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... ?? ? 1? ~ !4 :4. , lf :: . .s ;- l .. S7 vs. t4 ,j t *X -, ?? +X S v- : 1s 1 I : l t. ?? ., ?? ?? * ?? 1 ?? :.,j * K -; 1, ?? f :: e . Z : E w b/:s 1 V~ . ?? t 'i : . r) , . ? ?, ?? : i ? , -.V:t , 1, , I ?? I' i-.1 ?? - -, ?? -m ?, i?P 11 0 i -1. ?? , Is~ax~c,,i~-EX~vfj~rri~liv,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

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... ON NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAT IVE DISEASES. JUST PUIBLISHEDt TlE THIIILTIETH THOUSAND, An Fnproved Edition, revised and correeted, 120 Pages, pricesi 2s in a, Sealed Enveloiie. forwarded Post- paid, to arny aiddress, seure from Observatiol, for 2s 6d. id -ciafge Stamnirt, LLUSTRATED VITlH NU-MFUOUS AN.&TOMICIAL COLOU RED) ENOIUVINGS, ~,fANllO(D: the CAUSES OF ITS PRE- j MA i'lJltF. DI4ECLIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Sea. -Wanted Immediately, TTHREE respectable YOUTHS to be apprenticed to a first-closo Ship, trading to the Southsernl parts ef the wvorld. To Youths desirous s of eirebrarist' a seafaring life, this is ore of soperior advantages. No n preflitf required; but it is expected the pasrsios will provide thorn-r ehsI I harser*1 ufit. Apply to Mr. WV. FOSTER, 7, High.. p sirenl, Ste dwoll, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now publishing in peny Nunber', the baa itifal Rimance, enti t led M iranda; or, the ?? of the IV~t Grange. ?? No. I of which are presented, GRATIS, Nos. 2, 5, and 4. 0orce, 12, Salisbury-square, Fleet-street. rl~eoian, author of the Medical ID as nabnsu daily at his own house, or at the re- 55 y~idS ORalidieass clmcte 'it ,the CHEST, STO- ,S~iSN, &-c. At homedeaity till Twelve, andafter Six ...

The Paris journals and our correspondence of the 17 th have reached us. Notwithstanding the resistance of the ..

... the personal exertions of MM. Duchatel and Dumont, in the Chamber of Deputies, the proposition to reduce the duty on salt was carried by an immense majority, only fourteen votes being given in support of the cabinet The ministerial members who dared not oppose a proposition which their constituents regarded with such unmixed approbation, and yet equally recoiled from the consequences of ...


... ir..»u, ra«i 01.—mis morning, mr. r. sc Lar Trinity, was admitted a fellow, and at the same fee Mes«rs. North, Pinder. aad W. Wood, were elected schn'ars of the same society. Whitehall, Mat 29.—The Queen ha* presented the Rev. J. S. Jenkinson, M A., the vicarage of Batter sea, in the county of Surrey and dio. of Winchester, void by the promotion of the Hon. and Re*. R. J. Eden, the bishopric ...

Unquestionably, tbe most complete parliamentary I break-down of modem times is Mr. Strutt's with- ° drawal of ..

... BUI, to which we briefly alluded last week. The mishap was perfect in p all its parts. ° The King of France with forty-thousand men 0 Marched up a hill and then marched down again. v Had the right hon. gentleman pressed bis measure 3 on the attention of the House of Commons and suf- fered a defeat — had Ministers spoken but a single s kind word on its behalf— nay, had it even received t the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUnUND, It Duke Street, on Selrmi ;v ;rrrning, between the hours or Cp ?? 'ix oci litk. Wi TI]ERAnvy lerson roving their propertr, wiilt tave r it IbyI g cin- s pe Iso If no. elainrerf withinr eight (days front this late. it will i1 .sold to deras exsperises. Apl~y at 21lct luite Strpeer Gaisgow, ;th Jure, 1S-I. FOUND. There Was Found, on thle rorinire of the 29th ultirno, at 153 Lorndzon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. MR. JAMES JOUN PROSSER, LESSEE. T HIS PRESENT MONDAY, June 7th, 1847, will be performed, for the first time, a Drama of intense inte est, celled the FLOWERS OF THIE FOREST: A GIPSEY STORY. Lemuel (a Gipsey Boy) Miss Julia St. George, her first oppearanDO these three years; Sir Hugh Lavrock, MVr. 0gerie; Alfred, Mr. Dickenson; Ishmael (a Zing on) lr. EWynolde; The Kinchin ...


... HOUSE LORDS.—THURSDAY, JUNE 3. The Poor Relief Supervision Rill (Ireland) was read a second time after some discussion. Their lordships then proceeded consider the reasons adduced the House of Commons against their lordships' amendments to the Poor Relief Ireland Rill, and agreed to the motion of the Marquis Lansdowne that the said amendments should not be insisted on. A select committee was ...

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... GREAT WOODllOUSP, LEEDS. -tor. t ohe DChSIN near Os on aba. i hs he&et DlIof June. 8'47, At si O'clock in the ~ynfl. -sbettO onloditions, SLL that ETATE, known by the Name of A -- 11PeEL COURT. situate near the lelf-Lane, at Grtat ofLeeds. c1uipiissg all those FIVIS newlY rel-cted CQTC-A GES.- adjoinieB to the Kstnte of the late Mfr. Benljamin ClarkRonl, and 115W in the Occupationis of XV. F. ...

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... NO,. VI. OF THE LABOURER, Just Vobished, enriched with an elegant Portrait M englisved on Steel, of T. S. DUNCOMBIE, ESQ., Mv.P. mi 1.V .Dineounhe, REq. , hP. Al 2. War, Love and Liberty, by Ernest J00es. it. fi'I Insurirections of the Working Classes. 5. The Confessions of s Kiing I-. leotter to Sir R5. Ptol. C., The Romance of a People. Th, fie Phase of Political I'arties. S, Trhe Jolly ...