Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Saturdsy, in Chorley Wood Churchl, by the Rev. Ur Thompson, John Reobineon, a d terlin Chartist, and the person who slated the houses on the Oonnorvillo estate. IIto Mary %Winuet, Of Chorley Wood-bottom, youngest is daughter of Mr and Mrs Winhtt. The event created cano- asidrable interest n1 lse hbourhood, and many friedo eacopantied the bride anll bridegroom to the church; e afte ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 13th inst. At thie Collegiate Church, by the Rev. W. Wil. son, MLA. Mr. James Hayes to Miss Margaret Bruce, eldest daughter of the late Mr. William Bruce, of this town. On the i3e. inst. at St. John's Church, by the IRev. G. J. Vance, incumbent of St. Michaul's, Mr. VarlyPickup, chemist, Salford, to Sarah, daughter of W, Pilling, Esq. Albion Place, Crescent. On the l2th inst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. -On1Sunda~y, the, 2nd int, the lady of Thos. Jones, Esq.;of Chorley, of '-ason. ; O Sn day.last, at the Vicarage Poulton-le-FyIde, the lady of theRev. John HEll, ?? vicar, of a daughter. 01k the 51h unst, at Clitheroe Castle, rs. Dickson Roblis~or o -f a son.: MARRIAGES. -On Sunday last1:'Mr. Williamn- Moore to Miss Ann, Faaulner, xri John Walton to Miss MargaretFoster, Mr. Thomas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M!v 14 ,nitCoilistoien, ?? ladiy of A ldewv Jas. Nwtoun, Esq., Seiil, s2l son. M Iy' Illt Itaibrilge, Mrs. Alexander Riae, of a klaughter. MA .\INIIAG EiS. (itn ti 17 th inst., it 1. guerr Mm tin ii-iiom, by tie erv. ?? Wh\lvskje.iff 'ill. J*1t1l1rT rli svf>ieou ,soi of 1-olj;.t 0:1(X11o,li~l 1: l ?? 3dt',Iwraiaetill, to a Mis . Ilartin, sister t1, too tti'i'. .oion mlairtii, I rti'igllI, itd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. O'CONNELL. The Paris papers of Saturday confirm the intelligence of Mr. O'Connell's death, which was reported in London on Friday evening. He died at Genoa on the 15th inst. The following letter from Dr. Duff, the English physician at Genoa, dated the 16th inst., which appears in Galiy- nani's Messenger, contains some interesting particulars connected with the last moments of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sired AM BRID, ,ye- Onl thle 61t inst. at the Collegiate Church, by the, Vev. william ross, WINaso, M.A. Chia-rls Ct'iberiand, Escq. lae of Minas Gros ighit- so ?? onbria a. of Rtotilainld6, Enfeld, Ali(Ilsex -o riza 0dltdaughter of Jeremiah Gatooclt, Lpsq. of Motonnt irotiglia en, btancesl-ter. o Sol] thlo (11t inst. 'it Sit. JTolns Church, Mianolostor,. Mr. WIlkn ?? ?? to MISS Jatte ...

BIRTHS. At 78 Abbots

... ford Place, on the I1 th instant, Mrs. James Allan; ason. At 22 AMonteith Row, (;lasgow, on the I4th instant, Mrs. James Eadie: it daughter. At Gateside, Paisley, on the 15th instant, Mrs. Robert M'xerhellie; a sonl. At 14 George Street, Mile-end, on the 15th instant, iMrs. James i Smith. provision merchant; a dtaiughter. At 1,t2 I-lope Street, 01; the 1]3th instant, 7Mrs. Thomas Kyle ; a _ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DSEATH OF THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND. His Excellency Earl Beoborough, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, breathed his last a televen o'clock on Sunday. He continued to sink from nightfall, and was quite aware of his approaching dissolution. Shortly after ten o'clock, he sent for the severalmemberO of his fa- mily, who were for ?? time in constant and close attendance upon hisa, and sevorally took ...

Fine Arts

... Coopers Battle of Waterloo.—There is at Apsley House clever picture of the Battle of Waterloo upoo whish the illustrious hero of the fi*ht passed an appro-' priate criticism before he bought it: Good, very good; not too much smoke. This apposite remark of the great duke's wems to hare had iU effect upon Mr. T. Sidney Cooper, A.R.A., who on a canvas, 12 feet by 7 feet, has given us an ...


... if the second of the weekly meeting* of this heid the Parish office, Fen wick-street. The Slowing members were present The Rev. Rector frooks the chair; Messrs. Riding, Bennett, Ferguson, ■told H Johnson, Mellor, Swain son, Parkinson, Gaffers'a. Br» ...

Law Intelligence

... NOTICES—This Dat. Queen's Bench, Westminster, 94.—(Middlesex Common Juries)— Shathoun v. Beaumont; v. Latter and another; Wade v. Gregory; Clayards v. Dethick; Roesiter v. Jones; Dear v. Rapson Deo rtem Cooper v. Leigh and others. Undefended: Bethell y. Buller; Southey v. Fredericks; Horne v. Jones and another; Stock and another v. Clark; Ingram v. Arnctt; Neville v. D'Orsav. Common Pleas, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF M'Ir, O'CONNELL The report copied from the ' Mon iteur Parisien ' which appeared in our postscript last oxeek, lato bee', cOllfornlfed. M'lr O'Connell died at Genoa on Saturday, 1 5h inst. The following letter from Dr Duff, one of the physicians oxho attended his's is from ' Galigua4i,' and gives anl account of his last moments. OMl on0day, Alay 10, I saw Mr O'Connell for the first ...