Advertisements & Notices

... oalt% by, auctfon. SWINIDON, WILTS. VAbUABLE FREEI}OLD PROPERTY rort RESIDENCE OR01 ]BUILDING INVESTMENT. ESSRS. DORE & FIDEL are instructed [Vi ?? reecsflatives of the late Charles James Fox hTfferIbY IJOTION tU Public Competition, on r 8th Any of June jnst., at the BELL INN, MOINNDO s at Four o'clock in the Afternoon (subjeCt to such as vein then be produced), ll Iavery desirable IHOUSE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A27-4g1 VICTORIA TEMPLE. OPEIN ETVERY EVELNING. F lEST TDIE of a New Sketch of intense interest, founded F on fact, entitled ELLEN CAMERON, or the Fair Maid of the Firth. CONCERT and Grand Variety of DANCING. To be followed by the astonishing Performances of Signor STONETTE, from Cook's Royal Amphitheatre. Signor S. will also introduce his trained flog Carlo. The Amusements will conclude each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,LAI3IES ESTABLISHSENITi SYKES-HOUSE, SHERBDURN, HEY eturs Thnksto her numerous 1VJ~rleds or hei kin Parongeandbegs to inform the I 2'wssfs~sX~s whn se wll e bupyto eceveher Pupils. rv DOARINGANDDAY CU~OL OR TUB EDUCAIC1ON - OF OUG LDIS, IOE~iAT, ONTEFRtACT. Gent stdy b srit ttntontoth iteea nd hapiness ofer Fix Dutes f he chol ?? 'wnty'-frsl iDV, U47. Seo~o MJISS JEROMNE, (Successor to Misses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Northern Star Offlce, Friday, Two o'clock. 0 8TMATE PRC SED. We stop the Press to announce the pur- chase, Onl behalf of the National Land Company, of Tgz MINSTER LOVEL ESTATE, of 300 Acres, within three miles of the Market Town of Whitney. Mr. O'Connor effected the purchase on Thursday evening. Full particulars will be given next Week. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIRIIONI: Trusl rointhe Fronch -of London: C. F. lai I:FORREST. Jlast Plllbihlad-the Sixth Editionf, wit considerable additions, ESTIGES'- O %HWAfttRAL HISTOILYf A RtERINIIITo eea i,~13 n sfo. olvd, 2o, Ol. Lonldon: John Chunrchill, Priviles-street, Soho. Just publlished, price 4s. cloth. -UPVTORY OF THE 1~1LIO F1P5O .JLl~ I10aaotiirl, Cojiios. Vi &M Edition, Formhing the fifth V01h1111 of ...

Local Intelligence

... THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN THE EXCHANGE. Mr. Cox, the Electric Telegraph Company's intelligent superintendent Manchester, on Wednesday explained to select company of gentlemen at the Manchester Exchange, the principles and morlus operandi the electric telegraph and electric clock. After defining the meaning of the word telegraph, and explaining the nature the telegraphs in operation before the ...

DEATH OF THE REV. J. JOHNS. It is with sincere regret that we hare, in addition to the numerous list

... of Cathol.c clergy who hare proved their devotion to their religious duties to death, to record another rictim to the fever the Rev. John Johns, who died his house Mill-street, on Wednesday las', the 23rd instant, aged forty-seven yearn. Mr. had, for the last eleven yea is,been connected with the Domestic Mission Society, and fulfilled with zeal and efficiency the duties maiked out at their ...


... HOUSE OF COMMONS.—Wednesday, Juke 23. The Speaker took the chair 12 o'clock. PRIVATE BUSINESS. REPORT.—Home's (Ferguson's) Estate BiU. RKPORTS CONSIDERED.—Leeds Waterworks (No. 2); Manchester Corporation Waterworks (power to sell to the Manchester and Salford Waterworks Compaay); Taunton Improvement and Market: Bills. THIRD READlNGS.—Caledonian Railway (Edinburgh Station and Branches to ...

District Intelligence

... ST. HELEN'S. I'BTTT Pfssiins, Junk —Lawrence Hey worth, Etq.. chairman ; Samuel Taylor and William Pilkington, F>qrs, were nl«> on the bench James Gaitley, aliat Briekell, old (-tender, was committed Kirkdale take lii« trial for stealing Bt. from the pen-on William Knowles. of St. Helen's —Margaret Roth cram, fine-l 14«».61., Inc'ulingc>stft, for assaulting Eliasbttli Larue; Joseph Whitfield ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF ABERDEEN. UEGISTVSTION Or VOTERS. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in terms of the Act 2 IN and 3d of William IV., cap. 65, entitled An Act to AmeDd the Representation of the People in Scotland, to all Persons intending to Claim to be Registered as Voters in the City or Burgh of Aberdeen, or to Object to the Title of any Voter already on the Rewister of said Burgh, to give in their several ...


... iHricttrn. SALVS POPULI t. SUI'HEM A. TUESDAI', June 22, 1847. The predicament which Lord Morpeth found himself placed on the motion for going into committee the Health of lowns Bill, bore a analogy to that in which the Premier stood at the commencement of the session, on the question of opening the ports. As friend and foe alike concurred in condemnation of Loid John Russell s hesitancy and ...