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... DEBT DUE FROM THE COUNTY. COUNTY ROADS BOARD. Exchequer Loan Office- jE. s. d. Cr. s. d. Exchequer Loan Office— £ s. d. Cr. £ s d Balance unpaid of £ 1000 bonowed in Rate, Trinity Sessions 1846 84f. 14 2i July, 1843 850 0 0 1846. Dr 2 Cash borrowed January, 1847 2000 0 0 I July. Paid Treasurer County Roads Board 800 0 0 £ 285° 0 0 Due from County ;C 46 14 21 ...


... Brought down the Monmouthshire Canal Co.'s Tram Roads and Canal for the week ending March 27, 18-47 COAL. Train Road. > Caual. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Thoma.s Powell. 93S 5 60 0 rhomasProthero. 1140 15 125 0 Rosser Thomas and Co 564 18 Thomas Phillips and Son 183 1 Cargill and Co 56¡) 19 Joseph Beamnoat. 201 16 W. S. Cartwright 568 9 Joseph Latch and Co. 205 0 Latch and 163 6 Joha Russell and Co ...


... AND LIST OF FAIRS, NOTICES, BTe., III THE COUNTIES OF QLAMOROAN, MONMOUTH, AND BRECON, FOR THE EN- SUING WEEK. APRIL 25. THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Morning, 1st lesson, 4th chap. Deut.; 2nd ditto, 22nd chap. Acts. Evening, 1st lesson, 5th chap. Deut.; 2nd ditto, 1st chap. 1 John. —— 26. Newmarket First Spring Meeting. —— 27. Bruce the traveller died, 1794. —— 28. Charles Cotton born, 1630. —— ...


... Abstract of the House Surgeon's Report to the Weekly Board for the Week ending April 13th, 1847. g fRemained by last Report. £ Admitted since 3 oS 13 Discharged 0 § Cured and Relieved 1 o Died 0 Remaining f (Remained by last Report 171 j Admitted since 30 201 oDischarged 1 Cured and Relieved 37 Died 0 OL 38 Remaining. 163 MEDICAL OFFICBUS FOR THE WEEK. Physician Dr. Moore Consulting Surgeon ...


... RAILWAY ROUrES AXD TIME TABLES. GREAT WESTERN7 RAILWAY. FROM BRISTOL TO LONDON. 1 Itxpro 3clUs. 4 5 bUCls. 7 8 ~5 fcxi^s U U 13 U A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M A.M. F.M. l'.M. P.M. V.M. P.M. Bristol. 6 ^0 8 10 6 30 7 0 8 35 11 SO 10 0 10 50 12 45 1 41 3 55 6 0 8 45 11 50 Bath 7 0 8 2b 7 0 7 2. 9 0 12 10 10 30 11 18 1 10 1 56 4 25 6 25 9 15 12 10 Swindon. — 9 25 10 23 8 35 10 23 3 0 — ...


... PALPITATION OF THE HEART, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND GENERAL DEBILITY, CURED BY HOLLOW\Y'S PILLS. —A gentleman of the name of Spencer, residing for the present in Sarkville-street, Dublin, and who was for many years in the East India Company's service, fell into ill health and was even at death's door, the action of his heart being frequently so violent as to cause, when lying down, the very bed ...


... IN THE COUNTIES OF GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, & BRECON. No. of Original fresent Name. Shares. Cost. Price. Glamorganshire Canal. A;210 Aberdare Canal 221 120 140 Aberdare Railway 1000 6U 100 Swansea Canal 533 100 .5 N eath Canal 2au lua 340 Datfryu LLyavi Railway 400 IOU 150 Bridgend Railway 300 20 24 i'arf Vale Railway 3000 100 134 Ditto Quarter Shares 25 2di Ditto New ditto. pill. Ditto Stock I; J ...