Advertisements & Notices

... ~ER MAJESTY'S THIEATRE.-The noieility1 ni eubsacibers tothe Opera, andathep~ublie arereapeetfullv informedI m that there w-'II be a GRAND EXTRA NIGHT, TfIls EVEN'- ING (Thuradar,), when will he pmrormced flonlzetti's Opera, entitled 0] LAb VIGInA 15EL REGGI'.MENrO. M.Naria, SMd~le. JENNY LIND; sc La Msarchesa dIf B!r'enfield, Madaec Soaran; Sulpizjo Sergente, of Sig. F. Lablache; and Tonlo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IORN BRAGG, ofth CrO~ ke' BilltCyoss t Estreet, begs to retujtf aoks o~.)1r. Rose and the Pire Brigade for their eflel se iia the occasion of the; late FIRE at his house, a silseknowledge thek:ind-. nesc of the servantS of u/ester Coffee Roasting Company, and the neigh o a so readily lent their. assistance. * ales bV.ttsfn On Wednesday the 9th of June, 1847. at half-past ten o'clock precisely, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G- OLD GIVEVAW YKA-Anothir F RHEE l -GIFT by thleje tors of the PICTORIAL TIMES.-By ouscrdisvi at paper for one year yuou may OBTlAIN a F '' 'he last ONE THOU- SAND POUNDS r G was given in Bank Notes to Mrs.7ja'iae Rtutht d S gijeld, in the county of Durha, whoonly e ed or on yearto the paper. Apply mmediltely a booksller o newsagent in thle kigdm o ad alolr ta h ulse ftr~ Psuro- ITI ~ ,31 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMEN'S COOL SUMMIER-DRESS. Alpaca Zephyr Coats. Lamna Cloth Over-Coats. Dust Colour Over-Coats. / Dress Coats, one third the usual weight. Trousers and Vests, extremely light., Black and Drab Hats, in Beaver and Satin, very light. Linen Blouses, from 2s. 6d. 911) ffj' PANTECIINETIIECA. HEIE SUBSCRIBERS have on Sale, INDIAN COI ; sod CORN M rEAl (Whitc anul Yellow), of ver y healita- litv. ...

District Intelligence

... ST. HELEN'S. I'BTTT Pfssiins, Junk —Lawrence Hey worth, Etq.. chairman ; Samuel Taylor and William Pilkington, F>qrs, were nl«> on the bench James Gaitley, aliat Briekell, old (-tender, was committed Kirkdale take lii« trial for stealing Bt. from the pen-on William Knowles. of St. Helen's —Margaret Roth cram, fine-l 14«».61., Inc'ulingc>stft, for assaulting Eliasbttli Larue; Joseph Whitfield ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TllYDE PARK SQUARE.-The Healthiest Spot Htin London, within Three minutes' waslk of Kensington Gardens -To be Let or Sold, a Splendid Family Mansion finished in the First Style of Elegance, fit for immediate occupation ; Combining every Comfort fora Large Family, Fixtures complete, Bath room, Second Stone Staircmse, and Spacious Diniog and Doawing ceenos. Tobte Let also in the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAJETYSTHEATRE. I ?? a r ?? r respectfully in- oE The Nobilitaa SuETArit1'1 adi tae place on Thursday next. Jumed 1tth when will he Presented iellili 5 elebrated Opera, entitled joe w alle JENNY LIND * Lisa, Madasue tA S(N1X fI3`LA- d i or. Lablehe, and EiinO, Sigseor Gardoni. Solari. Cesitt 11001lp, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, in 2 vole. post iv with nunierOU Engravings, price 24s. bound. 'S NARRATIVE T.ORD CASTLEREAGHSNRRTV of his 1 ,1 jOURNEY to DAMASCUS. Throngh Egypt. Rabin Arabia Petrnti, Palestine, nd Syria. Hr olrrPublisher, 1. Great MArlboog te ?? be had of all flooksellers. NEW HISTORICAL WORiK BY G. P R. JAMES, ESQ.I Thi sly s pblihe, iIvol. iro, oloth, tVe. HE LIFE of H[ENRY the FOURTH, LICING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B G UAN (J. 1OR SALE, a few Tons of Certified Pervian, F also, a lot of superior Chilian, with Analysis/ Apply to Peter Jones, 32, Eden-quay. A NDUREW'S Celebrated Pine Apple Jamaica i Rum, 129 6d per gallon; good Jamaica Rum (recomn. mended), 10s ; Deemerara Rum, 8s and 9s per gallon; Whiskey (good) at Se; fine at 9s, and very exoell t at log (strongly recommended). E SUMvMER WINES /fle la 28 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Atnte HALL OF 5l4RCll.LorDON on Tuesday, June Fif/ljtith, - oo HALE y AUsTtgALIAN WOOL. ii . t'NUS AYILES 705 BaleS. S cgtlogues il e ln b AL a ?? et ITIAM IIATL, Broker. .tt tle HALL OF on SIIICS. L'NDON, on e Wo'eily, the Six- A teduth, -fourtlJ~tl.Y'cl~v11th Jlaue, ti 9,.500 B 1.L .6 AU VALIN P()tt lILW. VAN DT71i MiU'N'8 lANtN mu, d SIL l't AISiRA LIAN WOOLi of ap. proved Marks by J. : J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAIL FARM, of SO ACRES, [INCLUDING COMMONAGES,] Situate in the Parishes of SaintMargaret's, Ilketshall, and the Market Town of Bun gay, Sufolk, presenting nume. rois attractions to Purchasers Jor Occupation, and de. serving especial attention as a secure and profitable Investment, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By HOWLETT and LENNY, At the King's Head Inn, Bungay, on Monday, the 14th day of June. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF ABERDEEN. UEGISTVSTION Or VOTERS. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in terms of the Act 2 IN and 3d of William IV., cap. 65, entitled An Act to AmeDd the Representation of the People in Scotland, to all Persons intending to Claim to be Registered as Voters in the City or Burgh of Aberdeen, or to Object to the Title of any Voter already on the Rewister of said Burgh, to give in their several ...