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Advertisements & Notices

... . I The ightlIon. the Earl John Curteis, Eq., in of Cardigan 25 0 0 addition to a former J- H. Pideock, tsq. 5 0 donation of £112 12s. 87 8 0 John Moxon, Esq .c 550 3T. H. Baylis, Esq .a I I 0 John D. 'owles, Eqq . 0 James ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e~Xo. 27, Idoorgate-Strect, or, any'ef the Company's Ageitst. AGENTS. ' -~ ?? Mr. JOHN POTTER, Sharebrokel'. BjAbeoRti a - EVr. John fisdersou, Mercheult. -CA~rLrSLR'. ?? John Ir'ving, Grocer. Do,1tX9TEn..MAr. IV. L~ Moffar, Archilebt. SHALIF s . Mr. Wmn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 1 0 TheightHon. the Earl John Corteis, Eq., in of Cardigan .. 28 0 0 _addition to a former J H. Pidcock, Esq .5 0 0 ; mdcnation of £112 12s. 87 8 0 John Moaxon, Esq . 5 0 T. H. Baylis, Esq..a 1 1 0 John D. Powles, Esq. 5 5 0 n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Trustts thoreisstnsentioned, -for-the Bane- are flil'of cbs Creditors of the 'said John Harrison ; and tisat the ear I;said Isssesrture~was execute d-bythe said John.Harrison, en - the acid Frsrt-'Day ofJune,. anid:by thesaid itonismin firlggs div Poppiewilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Grea t Morton Lane. Little Horton Lian, Bowling thres r Lare, Ambler Thorn, Soper Lane. iWaeley, Shelf, Stone Table, The Cardigan Arms Inn, on tire Leeds Side thereof, and the Li Bar or Chain across tire Highniay leading to Darley arid Reevy, AlI ,will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wellington Terrace, Carriarvon. JOHN THOMAS, Clerk of the Guardians. 21st June, iS'1 7.¢ ,ver~ii; naliassel M7cniiti~i iBirsilge. -~~~ S~t( TrIcE POWeR tFUL ANt) 1 AST SeA)LI XL WFt1' IIrON ii, . Alit St yz 9t Captain JOHN HUNTER. b Leaves the GlEORGE'S ...