Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIARRIAGES. At Saint Michael's Church' Bristol, James Cookson, Esq. of Neasham Hall, Durham, to Sybella Franoes, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Tyndall, Esq. of the Fort, Bristol.-At All Saints', Edmonton, Robert Warwick Maxwell, of Croyland, Lin- colnshire, to Emma, daughter of William Boards, of Nightingale Hall.-At Theydon Mount, Essex, S. B. R. Brise, Esq. only son of J. Ruggles ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. O'CONNELL. The Paris Journals of Saturday bring a confirmation of the account of Air. O'connll'es death. Tue following - letter from Dr. Duff, an English physician at Genoa, who Wi attended Air. O'Connell in bis last moments, is published PI .an in Gal lnossi's Messenger e lieofm, Ma ]-some account of the closing scenes of the 2 lieo.nindividual, who has filled so remarkable a ...

BIRTHS. At 180 Hope

... Street, on the 23d iu2st., M rs. IVilbamn Broadfoot | s a son. At Caraccas, onl the 16th ultimo, the Lady of Alexander Dunbar, Esq.; a daugli ter. - At Dumbarton. on the 20tL instant, Mrs. Colquboun; a eon. n At 98 North Frederick Street, on the 21st instant, 'Mrs. Hugh, M;Lachlain; a daughter. r At -2 Wellcroft Place, Eglinton Street, on the 22d instant, Mrs. Andrew Blair; a son. ,e At 23 ...

BIRTHS. IAt Pi-ospen

... t Hill1, Dougias, Isle of Man, on. thei 5Ah instant, the Lady of David hunter, Esq. of Burnside, Forfarshire;: a son and hIeiri. i r At Charles Street, Locidon, on the 7th instant, Lady Debtrase1; a son acid heir C At No. S Shandasick Place. Edinicbtirgh, on the 7th instant, the fi cod 1Lay 9f Jatitas C~raicfcrcl. Esq.. advocate ; a dacragicter. nii ?? At Fe fl1 lliuca Arzv3Iszhiro, on the Sic ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE EARL OF BESSBOROUGH. His Excellency, since he assumed the VicoroyaltY Of Ireland, thus &JOYe'd the cdtifideuoie and esteem 'of the ieleo peoitable of all Oartie's.' It is said, that from his state of health, ho was advised, by his p~bysiciaml, not to accept pah his late high office; but be persevered in his intention; gon and In all probability, his doath-has boon greatly hastened ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE CHRONICLE. PRESTON, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1847. DEATH OF MR. O'CONNELL. d In Mr. O'Connell, one of the most remarkable d o a men of the. present age has passed away; a man 1 who has wrought for himself a celebrity-if we may t not yet call it fame-which will be imperishably linked with the history of his own country, of d Britain, and of Europe. His death will be deeply deplored in Ireland, for ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EIHTHS. BURI)BTT.-May 9, at Chester square, ihe wife of C. S. Burdett, Es., iy Coldstreaon Guards, of a daughter. CREERY-May S. at Ballymoney, Antrim, the wife of the Rer. T. P Creery. of a daughter. e T BTTY--My 6,at Wauborcugh Vicarage, the wite of the Rev. S.J. BUt, of a so. GLOSTER -May 6, t BallynecarrIga House, almc ick. the wife of aPt, : B. Gloster, of a son and hotl-. GRATIAM.-At the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * LATEg R. DANIEL O'CONEL L O'CONNELL is dead. We never hesitated to speak Seejy of his conduct while every day brought certain evidence of his presence among us; but now that he. it longer takes part in the battle of life, we have sone scruples in expressing our opinion of his cha- racter. We must not; however, sacrifice truth and judice, because the man whom we are called:upon to mention is ...

BIRTHS. 91 At No. 12

... AidAle Plane Edinburgh, on the ?? instant, the Lady a oL David Mure, Esq., advocate ; a daughter. I At 10 Samnerville Place, on t!m 2di instant, Mrs. James Stewart; a dauighter. F , At Camp. Ard Lamont, Argellehire, on the _d intocnt, Mrs. cStronig;, a son. At 23 Rutlandl Street, Edinburgh. on the 3d instant, the -on. Johnstone of Alva; a son and heir. At thle e~rnegs loue, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE EARL OF BESSBOROUGH-. pal We briefly noticed on yesterday the death of this lamented ene nobleman, which has filled every class of our fellow-citizens the I with profound regret-a feeling which will find a mourn- Th ful echo throughout all Ireland; for the Earl of Bestbo. the rough wasione of the few men who enjoyed the rare e anc licity of being a.ceptable to all parties. ie was, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _____ - - doi MARIIBIID. On thel 20th inst. at the( rndependlOnt Chapel, Grtrsveotsr-street, by the- 1ev. iticlard) Fletcher, Midr John Ashworth Acton, of Ancoats, to Mlartlili, youngest daughter of Mr. John Bedfrod, of T On tile 0th inst. at the Collegiate Cliurch, by the 11ev. W \V. Tollnsonl, )li. Joseph Hetlieringtofl to Miss Smart, both of this Ur Onl the 20th inst. at the Collegiate ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. DiRne's.-At Cheltenlham, tle lady of Willitm Dalton,Esq, a son-At Court-y.Belia, Newport, the wife of Mr.Williamn Law- renee, a daughiter-The wife of Mr. Daniel Jones, Picton-placs, Swansea, daughter-At Cambrian-placs, Swanseca, thae lady of iV the R1ev. II. Herbert, vicar of Carno, a daughter-Tile ladyof thle Rev. John Lewis, vicar of Llanrhtystyd, a dauighter ...