Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OLP CIGARIS.' Mr. JOTIN REPPER bogs t. maket kniown that he will SELL by AUCTIO, at the- C5otlIDttCIA5. S~ALK Rtnols. STSKNst'd 13UtLDIN 0, LaSSOS.S 05. Molitig.OICt, the Tweshkft'e.J5 tle PA RCEL of FI NE' OL1,D C I GA RS, of t A~ ~~~favoult its Brands, viz.:- vs 35511s. Finie Old PRINWIP'ES. s 255-lbs. li'rns'e ISA HE1Lt, A PRMINIPES. i I~tie, Finew Old INGIENUiI5AIS. j 'IO lbs. Vaniooo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO T ICE. S A L E P O S T P O N E D. PHF SEVEN FINE PICTURES, advertised for Sale on T Fridav last, vas unavoidably put off till WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 30th instant, but will be Sold on that dav at One o'clock precisely. In the meantime, Gentlemen at a distance will have an opportunity of examining them, as they will remain on iew till that day. FRANCIS WRIGHT. Picture Gallery, 96 West Nile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAT IVE DISEASES. JUST PUIBLISHEDt TlE THIIILTIETH THOUSAND, An Fnproved Edition, revised and correeted, 120 Pages, pricesi 2s in a, Sealed Enveloiie. forwarded Post- paid, to arny aiddress, seure from Observatiol, for 2s 6d. id -ciafge Stamnirt, LLUSTRATED VITlH NU-MFUOUS AN.&TOMICIAL COLOU RED) ENOIUVINGS, ~,fANllO(D: the CAUSES OF ITS PRE- j MA i'lJltF. DI4ECLIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Sea. -Wanted Immediately, TTHREE respectable YOUTHS to be apprenticed to a first-closo Ship, trading to the Southsernl parts ef the wvorld. To Youths desirous s of eirebrarist' a seafaring life, this is ore of soperior advantages. No n preflitf required; but it is expected the pasrsios will provide thorn-r ehsI I harser*1 ufit. Apply to Mr. WV. FOSTER, 7, High.. p sirenl, Ste dwoll, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now publishing in peny Nunber', the baa itifal Rimance, enti t led M iranda; or, the ?? of the IV~t Grange. ?? No. I of which are presented, GRATIS, Nos. 2, 5, and 4. 0orce, 12, Salisbury-square, Fleet-street. rl~eoian, author of the Medical ID as nabnsu daily at his own house, or at the re- 55 y~idS ORalidieass clmcte 'it ,the CHEST, STO- ,S~iSN, &-c. At homedeaity till Twelve, andafter Six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .4;?;? ? 1? ~ !4 :4. , lf :: . .s ;- l .. S7 vs. t4 ,j t *X -, ', +X S v- : 1s 1 I : l t. .1..; ., :.:j. *'? * .?. 1 I§.K; :.,j * K -; 1, '. f :: e . Z : E w b/:s 1 V~ . '. t 'i : . r) , . ? ?, ?.; : i ? , -.V:t , 1, , I S..-. I' i-.1 I'l-,.- - -, ,:, -m ?, i?P 11 0 i -1. ?;! , Is~ax~c,,i~-EX~vfj~rri~liv,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ...

TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF DERBY. Gentlemen, A VACANCY having been occasioned in the REPRESENTATION of ..

... of DERBY, by thelamenteddeath of the Earl of Bessborough, and the removal of Lord Duncannon to the Honse of Peers, I am encouraged by the very kind offers of sup- port which I have received from many influential parties to declare myself a CANDIDATE for the honor of REPRESENTING you in PARLIAMENT. I am persuaded tbat you would not desire that I or any other Candidate shonld seek yonr favour by ...


... The Natural History oj the Ballet-girl. By Albert smith. London : D. Bogue, Fieet-street. The subject of this little work does not give the same S5. e n '® adTe r«ion and humour as its predecessor irtnt; but to those unacquainted with theatrical mysteries and the Baliet-girl's every-dav life, and to whom an introduction to such things would be interesting, peep behind the curtain, such as is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f/j7 y GRANIJ PROMENADE AT T}!E ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. A GRAND PROM ENADE will take place at the GAR- A DENS, on SATURDAY the 19th inst. from Two till Five P.Mr. The splendid BAND of the 76th REGIMENT, by thekind permission of Colonel CLARKE. w-ill attend and perform a fa- vourite variety of Military Music. Admission, 1s.-Children, 6d. ROYAL C LEDEONIAN HORTICUTLTURAL SOCIETY 14AEt SU~IMER- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. MR. JAMES JOHN PROSSER, LEBSEE. ?? THE BENEFIT OF AN OLD AND RESPEC4 TABLE ACTOR. 'XHIS PRESENT THURSDAY, June loth, 1r 1847, will be performed the Drama of the IRISH ATTORNEY; OR GALWAY PRACTICE IN 1770. pierce O'Hara, Eiq. by a Gentloman Amateur; lAaldon, )lr uickenson; Fielding, Mr EBurne; Hawk, Mr H Nye ,jigs Charlootte, Mrs Eburne; Sally, Miss A Brown. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEBB'S AFRICAN rOMATUM, for Rinngvoron W&c.-Thls-simple but effectual remedy has raised itself into anl extensive sole, solely by its'extraordinaury powers of rasiy detoing thle impeitigo, or ringworm, which appears en the head and te parts of the body. It is perfectly safe in its use, aed has constantly cured where alt medical means have failed, This Pomtuin has also been found most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F OR SHANGHAE Direct, touching at Singapore, to sail or the 22nl June or forfeit freight (all goods must be aiongside anid cleared by the 19th), tho clipper barque CARIB, A I for 12 yvers, 325 tons regis'er, G. It. 17EATON Commander loading ia thc West Inda DWek&. This veesel pIessesacc accommedalon o. a very supcrlor order, and will be foluld an excellent opportunity for pasargcrs Proceeding ...