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... 10 the Weckly returns of the Bank of England published on Friday, the amount of notes in actual circulation in the week ending Saturday, Nov. 27, including seven days' and other bills, was £'19,870,654, a decrease during the week of f £308,420 ; the amount of gold and silver coin and bullion in the hands of the bank, £*10,532,943, an increase of £515,986. » A severe shock of an earthquake was ...


... If we return once more to the Manchester election, it is certainly not because we have any doubts of the issue, or because we think the people of Manchester need our advice in the choice of representative, but because we consider the present position of affairs of much more than local interest, and full of instruction to the constituency of this and of all commercial towns. For in the ...


... The proceedings of Wednesday, fully reported toi day, will show that our local representatives are 1 all alive.'* The Ist November might he approach■ ing Mr. Bn.mley Moore, even, endeavours cut a better figure on the dock warehouse question, though Mr. lyre 1 vans damps his efforts by relic' rentes to recorded proof's of insincerity on that question, respecting which, and the public welfare ...


... ADMITTED. DISCHARGED. In-patients 30 In-patients cured 16 Out-patients 1 Relieved, &at own a Casuals during \ - Made out-patient i the last week 7 Irregular Remain inthe house 171 Dead 1 Consulting Surgeon —J. Dawson, House Visitors.—Her. J. B. Monk, and G. Crosfield Esa House Surgeon.—Mr. M*Cbeane. ' House Apothecary.—M. G. Padley Chaplain.—Rev. W. BlundeU. | Traesurer.—Richard Gibson. ...

News and Observations

... AMERICA AND MEXICO. ARRIVAL OF THIS CALEDONIA. The British and North American Royal mail steamer Caledonia, Captain Lott, arrived in the Mersev on Saturday evening last. She left Boston on the lfith u!t. and Halifax on the 18ih. By her we have received files of New York papers to the evening of the 15th. They are filled with very important intelligence. AKOTHEit GREAT BATTLE. We have accounts ...


... Cite JHcrntrn. 8 ALUS POPULI LBX SUP RE MA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1847. The moving of the second reading of the Labouring Poor (Ireland) Bill brought under discussion the whole question of the Irish policy of Ministers, and the House found itself at once launched upon a mare magnum of elemental conflict and confusion. To reduce to any shape resembling unity the features of the Babel scene were ...


... ( From the Mark-lane Express.) The tone of mercantile affairs lias slightly improved, and there has certainly been more disposition to purchase grain ; whilst holders have shown less anxiety to realize. The prevailing impression in the corn trade appears to be, that prices can scarcely, under any circumstances, fall much below their present level for some months to come; and this opinion is ...

Recent letter* from Trebiaond that the cholera morbus had reached that town. Wednesday Mr. Alderman Thompson, ..

... Mr. John G. Hubbard, were elected directors of the Bank of England, room of Mr. Presoott, who has bwn appointed deputy-governor, and lieu of Sir John Rae Held, and Mr. Abel dower, who hare of late disqualified. The Ethiopian melodists slat *t ball ...

Police Court

... Publicans anb Bbbrkbllbrs.—'The following persons were summoned on Fridav, before Messrs. Edward Ru«h-ton and 8. Percival, for offences under the Improvement Act:—Publicans, —Edward Tavlor, Old Haymarket, fined 40s. and costs; James Guttridge, Argyle street, acquitted ; Henry Brown, Portland-street, 50i.—Beer sellers, —.lane Richardson, Leeds-street, fined and costs; Peter Boyle, Gildart's ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, June 2, 1847. monthly meeting of the Council was held this day. Tbe members present at the commencement ***** milnrr In addition to the usual routine business, bepr MP contained the following subjects for considerate* of Mr. Thomas Duncan assistanttfo *ne of per annum; reoommendatien that iarT . ey y.ri .' the Botanic Gardens extended into museum (heher tttWf , products; motions ...