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Manchester Times

Advertisements & Notices

... PIRIIONI: Trusl rointhe Fronch -of London: C. F. lai I:FORREST. Jlast Plllbihlad-the Sixth Editionf, wit considerable additions, ESTIGES'- O %HWAfttRAL HISTOILYf A RtERINIIITo eea i,~13 n sfo. olvd, 2o, Ol. Lonldon: John Chunrchill, Priviles-street, Soho. Just publlished, price 4s. cloth. -UPVTORY OF THE 1~1LIO F1P5O .JLl~ I10aaotiirl, Cojiios. Vi &M Edition, Formhing the fifth V01h1111 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S o?~ECL]SIASTICAL POLITY. fECiURFTHof this BSE will gvbe delivered Fj IcFTH 0y U N O In Ducie Chapel, SUNIDAd by tb ev'.D.NO LAN. 9?a~-NC S ers faEN r Forms of corn- c~iteriti 'rhoMe Ilglandtties. Discipline mod ofrec~ti, pevi in ariuSreligious corn- ~ic5~'~amencesat half-past six o'clock. LILIN FAMLY wll gve their 4 PIQtZ DANIE~STOi.B, Jea., Managing Director. p3, e2tlo , 1847. __ AN UAL I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IORN BRAGG, ofth CrO~ ke' BilltCyoss t Estreet, begs to retujtf aoks o~.)1r. Rose and the Pire Brigade for their eflel se iia the occasion of the; late FIRE at his house, a silseknowledge thek:ind-. nesc of the servantS of u/ester Coffee Roasting Company, and the neigh o a so readily lent their. assistance. * ales bV.ttsfn On Wednesday the 9th of June, 1847. at half-past ten o'clock precisely, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G- OLD GIVEVAW YKA-Anothir F RHEE l -GIFT by thleje tors of the PICTORIAL TIMES.-By ouscrdisvi at paper for one year yuou may OBTlAIN a F '' 'he last ONE THOU- SAND POUNDS r G was given in Bank Notes to Mrs.7ja'iae Rtutht d S gijeld, in the county of Durha, whoonly e ed or on yearto the paper. Apply mmediltely a booksller o newsagent in thle kigdm o ad alolr ta h ulse ftr~ Psuro- ITI ~ ,31 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ECTU RES ON ECCLESIASTI CAL POIATly. ,Tle~~ltP f ths CO~tS ~ illb Delivered TO-DJ(t I.L ,-ccginl~deChpe. rolcscHill1 Roadh, by theI liey. rbyelaSotet Te puait f a cborcic. Nations] '1 ,l~c'uei'a o 'lei~'in i~ el b Irnconjtrary to the law c-'' I~'etastecerevoot in adrelgius ibrty, and a cause of itrui'i'JS1 ANT,1-S8TATkCHURUH ASSOOJA- ) SO -ALECTRE,,vered in the licldetlt]C'rdt t~c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LATEST EDITION ~~~~~~an tli Valuable Building Materials. T TO BE SOLD BJ AUCTION, ByMr. JOHN THlOkAS, on rursday, July 1st, 1847, on 0 the premises in ni t ta 7I[HE Whole of tf ilIALS purchased T5 from Messrs. Jot esn etfor the pur- poso of iga nen street to Pott-street. By order of jove ant Co lmittee, i Th JOS- HELON, Town Clerk. _ Town Hall, Blanchets u 5h14 Catalogues wvill be r dy for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11F Rv. A ES A GHEY, from the 'fly. s~tmONS in tt esaMtteit Association Chapel, (vrtO Manchese,-MROSunday, June 13th. I e'lc at hl- te eeigat six.-Silver will be at the door-A cletowllbmade after each sermon. f~rthetOt Lndsofthe chapel. RADSALFORD TOWN A ~'-N.l A colletion SilE made afer deachvermdonTO ,,()fffluv' evt'ti,'I, inDui jp, Cheetham, Hill Road, by), tehec li'v r l'.'af~ y fficers of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Applcatonsby eetr repecinyedertien inta st be postpaid 01'the sol nt b reeivd. ppleatoasdit'ctctd toa be inade at thepctters ros beyaesent:in uchcassno written coos- in munzetjns oo e atened o. er~ana inUiries cannot be trk ~to W &NRTED, a JUNIOR AS APEteGocr rd. Addras eH l.tbp tos.1 ~TtTE)a Frstrat LO-P RE STE.AM ENGINE, ___________________pri nters'. S t: , pected tlesprinteis'. WANTED), a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *A in Auction. 33y Messrs. CAPES and SMITH (by order of the trustees under the will ofthelate Mr. James Wilkinson, deceased), at Mr. Matthew Hind's, the Halfway House, on the Stockport and Mlanchester Rload, on Wednesday the 23d day of June, 1847, at six O'clock in the evening, subject to conditions to be then produced: ALL that PLOT of LAND, situate at Levens- AL ulme, with the Erection or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ALDNESS AND LOSS OF HAIR.- - ,Sir,-Ilam informed by the Rev. D. Charles, B.A., of the great efficacy of your Restorative Balm for the Hair; his hair having been restored from a state of Baldness; hi8 testimonyis that he bought a single bottle of you last summor,: anf tor i entirely produced it. I hope you will send nie wo ttl the same, one for myself and the other for In frj nd. I ha ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~IANCHESTER' ART UNION.--THE M ADJOUB N of pries firvourable to tb teotbseoi yw be lleld on Tuesday eveningt insat tseven o'clock, in the Theatre of tie I cestrIstitution, to receive the report a i ,teaoption of rules, and other irupo e 1ICHAIID ASPDEN, Sec. pro. tern. T.OVETT TESTIMONTIAL,- L. Chairman : J. Humffreyjs Parry, Esq., 35, Southonmpton Buildings, Chancery Lane. Treasurer : W. H. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALDN ES S AND LOSS OF HAIR.- Sir,-I am .nFO d by tls.Rcv. .Charles, BA., of tile gra fiayo lssaieBalm for the Hair his hairofavin be d r fom t aldness, his to that b sg ottle of you laest 81t , a0( that o I hope yosup vil sold ( tione two bottlS myself and, , other for a friey abthe post a e s tangps to tlbe ainounti-I am, sir, efiyyus OMA, eocc Coisg, TlgaisBreconshirp. ~q~~hits, clieolet 8, ...