News and Observations

... AMERICA AND MEXICO. ARRIVAL OF THIS CALEDONIA. The British and North American Royal mail steamer Caledonia, Captain Lott, arrived in the Mersev on Saturday evening last. She left Boston on the lfith u!t. and Halifax on the 18ih. By her we have received files of New York papers to the evening of the 15th. They are filled with very important intelligence. AKOTHEit GREAT BATTLE. We have accounts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TjYDE PARK SQUARE.-The Healthiest Spot L in Tondon. within Three minutes'walk of Kensington Gardens. -To be Let or Sold, a Splendid Family sfansion finished in the First Stole of Eloanco. fit for inamediote occupation; Combining every Comfort forakarfe Family Picotures complete, Bails room, Second Stone TobeLot adlsointohte sme ?? O a House upon a Smaller Scale. Inquire at No. S Southoriok ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D~L&I' £A=D DUM INSTrTUTION. A 11HE ArSUAI Put7LtC EXAMINATTON of the Pupils of this ti T nstitutionl wil take place in the COUNT Rooms, on A!t;^ the 14th instant, at two o'clock. j, kberdeen, 1st June, 1847.I rrHSE SUaSCRIBEFR -would respectfully draw attention to his sent Stock of pure VINTAGE WINES; consisting j of 1840 and 1s82 PORTS, and 1841 CLARETS; all of which are cquitefitfor ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, June 2, 1847. monthly meeting of the Council was held this day. Tbe members present at the commencement ***** milnrr In addition to the usual routine business, bepr MP contained the following subjects for considerate* of Mr. Thomas Duncan assistanttfo *ne of per annum; reoommendatien that iarT . ey y.ri .' the Botanic Gardens extended into museum (heher tttWf , products; motions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN Tl)L OtUBtE. II 011O 'VAY'S .OINTMENT. T' Bittraordinst'y' Otro of it CGertlem'in eightiy Yeats of ago, 'a of at y.ery Bt.i d lovg. LNIII ?? tk a .Leter .'i'O1eCI txiooarta, i~thi if XII JCItt'Vi 1847. Holy To Proftt' ai I4`!]toqv9o Live Si.!beg to ?? lothai t I otiffired ivi lb it Nlads Ii di, for eater yeats. noid hail ion-w ung, r th, h-its 'df a rc- this speciable -nt'o.'o here hir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. MR. JAMES JOHNS POSSER, LESSEEt. f-IS PRESENT WEDNESDAY, June 2d, will be performed the Drama of THE WHITE HORSE OF THE PEPPERS. Gerald Pepper, Mr T Lee; Colonel Chesham, Mr Dickinsonl; Major Mansfeldt, Mr Reynolds ; Agatha, Miss S M Brown. To be followed by the successfal Extravaganza of JENNY LIND AT LAST; OR THE SWEDISH NIGHTINGALE. Baron Swig-it-off-Beery, Mr H Nye ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,~oa con mut catiunss received ?? last wieek wer 5lefi unnoticed through want Of teem,. We fnsert, or latlh't in thepresent nlumber all of the saidlcommuanica. tIea0 worth publicity. 61iamnsaL.-In consequence of bad management in th oele f tbc Northern Stsar', sonme of otar,:friends D~gttp ittill near mid-dny ol 'the Sunday, it is very desiralble to hasve anl agent throughwo, h Sa' ulay be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECT HOUSE, .FelixcStoW. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By COLCHESTER & SON, On Thursday and Friday, June 17 and 18, 1847, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, THE entire Household Furniture, Pony, Phaeton, and 1 other Effects of the Rev. THOMAS HOPKINS, upon the premises, Prospect House, Felixstow, com- prising, in the CHAMBERS-16 mahogany and painted, tent, French, camp and stump bedsteads; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VICTORIA TEM£PLE. GREAT ATTRACTION THIS PRESENT EVE NING (MONDAY) and during the Week. Last Week but one of the Engagement of Mr W. G. ROCSS, Celebrated Irish Comedian and Comic Vocalist. First Appearance in Edinburgh of Mr and Mrs J. B. HILL, from the Theatre Royal, Newcastle. tiRAND CONCERT EVERY EVENING, together with I a variety of highly anmusing Sketches, supported by the whole strength ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ER MAJESTY'S THIEATRE.-The noieility1 ni eubsacibers tothe Opera, andathep~ublie arereapeetfullv informedI m that there w-'II be a GRAND EXTRA NIGHT, TfIls EVEN'- ING (Thuradar,), when will he pmrormced flonlzetti's Opera, entitled 0] LAb VIGInA 15EL REGGI'.MENrO. M.Naria, SMd~le. JENNY LIND; sc La Msarchesa dIf B!r'enfield, Madaec Soaran; Sulpizjo Sergente, of Sig. F. Lablache; and Tonlo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IORN BRAGG, ofth CrO~ ke' BilltCyoss t Estreet, begs to retujtf aoks o~.)1r. Rose and the Pire Brigade for their eflel se iia the occasion of the; late FIRE at his house, a silseknowledge thek:ind-. nesc of the servantS of u/ester Coffee Roasting Company, and the neigh o a so readily lent their. assistance. * ales bV.ttsfn On Wednesday the 9th of June, 1847. at half-past ten o'clock precisely, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B G UAN (J. 1OR SALE, a few Tons of Certified Pervian, F also, a lot of superior Chilian, with Analysis/ Apply to Peter Jones, 32, Eden-quay. A NDUREW'S Celebrated Pine Apple Jamaica i Rum, 129 6d per gallon; good Jamaica Rum (recomn. mended), 10s ; Deemerara Rum, 8s and 9s per gallon; Whiskey (good) at Se; fine at 9s, and very exoell t at log (strongly recommended). E SUMvMER WINES /fle la 28 ...