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Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... .4;?;? ? 1? ~ !4 :4. , lf :: . .s ;- l .. S7 vs. t4 ,j t *X -, ', +X S v- : 1s 1 I : l t. .1..; ., :.:j. *'? * .?. 1 I§.K; :.,j * K -; 1, '. f :: e . Z : E w b/:s 1 V~ . '. t 'i : . r) , . ? ?, ?.; : i ? , -.V:t , 1, , I S..-. I' i-.1 I'l-,.- - -, ,:, -m ?, i?P 11 0 i -1. ?;! , Is~ax~c,,i~-EX~vfj~rri~liv,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ...


... The Natural History oj the Ballet-girl. By Albert smith. London : D. Bogue, Fieet-street. The subject of this little work does not give the same S5. e n '® adTe r«ion and humour as its predecessor irtnt; but to those unacquainted with theatrical mysteries and the Baliet-girl's every-dav life, and to whom an introduction to such things would be interesting, peep behind the curtain, such as is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEBB'S AFRICAN rOMATUM, for Rinngvoron W&c.-Thls-simple but effectual remedy has raised itself into anl extensive sole, solely by its'extraordinaury powers of rasiy detoing thle impeitigo, or ringworm, which appears en the head and te parts of the body. It is perfectly safe in its use, aed has constantly cured where alt medical means have failed, This Pomtuin has also been found most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~IANCHESTER' ART UNION.--THE M ADJOUB N of pries firvourable to tb teotbseoi yw be lleld on Tuesday eveningt insat tseven o'clock, in the Theatre of tie I cestrIstitution, to receive the report a i ,teaoption of rules, and other irupo e 1ICHAIID ASPDEN, Sec. pro. tern. T.OVETT TESTIMONTIAL,- L. Chairman : J. Humffreyjs Parry, Esq., 35, Southonmpton Buildings, Chancery Lane. Treasurer : W. H. ...

Sporting Intelligence

... ASCOT RACES. TUE C DA Y, June 1. The THiAL STAKE?, 5 sovs. added. New mil?. Lord Orford's Pru Acid, 4 Mr MoitvnV Alsatia, 3vm ' .i'Fvna 9 .MrHussejV yrs 7..'. 3 Mr Lhrr.bu. In? Crown, irp 4 7t04 Pru- Acid. t.. 1 4 t The Crown, andfc to Iru -t Embrace. Won easily length. BWEEFSTAKES. 5o cich. h. ft.. f ...

Imperial Parliament

... HOUSE OF LORDS. MOXDAT, June 7. private bills were advanced a »tagc. BHOUOIi AM protested against tbe alleged intention «f . *™ Judges to postpone the ciicuits, must unjust to the trimmer*; and Lord CAMPBELL observed that in the oholera Judges had never thought of a course. POOR REMOVAL (ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND) BILL. , urder of the da y for the committal of tb is bill, CAMPBELL expressed bis ...


... Lascashikk. JrxE —The cotton trade at Bun*, Bolton, ami vicinities, gets better: the working of short time still uitinucs. Calico block printing is extremely dull andamaiy j rimers are without work, but the machine print* has revived little during the last eight or ten dajs. At Todmordea, Walsden, Stansfield. and vicinities, we regret have to report that change for the better has yet taken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 41iticseioas by letter respecting odveliusconants lust be post paid or they esill not, be ,-eceised. Applicationts directed to be ntde at- the p-interr's must be personael in ese,1, cases, no writiea eons. muneications, &en be attende-itoC. Pe'sronal inquiries cannot be %gt answered, ehen 0h ,iddes i s he -si etter. IAANThD, a Two Thee -co red Surface PRINTING yr MACHINE ; idea i al.,j ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-II IA j''INCIAL MEETING, O s- Ofthe Coimt8, f Lecareaskrad'Chester, *T1WILL be held at the UNITARILA CHAPEL, PRESTON, v v. SMlTEF, B.-A. Professor of Theology ;T Manoh ' New College, tillreah-on the oceasion. Serviceto commeace at ?? The Meeting SefMembers, for the purpofO tra the business 0f the As5O~latocias d be bsi drtlthe ClOe of the service. In the afseraoonl the ?Me~inbeadth 4,e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iutei t conut pslt six o'clock. ,fo~e SAlFORD TOWN e13thi, D3ElO IIe baes pTfO5&sCIhesinther torn SUNDAY~ g, .Vtu~~~m TllE E9STg Iat t sriStoD, , iODS DY EX )ElmUNRO, aid 5tof QO,%5lillYtla the pool-streetr ' alford, by in tth e eGrflOI scv i~rs' Slld by the ser. on IEECIIAPELC~eetha~bST.- Ne T- 1LA 3. 11ev.1 jelMIsSOATJGHEY, from the gFev, JAMEfS aeri as kindly consented * ed Stateo ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, June 2, 1847. monthly meeting of the Council was held this day. Tbe members present at the commencement ***** milnrr In addition to the usual routine business, bepr MP contained the following subjects for considerate* of Mr. Thomas Duncan assistanttfo *ne of per annum; reoommendatien that iarT . ey y.ri .' the Botanic Gardens extended into museum (heher tttWf , products; motions ...

DEATH OF THE REV. J. JOHNS. It is with sincere regret that we hare, in addition to the numerous list

... of Cathol.c clergy who hare proved their devotion to their religious duties to death, to record another rictim to the fever the Rev. John Johns, who died his house Mill-street, on Wednesday las', the 23rd instant, aged forty-seven yearn. Mr. had, for the last eleven yea is,been connected with the Domestic Mission Society, and fulfilled with zeal and efficiency the duties maiked out at their ...