... [*ROM OUR CORRKSPONDBNT. M «o. Manchester, Mention, One e'clock. ow 'ff 1 ' 1 the Kmt Cup event j w® oo thr qui ri» for the acceptance* •til WWw» do not (ipect mooh busineee. THR LIVERPOOL CUP. ; 1 th* field. UM wioMWiUoot^r9 ...


... _ - - SOCIWTY OF ARTS. On Tbursday the patrons and. friends of this institution assembled at the society a house, Jobn-street, Adelphi, to witness the distribution of the numerous and handsome prizes awarded to candidatea according to their various degrees of merit; His Royal Highness Prince Albert (the President of the Society) tuolc the chair at twelve o'cioclr, and, on his appes~arnce, Was ...

Published: Sunday 13 June 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1308 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... SE LECTED. TfHE 1O'YAL PEDIGREE. B-v JAMES It. lOWELL. Let those who will clairo gentle birfh And take their pride in Norman blood, The purest ancestry on earth Must find its spring in Adam's mud And all, though noble now or base, From the same level took their rise, And side by side, with loving grace, Leap'd, crystal clear, from Paradise. We are no spawn of bartered love That's wedded to the ...


... Apoetri. CLEON AND 1. BY CIIAS, OL&CKAY. Cleon bath a million acres- Ne'er a one have I; Cleon dwelleth in a palace- In a cottage 1; Cleon bath a dozen fortunes- Not a penny l; But the poorer of the twain Is Cleon, and not 1, Cleon, true, possesseth acres, Btt the landscape I; Half the charms to me it yieldeth Money cannot buy: Cleoan barbours sloth and dulneas-- Freshening vigour I; He in ...

Fine Arts

... WFine arm ITALIAN SCULPTUR.E-TLero is now on view at a Messrs. Paul and Dominic Celn'ghi's in Pall-mall East, a F collection of works in marble, executed by Raflaes Mooti, of S Ravenna, for Lord de Mauley and the Duke of Devonshire. V The largest and best work is a monument to Lady do i Mauley, about to be erected in a church in Dorsetlhire. A The monument consists of three distinct portions-a ...


... KIRMTNTILLOCH CATTLE SEIOW. The annual Cattle Show of thae Kirkintilloeh Agricultural So- ciety took place there on Thursday the 24th current. The stock exhibited was of first rate quality, and very numerous, and coat- manded the admiration not only of the Judges, but of a large con- course of spectators on the groond. The competition for butter, both fresh and powdered. was considerable; and ...


... THE MUSICAL EXAMINERI CONCERTS OF ANCIENT MUSIC. Sixt/ Concert, Wednesday, June 16. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE EARL OF CAWDOR. PART I. Chorus, Domino ad adjuvandum . Giovanni Porta. Rocit. and Hymn, M. Staudigl, Heilig, hei- lig, heilig ist (Das Zuees-run auf Golt.) ?? Himmel. Recit. and Aria, Miss Dolby, Rests 0 cara ` Mozart. Chorus, Sing unto God (Judas Maccabeus) Handel. ...


... TJE sii71 II WfLE.- is X fthte establishing a 'well regulated theatre in the cii'r ' T in~ will be productive I of 'advantage, and tend to improve th 45 of the people.i. -O-. That the theatre in feuture'may be instrumental to the cause of vittue, and instructive -to humian ?? of- parliament from syhich the patent of jhe Theatre Ryl Doiblin, is derived.- -l. ., Plays are good or bad as they ...

Published: Sunday 27 June 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1161 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... W131MV. TIlE LABOURER .4 3fon thly fegazwin ?? tics, Literatuere, Poetry, d&c. Jnited by Feargus O'Connor, Esq., and Ernest Junes4, Esq. June. London : Northee Star Office, 16, Great Wind- mill-street, 11aymarket. This aumber concludes the first volume of this de. sorvedly successful represeotntive and champion of tabour. The success of this publicition lips been benond all precedent, having, ...

Public Amusements

... ?? Riurmto. - - - -1 . 1 - -- -- - - _ - - 11 . .. ?? ?? .. . ?? - l~a NlAipsly's rTWAT~R,, under the pre-eminently skilful regitoe 01' its talented and liberal iaopresari, T stands alone in its glory, the first musical Cs- t tablishiment in the world. independent of itti p possession of the coveted treasure of Europe- a thle fatr-fmed Jenny Lind-the galaxy of artis- d cal accomplishmaent by ...

Selected Poetry

... VIDCtUt - C H A N G E. ANn this is change! oh, worse than death- More trying to the mind- The parting of a loved one's breath Still leaves a balm behind. But this is change-this is to see A heart unlike 't was wont to be; To find the old familiar tone Changed to a cadence yet unknown; The eye assume an aspect strange- Oh, worse than death h-and this is change I The ivy, on our household walls, ...


... understand there was a meeting of the Council of the Hoy I Agricultural Improvement Society, on Thursday, which was influentially and numerously attended, the principal object being to take into consideration the reports that have reached the society, from different parts ot the country, with reject to the present condition of the potato crop. Several specimens of the potato, from different ...