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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... I BASHIONABLE INTELLIG NCe. The royal dinner party at Buckingham Palace on 'Wed nesday, included the Duke and Duchees of Buceleugh, th Duke and Duchess of Bedford, the Marquis and Marchioness of Abercorn, &c. WINDSOR, WEDNEesnAY EVEN1I*G.- Major.Gesne, Bowles, Master of. the Household, arrived at the Castle yeeter day, in the forenoon, and spent some hours with the Clerk Of the Works in the ...


... - ?? i There is no question that the painting of animals, how- ever, the other branches of the pictorial art may have fallen off, has reached a degree of perfection at the present day, never obtained before. Sneyder's greatest efforts cannot compare with the thoughtful and poetic creations of Land- seer, whilst we have a host of able competitors to meet the Du minores of the ancient masters. ...


... (FROM THE LONDON AND PARIS LADIES' MAGAZINE Or F.ASIIION.) Moire and shot taffetas, poults de sole of plain coloars, lilac, ecru, abd checkF, are fashionable for walking dresses; and flounces or rucies, pinked in crete do ooq, are used for all Bilk materials; others are in deep vandykes edged with gimp, and for bareges with a feston; wide tucks are also worn on bareges, relieved by a ...


... LITBRATURE. - GEORGE LOVELL-A NowYEL BY JAMES suHERDAN KNOWLES. In Three Volumes. (London: Edward Mono,, 1, Dover-street. 1847.) A novel from the pen of a poet-and that poet univer- sally acknowledged, Bs in the instance of our countryman, James Sheridan Knowles, to be a great one-is, indeed, sufflicient to challenge and arrest the attention of all our literary circles. What would not the ...


... I ASM/ONABLR INTBLLIGENCR. The grand state ball to be given by her Majesty at Duck- ingham Palace is fixed for the 11th proximo, and tot the 10th, as previously stated. The Earl of Derby left London on Thursday for tnows- ley flall. Lord and Lady Stanley leave Londoi this day (Mon- day) for the above seat, for the )holidays Lord and Lady John Russell leave town this day (Satur- day) for ...


... I The Marquis of Ormonde has returned to London from Kilkenny Castle, the family seat in Ireland. The Earl and Countess of Caledon have arrived on Carlton House-terrace, from Caledon Park, county Tyrone, for the season. The D)uke of Wellington gave an entertainment on Fri. day last at Apsley House to Mlajor.General Sir Harry Smith, ?? and Lady Smith. The noble and gallant dake invited a select ...


... LITBRATURB. f We have been reluctantly compelled, by the pressure of political matters on our columns, to postpone until the present our customary notices of the magazines and serials for the month. In order that we may be able to intro- s duce a goodly number of them together to our readers, it is necessary to be more brief than usual. We shall com- mence with- THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ...


... B'ASHIONAIBLE INTBLLIGBiVCkN. WINDSOR, SuNDA'Y.,-Tbe state apartments at the Cas- tle will be closed from the present time until the 7th proximo. This Azrangement has been come to for the purpose of appro. lpriating most of those apartments to the use of many illustrious visitors (including his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Con. stantine of Russia, his Royal Highness the Prince of Lucca, ?? ...


... D- - - ?? -- - -. - - - [O ROYAL liR[SlI ART UNION. - -- - - TVRS. FOR I EXHIBITIONi OF PAINTINCS BY THUE OLD MASTERS, FOR RELIEF OF THE GENERAL DESTITUTION. A. fuli meeting of the committee of management took place at the board-room, College.street. on Friday last. RonSBT W. LAW, Esq., in the chair. REDUCTION OF CHARGES FOR ADMISSION. Several applications from highly respectable and intelli- ...


... I LITBRATURE. go, A PANEGYRIC ON ST. VINCENT OF PAUL, he Pronounced in the Chapel of the Castle of VersAilles, by order and in presence of his Majesty Louis XVI bes March 4, 1785. In BY CARDINAL JOHN SurFREIN MAURtY. B n( (Dublin: J. Browne, 21, Naesaunstreet.) fief Cardinal Maury was an important and prominent eba. 8s peg racter in the last days of the French monarchy, and exer-ff cised a ...


... I The Queen had aL dinner party on 'Wednesday at Buck. Ingham Palace. The company inoluded her Royal Highness the Duthess ot Kent, their Royal Higbnesees the ]Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Duke of Wellington, the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk , the Marquis of Abercorn, Earl Fortescue, earl spencer, and 'Viscount Clifdlen. At a quarter past eight o'clock his Royal Highness Princet Albert, ...


... FASHI7ONABLE INrOLLIGENOB. WINDSOfR, W)ODNESDAY, MAY 26-InvitetiOns to visit her Majesty and the Prince Consort at Windsor Castle during tie Ascot race week have been ?? to the following illustrious and distinguished personages ;-Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duclhess of Cambridge, Prince George. and the princess Mary; his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Con ,tantinD ot Russia, their ...