Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,yL, 1. BIRTHS.' .,On Monday last, the lady of William:Aasheton Cross, .Esq., cf Stodday Ldgde, of,,s daughter.- .. o On the 1 ath inst, at Paulton, Somerset the wife of the Rev. Hlenry Mlelward, of a daughter, . ; ~~M RR:->IAGES. Z:-. On Thursday last, atkthe Parish Church, bytheRev. J. Ow~en Parr, M~r. John Hodgson to Miss Leeitia Hayhurst, both'of this town; -. - 4 . Y \ I , ?? . - Ssamo ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Igor ---_-- _ ____ _ I li BIRTHIS. i 1 lege Last week, thle xiife of Air. Iltb-. Joiues, Lia. ' /lct) degfitf N\ llstery. Anllesey. of fi sol, ' in UO the 1 t ile Itst., lt Llaiitfai, tS!te wif of ;ir. J. tile Jul'l elocer ol'i S a asn. 2M- U11 the i loth ilist., the wife of Mr. Robert V il- mlt- lialis,. iur itetchairt, T'relnadioc, of a sull, Ie. Lately. at Noevji, tIe wife of (itpt. W. E ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. At Peebles, on the 8th current, Mrs JUNsOR, of a. daughter. At Charles Street, London, on the 7th. current, Ladv DAtL- r MENY, of a SoIn and heir. f At Glenalpine, Cape of 'Good Hope, on the 21st February, the i lady of RonDRT GRAHIAM, Esq. of a son. At Prospect Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, on the 5th current. the lady of DAVID HusTEvr, Esq. of Burnsidc, Forfarshire, of a son and heir. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... or 3111 17111A. fe At Calbourne'Lodgc, Iole of Wight, on the 11th inst., at Mrs. Simeon, of a daughter. At Hyde, Isle of NVight, on the 8th inst., the lady of Commandoer- Paget, of a sona. MA1Rt si:D. At St. George's Church, Hanover-sqnarc, on Wed- nesday, by the Rev. W. Spencer Phillips, Mt.A., Vicar of Ryde, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Glouces-' _ ter and Bristol, Captain R. G. Duff, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A:EYS pril 20, et etrrtonCottragerte thile rifte of V. Admatf, Faq., AtC tho Office of Wood. ned Forests, 0f1 daughter. ELLIOTT.-April 28, at 20, Wellington-crescerit, 11.ainsrate, the w-ife of V. Elliott. Eaq, ofa daughter FELLD-April 28, at, the wife of the RBe. T. Feol, of a daughter. HUR'E.-April 13, at Eilsallaghan, the wire of the Rev. 0. D. Hume, of soon. LEAI.-May 1, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... icap - *.MARRIED. quar- On thl 28th ult. at St. Pihlip'5 Chlurch, Salford, by the Rev; I 1 Joh° E. Booth, B.A. inumenlibtinof St. btephen',s Wimn. AoHanil, 'rd I eq.arhitect, to Iliss Anne ifotiricli, both of aSlford. ler Q OIn thc 27tb oIlt. at the Collegiate Chutch, Mlr. Wms. Cewljobs es 3 to Afsids Elizalbeth G'eaves, both of this town,. til On the 27th uit, at the Parishe Church, Liverpool ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. May 3, at Brislington, the lady of the Rev. G. L. Cartwright, a son. May 4, at Clifton, the wife of the Rev. J. F. Alleyne, a dau. May 4, at the Rectory, Sully, Glamorganshire, the lady of the Rev. W. B. Lawrence, a daughter. May 1e, at Bridgwater, the wife of James Trevor, Eeq. e den, May 10, at Park-hill, near Frome, the ladyof Thomas Edward Mliles Marsh, REsq. a son. Mlay Il, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF IM, O'CO*RqELL.1',r M_ 1 _ A AA BAA_ ; + A . A dA i 12 - I . A . e-a T HE long career of this unriv'albld'gitator has SU' been terminated by a short illness and tth reepose of 11 the tomb. The extraordinary powers, both'physical PI, and mental, which usutained him d uring nearly halt a ne century of public life, and which left on all who heard WI and saw him the impression of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... II THE LATE MR. O'CONNELL. it P We bdlieve there is no doubt that 3ir.O'Connell ex- P pired oil Salurday the 15th of this month, at Geuoa. 0 He yielded up his !atest breath at the distance of many n hundred miles from the remains of the humble dwel- 0 ling which became remarkable as his birth-place. li t) a remote part of the county of Kerry is a village called ( Cahirciveen, and within one ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. O'CONNELL. The Paris papers of Saturday ?? the intelligence of Mr. O'Connell's death. Hie died at Genoa on the 15th inst. The following letter from Dr. Duff, the English physician at Genoa, dated the 10th inst., which appears in Galignani's Messenqer, contains some in- teresting particulars connected with the last moments of the learned gentleman's life:- Some account of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Trefan, Roundtown, the lady of Captain Read, of a son: In Blessington-street, the lady of Benedict Arthur, of seaseld, county Dublin, Eaq. of a daughter. On the Iet instant, at Clontarf, the lady of George Montgomery, Esq, of a eon, On the 2d Instant, MountJoy-aquare, South, Mrs. Robert D. Barry, of a eon. In Kingstown, the lady of George Morant, Esq, of a son. At Glynllifon Park, Wales, ...


... LECTURES ON AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, AT BURTON-ON-TRENT. On Thursday last, Mr. A. J. Bern ats, Analytical Chemist, of Derby, delivered the first of a course of lectures at the Town Hall, Burton-on-Trent, to a numerous and highly re- spectable audience. The subject of the Lecture was The Air and its Con- stituents with reference to Agriculture. Mr. Berkavs, in opening the subject, said : ...