Advertisements & Notices

... 9/,fYL, ORIA TEMPLE OF MUSIC. MONDAY, JuLY 12, M1R GOURLAY'S NIGHT, And Last but Two of the Season. 1fR GOURLAY begs leave most respectfully to announce, All that his BENEFIT will take place on MONDAY EVENING, JULY 12, when, at the earnest reqnest of nume- rous Friends, he will, for the first time these eleven years, ap- pear as YOUNG NORVAL. The Entertainments will commence, positively for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Edition Twenty Thouatetd Copies f0f pages each) One Shilling each, by post (in stampsp). Is. 6d. each. WJHAT TO EAT, DRINK, AND AVOID WiVith Diet Tables for all Cotlaplaintsa. By BOoEtis JstA.-SCtvo s. 3IB.RMC.S.L.A e Tvoe hundred tlsoosand Copies of this little sork have beon sold in Fn-1 tad coed America w ithin the last three years-the best ealogium on it, estility. Bade Editios keceps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT CAUTION. MESSRS. A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton Garden, London, beg to caution the Nobility and Gentry against being misled by the attempts of somne shopkeepers, who, to cornpounds of their own manufacture, give the titles of Macasssr Oil, alydor, and !'Odonto * some under the im~pied sanction of Royalty and the Government departments, with similar attempts at deception; while ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NVOTICE OF REMOVAL. - OXFORD.DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. NFREDERLzcK JSONES Dyer, Embosser 4- Waterer, Cleaner, Glazer, Silk Dresser, tc, EGS to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Oxford and surrounding towns that, for their convenience, he has removed to those new'and centrally-situated Premises, No. 16, M~arket-street. opposite the Star Hotel, where he hopes to ire- ceive a continuance of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE AN'D LIFE ASSURA1NCE. rlE DInRECTOLS of the NORTH and WEST of SCOT- !T LrAND ASS:URANiCE COOMPANY beg te intimate that tohsv arer prepared to effect Life Assurance on eartiesgoing to Eroicn Counttries (including the East and eyst Indies, A4merica, - C/,haL S'cjatrates eonriderably under those hitherto charged by octrxr Companies. Full particulars nay be learned at the hEAD OrsrrE I?; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... City of London Election.-West. END COMMITTEE for SECURING the RETURN of Lord JOHN RUSSELL, JAS. PATTISON, Esq., Sir G. LARPENT, Baron L: DE ROTHSCHILD. Lord ROBERT GROSVEN'OR, Chairman. The Right Hon. EDWARD ELLICE, M.P., Deputy Chairman, Lord Marcus Hill, ll.P. T. A. Mitchell, Esq., M.P. Viscount Ebrington, M.P Raikes Currie, Esq., M.P. Lord James Stuart, M.P. W. Y. Denison, Esq, M.P. Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -S i aiRLY TALUABLE CAUo0| 0 oolo ,- iwrs, pretre ;; ?? aredbht :t I b thU Floe me Pr;e~aesj 11 ,,,v are Fld~ in l~ it~fu t I jlti,,SttyaOV1118svery11ttit~adhaepr~~ ! j A,,rlttitc Giddinems Iiertrtun, Co- vd /ri scbi: f Lte Skin, urnd all (omnplata aeian t frons r,; ;11' l ?? Digestive Oron.,; they require to VWi .,Tl,l iliteir oper0ttfon lw I bend0beefi ,of ?? tioc Stomach, 1-guatfing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hi G0RATEST CURIEt tirF ANY MEiDIClN~b IN3 Tilt,: 01015Ei. 11OLTTOWAY'S OINTNIENT. '3traordinasry Cure of a Gentleman eighty years of atge, of a very Bad Leg. ?? of a Letter. delnt Sedaxst tahassw , l8th Juunory, 1847. To Professor liollow5y. S1Iu,-I beg to intfonsi you thiat I t = leg for some years, and had blen under ties AilSmfa rIe|- Bpectinble Surgeon here for saoie MI'ths iv' A uotrte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 25o Bater & Oortt0Voflbtlt t. ittlCET.L&JEOu5. O'CoNNOILVILL.-Through the medium of the Northern Star I desire to acknowledge the handsome present made to me by the Carrington shareholders, of a three. tined garden-fork, which is considered to be one of the beet construction in every respect, full length three feet eight inches, length of the tines fourteen inches, width of the three ines six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUXILIARY 'TO TIHE NIATIONAL LAND COMPANY. THE NATIONAL CO-OPEBATIVV BENEFIT SOCIETY. Pa ?? tc'y, M-F1? Directors-M es p. Ti,(grath, T. Clark, and C. Doyle. BS &t-Thb vational Lend and Labour Bank. Scerctary-Mr E. Stallwood. aentral Offices, 85, liean.street,:Sokho, and .2, Little Vale. place, Hammersmith road. T HIS Society presents greater advantages to the In. T dustrious Millions thou any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~ loTEACHERS AND ADULT SCHOLARS IN SUNDY SCHOS *.kN(HESTERJ AND SAL- coreof 2EG tlE~th etimon of Histor'y to L Cp~'lb il 1v 1WM~EDD iChiapel-sre ~lp',- 'o.~'i ofFivr LctreJul 21t, he agocy aicr Succesyfruj fCrsint nteTreFrt Conto, eq. I -cirTH LANCASUHJAE ELECTION- .14of0T E. -Thie Central Cofitteo for Condtucting thle P't;lov(f VWilliami Bron, a~ nd the H'onouratl hre '1,2g1e Vitllierii, SlT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE OLD-ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE & RETAIL BED, MATTRESS, PAILLASS. AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTOBY, .BRDDIMG, ZEATMER AND MILPUFF WAEHOUSE, B. & H. ROGERS late WALSH), 7, [CASTLE-STREET, BRISTOL, Beg sincerely to return thanks for the liberal support they have received since they have taken to the above Establishment, and at the same time respectfully solicit a continuance of that patronage which they ...