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London, London, England

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... New Training College.—On Friday last the foundation stone of the New Tiaining College, erected under the auspices of the National Society, took place with all due formality. The site is near Carmarthen, on a beautiful spst, commanding extensive views. The college and grounds will cover 10 acres; the cost of erection will be under 6,000/. Business was generally suspended in Carmarthen ...


... Glasgow, July 25. You will regret to learn the precarious state of our distinguished independent divine, Dr. Wardlaw. The opinion of his medical attendant is that any excitemen —writing or preaching, or even discharging the ordinary pastoral duties—would endanger his life. The copastorate committee have applied to a reverend Mr. Smith, Ireland, who made a very favourable impression when on a ...


... Dublin, July 14. The social condition of Ireland is very often determined by the quiet or disturbed state of a few remarkable counties—Tipperary, of course, standing at the apex. Hence, as the latter riding, and particularly the north, rises or falls in crime, senteKce is pronounced on the entire community. The past three months have included periods of much popular ferment, and yet Tipperary ...

The Court

... A very full Chapter of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath was held yesterday afternoon in Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty's pleasure having been signified the knights and officers entered the presence the sovereign in the chapter (throne) room. Her Majesty was seated a chair of state, and wore the mantle and collar of the order. Prince Albert, acting-great master of the order, stood ...


... NORFOLK. Riot after the Norwich Election. Daring the after part of the day of polling at the Norwich election on Thursday, about 200 navvies, wishing probably to give an extra cheer to their master, Mr. Peto, one the successful candidates, came into this city, and regaled themselves rather too plentifully with strong drink, and perambulated the streets, uttering the most vociferous cheers ...


... LANCASHIRE. Birkenhead Docks.—On Friday evening a public meeting of the ratepayers and inhabitants of Birkenhead was held for the purpoie of considering the present critical position of the commissioners' dock bills, and urging on the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, and the House of Lords, the great importance of passing the same they now stand. The room was entirely tilled, principally by ...

Parliament will be prorogued, it is now confidently stated, by her Majesty in person, on Thursday, the 22nd ..

... week. East India House.—Annuity to Major-General Pollock. —Yesterday, special general court of proprietors was held at the India House, Leadenhall-street, for the purpose of laying before the proprietors a resolution passed unanimously by the court of directors, for granting annuity of 1,000/. to Major-General Sir G. Pollock, G.C.B. The resolution at the general court yesterday wa3 moved by Mr ...


... Barnstaple.—Mr. Hodgson, conservative, has given notice if his retirement, and the Hon. J. W. Fortescue has addressed the electors, offering his services as free-trade representative of the borough. Birmingham.—The latest dit is, that Mr. Matthew Davenport, Queen's Counsel, intends offer himself as a candidate at the ensuing election. Brad ford. —The retirement of Colonel P. Thompson from the ...


... Blackburn.—Three candidates are in the field:—Mr. W. Hargreaves and Mr. J. Pilkington, freetraders, and Mr. Hornby, conservative. Cambridge.—A correspondent says: We have now four candidates in the field, Mr. Sutton, very much t» the surprise the electors, having ' reconsidered' his recent determination, and come forward agein. Cornwall, (East). —The Falmouth Packet says Mr. T. J. A. ...

The Court

... The Queen held a court yesterday afternoon at Buckingham-palace. A deputation of the States of Jersey had an audience of her Majesty to present an address. Sir George Grey presented Jthe members of the deputation to the Queen. Sir John De Veulle, who was at its head, read the address, and at the same time presented an album to her Majesty, illustrated with number of views of the island of ...


... Anglesey.—Two whig candidates are in the field for the representation this county —the Hon. W. O. Stanley and Sir Richard Williams Bulkeley, the former the sitting member, the latter representing the Flintshire boroughs. Sir Richard made his debut at his Llangefni on Thursday before a numerous body of his well-wishers and supporters, whom he addressed at great length, the main topics dwelt on ...