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North West, England

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News and Observations

... AMERICA AND MEXICO. ARRIVAL OF THIS CALEDONIA. The British and North American Royal mail steamer Caledonia, Captain Lott, arrived in the Mersev on Saturday evening last. She left Boston on the lfith u!t. and Halifax on the 18ih. By her we have received files of New York papers to the evening of the 15th. They are filled with very important intelligence. AKOTHEit GREAT BATTLE. We have accounts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIRIIONI: Trusl rointhe Fronch -of London: C. F. lai I:FORREST. Jlast Plllbihlad-the Sixth Editionf, wit considerable additions, ESTIGES'- O %HWAfttRAL HISTOILYf A RtERINIIITo eea i,~13 n sfo. olvd, 2o, Ol. Lonldon: John Chunrchill, Priviles-street, Soho. Just publlished, price 4s. cloth. -UPVTORY OF THE 1~1LIO F1P5O .JLl~ I10aaotiirl, Cojiios. Vi &M Edition, Formhing the fifth V01h1111 of ...

Local Intelligence

... THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN THE EXCHANGE. Mr. Cox, the Electric Telegraph Company's intelligent superintendent Manchester, on Wednesday explained to select company of gentlemen at the Manchester Exchange, the principles and morlus operandi the electric telegraph and electric clock. After defining the meaning of the word telegraph, and explaining the nature the telegraphs in operation before the ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, June 2, 1847. monthly meeting of the Council was held this day. Tbe members present at the commencement ***** milnrr In addition to the usual routine business, bepr MP contained the following subjects for considerate* of Mr. Thomas Duncan assistanttfo *ne of per annum; reoommendatien that iarT . ey y.ri .' the Botanic Gardens extended into museum (heher tttWf , products; motions ...

DEATH OF THE REV. J. JOHNS. It is with sincere regret that we hare, in addition to the numerous list

... of Cathol.c clergy who hare proved their devotion to their religious duties to death, to record another rictim to the fever the Rev. John Johns, who died his house Mill-street, on Wednesday las', the 23rd instant, aged forty-seven yearn. Mr. had, for the last eleven yea is,been connected with the Domestic Mission Society, and fulfilled with zeal and efficiency the duties maiked out at their ...

Jslatric&. On the 7th ins.'., at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Thomas Mills, to Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, the Waggon ..

... Cross-street, Cheshire. On the inst., at the same place. Mr. William Howard, Miss Mary Kirkhatn, both this town. On the 10th instant, at the same place, Mr Thomas Johnson, Oldham, to Mrs. Sarah assail, of this town. Same day and place, the Bev. W. Wilson, Mr. William Johnson, of this town, Miss Margaret Litton, of Warrington. On the sth inst., at the same place, Mr. J. to Miss Martha Benyon, ...


... [bt express.] LONDON, THURSDAY EVENING. MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE. From various sources we receive more gratifying reports of the present state of trade at Manchester; and although there is some difference of opinion in the letters to hand as to the production of goods having exceeded the demand, and being, therefore, one cause of the existing depression, we find that none of our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAY MAKING SEASON. HAAY M2AKING MACHINVES! ay Iliaking iliachines !g HAY MAKING MACHINESIII W0 not delay to give your orders for M A R Y 1D WEDLAKE'S HAY MAKING MACHINE and I1OiSE 5HAY RA;r, Widow of the late Inventor, 118, uenchurch-street, City, (opposite MarkLane). Ironmon- gers or Agents wanted in several ?? to upwards of 300 of the Nobility, Gentry, and Farmers, vii be forwarded on ...

District Intelligence

... ST. HELEN'S. I'BTTT Pfssiins, Junk —Lawrence Hey worth, Etq.. chairman ; Samuel Taylor and William Pilkington, F>qrs, were nl«> on the bench James Gaitley, aliat Briekell, old (-tender, was committed Kirkdale take lii« trial for stealing Bt. from the pen-on William Knowles. of St. Helen's —Margaret Roth cram, fine-l 14«».61., Inc'ulingc>stft, for assaulting Eliasbttli Larue; Joseph Whitfield ...


... iHricttrn. SALVS POPULI t. SUI'HEM A. TUESDAI', June 22, 1847. The predicament which Lord Morpeth found himself placed on the motion for going into committee the Health of lowns Bill, bore a analogy to that in which the Premier stood at the commencement of the session, on the question of opening the ports. As friend and foe alike concurred in condemnation of Loid John Russell s hesitancy and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =OT FORPROPAGA.TNG THE ' sbpel in Foreign -Parts, siiuMON will be preached in St. G orges Churob, A and a collection made in aid of the Funds of the Soc etyd on the Morning of SUNDAY, JuNE Qth, by the Revy. L. JEFFRAY, M.A., incumbent'o St. An- trew's .Ashtou--Service to oomme1ce at half-past ten, a.m. pajrgh flall, near ahorley. I H gIS *sRETREAST' is exclusively 'nlierded for the 1tr ...