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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... COwMEwzvtc LrsT, F.OR TRTHE W9E; END ING, MONDAY WEEK. a V v T1/ G G sG V a A * :5 . st U a L# & W IN E IL GOODS WAREHOUSED. 483 lbs. tea, William Fraser 255 gals. ram, John Begg 1592 do., James Croal 631 do. do., Leslie Clark 354 do., Robert Catto & Co. 67 do. do., Alex. Fraser 432 do., Wm. Enmslie- & Son 110 do. Geneva, R. CatW. 712 do., Robert Stevens and Co. 872 do., William Ltimsden 116 ...


... RETURNS OF IMIPORTS AND EXP(.RTS Returns moved for by Mr E. S. Cayley, M.P ford the! following. interesting statistical details of British combnerce The aggregate of the importations into the Unted Kingdom during the twvelve months ended the 5th of Mlay last past. was as follows :-1S,824 oxen and bulls. 26,915 cows 3570 calves, 95,402 sheep, 2867 lambs, and 3280 swiine and hogs 16,440 cwt. of ...


... I - HE RRING TRAbt. I PEEFERH1FAD, Aug. 2.-The average Dumibber of crans for the 376 bots fishing here amounts; at this di1e. to 21 erans. Fk*AS-RBURGH,- d August.- l:T e. herring fishing here has to, the end of last wveek been very unsuccessful, but this morning there is a very good take-the quality very fine. LOSSIEMOUTH, July 29.-T e fishgin, with the exception of a few crans on Friday, has ...

Cattle and Meat Markets

... Cattle and Meat WarketS. SMITTHFIELD CATTLE MARKET, Monday, July 25. The imports of live stock from abroad into London durinn the past week were--beasts, 847; sheep, 3855; lambs, 393.;: calves. 446. A cargo (;f oxen has been received from Spain , at Southampton, and about 2201 head of beasts, sheep, lambs, and calives. have been landed at the northern outports, mostly from Holland and Germany. ...


... - SHIPPIN INTELLIGENCE, I r - w- - a %a WV b6 u 162 AujiivEF AT ARrRDVEN.-..JulyV27 William Hogarth, Par- rot, Leith; Cock oftbe North, l3-ooks, tundon ; eTpteresso Castle, 'Christie, Charl.oston; Edinbtirgh Packet, M¶kleniie. Spaham;, Katherine. .Ettershank, Sunderland;, Chtarlotte V11Keniie.,Smart, Leiven; Agenoria. Sharp, Inverkeitffting, Da-vid & John, Petrie, Bo'ness; Caroline ...

London and Provincial Grain Markets

... London and lrovinbal GrALn Iazkets. MARE LANE, Lonroq, Moniay, 26th Jaly, IR47. The arrivals of foreign wheat, barley, oats, and flonr are very nimuerous. The wheat trade c nsequently opened very dull this morninz, andvrery little progrrss could be made ih ,the sale of either-Fn-lish or foreign until a reduetion of 5s. per qr- was Fielded to purchasers, at which a fair extent of busiuess. was ...


... wiscellaneol;s. COMMEECIAL MARRKETS, FRIDAY, July 30. The sigAx-mar ket ias clqsvd with a dull appearange ai 230 hhds. West iidia onidy si m- iting-jf10 hilds; for the week - and although importers 4ave not pressed the narcet with larzre public sales of Mauritius and Bengal. prices am rather lower than on Friday last. IRefined has also ra declined, and but a small amount of business done; ...


... (From dze 9dinburgh Gazette of Tuesday.) a SE4JE5TRRATTON3, - e Alexander Speirs, manufauturer, Glasgow , John Low of Hilton,,eriter and shiponer, .Stnehaven, EJames Formna. nd erson, clerk' and dea'er in shares, c Alexander Brown, lately residing at Aliertay Cottage, near Broughty Ferry., a MEETINOS, &C. a John Crawford. faney muslin manufacturer, Glasgow, to be examined in the Sheriff ...

Cattle and Meat Markets

... Cattle and Meat ]uets II ~ ~ ~ . _ SMI1THFIELD CATTLE MA.RrKET, ~o -Upwardsof 400ohead of variouskIindsofc~at -Z 1as~ded this morning. Chiefly from IIotte ig sto*~ and the supply on offr er corOtterdam e 1642 sheep n Prlsed -84 oxen and 16'9 an~~d lambs, and 175 calves~. Te q Ial - -means good, and a clearance was ot ffeted Importers sub~mitted to lower currencies. The l6easts from our o'wn ...


... ABEVRDEE N SH3ARE L£suX. TUES~A-Y, AUGUST 10. d~eorrected from the Official Lis.) Share. Paid. B ANK S. Latest Sales £5 5 Aberdeen .£.. 6 8 6 205.. S Aberdeen Town and County..S.. 1 I0 ;00 100 Bank of Scotland .168 10 0 t0o 100 British Linen Company200 0 0 10 2j Caledonian Bank .4 9 8 10 10 . City ofGlasgow. ...


... A very marked sensation was produced in the monied interest, by the announcement made, on Thursday last, by the Directors of the Bank of England, that the mini- mum rate of interest and discount on bills of one month would be 5 per cent., bills of two months, 52 per cent., and above two months, 6 per cent. Of course the rate of interest on other bills, not of first-rate character, is left to ...

London and Provincial Grain Markets

... London ad PgOVlncla GIaMn Markets. MARK LANE, L:owrow, Monday> 2diAgust, 1847. The fresh supply of English Wheat was not large, but having some quantity left over from last week we had a large show of samples this morning, -and with a ctitinuance of the most beautiful weather, the trade was most excessively de- pressed, and though offered at a decline of Ss. to lOs. per qr. on last Monday's ...