly continues one of our prime favour. ites. It would be a task equal to the enumeration of all the contents of the numbers before us, to specify those which have pleased us. From its pages we select the amusing sketeh, entitled College Life, which appears below, as also a gem for our ...

Selected Poetry

... ,?Dtlrrtela voctrp. KIND WORDS. )Vhat n world of deep sweetness There is in the tone 'I'llat comes to us kindly When weary and lone; Eowreathied with the laurel, What rest could we find, If love never cheered us With words that are kind? The floating of music, When morning is briglit3 May fall on the spirit Like droppings of light. For 0, they are pleasant- Tue hymns of the birds; But never, ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ff6)iolnt nb Cable, Calft THlE COURT. The reigning Duke and Duchess of Saxe Coburg are ex-. pected to arrive at MVindsor Castle on Tuesday (this day),I iluonl a visit to hier Majesly and the Prince Consort for a Inonth or livce veeks., The day at prcsent fixed upon for thec dleparture of her Mlajesty (who will be aceomspanied hy her) illustrious relatives aud a portion of the Royal Family) ...

Selected Poetry

... ,dtcte 13ortrip. I' E ACE. (I'romz Trel T/ossund a- lear.) N\ iI:{av, 0 wlhere 113th gentle P'vAcr founrd rest? Ilulildjs soi her bower with lidy fair 7 Bllt Iove.-lie lhlktl possession there, Nor long is ,he the guebt. Sits she crowned 1$iuloath a pictured dome ? ISto there AMBI1rTIObN keeps his ground, A id Fear rnil Envy skulkl around ?? Cannot be her home Will she hido Ini scholar's ...

Selected Poetry

... '~dClft&r1 fjoctrP. 'T1E;1 S3IIll, AND) THlE TElAI. s.% I it ranfile to it tear, \\ hat is your Mission here, I'llt yen (0011 , b Wt henlCI S(rrow'vs at PiI Y Saiil tl' tear to tim sile, \ hY I h bover aWvlile, Aid ?? ,ijly wa\sh orroW ?? I' S i the tbar to t ho pimiih, 'i het have you to begnile, \\ fll ?? 1V('-leII:ll)1i0ClI ditl111(S SO gay?'' S.i; the Sll e to the tear, ' W IIWh I ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? ;Oottrp, ONE BY ONE LOVE'S UINKS ARE BROKEN. (From the American Presbytcrian Herald.) OYx by one love's links are broken, One by one our friends depart, Voices that have kindly spoken, Heart that throbbed to kindred beart. Some are resting in the ocean, Hidden 'mid its secrets deep, Heelless of its wild commotion, Sleeping there a dreamless sleep. Some have wandered o'er the billow, Prayers ...

Fashionable Intelligence

... gasl?iollallle, flitc1ligencr. T!1E COURT. ' INDSOR, M NIODAY-lHer Miajestv aind Prince Albert, accoinpaniet b)y the Roval children, aid ITSII. the Prince of leiningeni arrived Ut the castle at cight mitinutes before four o'clock this afternoon, from the Slough station of the Great Western Railwiay, cecorted by a patty of tile l-t Re. ginient of Life G uards, unde!r the commanid of Lieutenant ...

Selected Poetry

... t~rtctrb patri)l. TIIEIRE'S NOTHING IN VAIN. (it ! prize not the essence of Beauty alone, And disdain not the wveak and the mean in our way; Ilttr thet world is an etsgine-the Architect's own- W here the wheels of least might keep the larger in play. We ltve the fair valley, with bloom in tho shade; We sing of green hills--of the grape and the grain; hut hb sure ttue Creator did well when Ile ...

Original Poetry

... O riainal vortrt). WILD FLOWERS. The wild woe flow'rs that I ha'o pu'ed, While yet a glaidet wean, Come kindly forth, an' rise, an' peep On memory's path again; An' I can feel, biut cauna tell, The pleasures ye la'e gi'en- Your beauteous tints, an' grat(!fu' amell, Wee wild flow'rs o' the green. The garden flow'rs may bloom mair braw, Aim' flaust wi' gaudier shrow, But cottar weans can only ...