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Advertisements & Notices

... (NF thle very best description, and at the most moderate V Vrices:- Clan and Fancy TARTANS., Welsh and Lancashire FLANNELS, Squirrel and Sable FURS, French and English MERINOES, PLAIDS and SHAWLS, I Arived thot week, at Top of Castle Street. M=CZANICS' INSTITUTION. THE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES TO THE COURSE On NATURAL PHILOSOPIIY, by Dr MlACINTOSH, On MONDAT, the 4th October; and TO TRE COURSE On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THfE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. KBM1. JAMES JO4t EO9 . ?? rHIS PRESENT EVENING, September 6, T 1847. will be performed (he highly successful Drama of COUNTRY SQUIRE, bE, TWO DAYS AT TOE HALL. Squire Broadlands, Mr. W! Davidgs; Horace Amelius Selwood. Mr Reynolds; George Selwood, MWr W H Ebarne, Sparrow. MrH NyesFanny Markham; MisJulia Nicol; Sophia Herbert, yfrs W H. Eburne; Alioe, Mins S M. Brown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T7HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. LI MR. PROSSER r BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public that his BENEFIT takes place on THIS EVEN- ING (Thursday), Sept. 2, when will be performed the Comedy of THE ROAD TO RUIN N see Mr Dernton, Mr W Davidge; Harry Dornton, Mr I 1 Reynolds; Goldfinch, Mr H Nyo; Milford, Mr W H Evain; thu Sulky, Mr Clifton; Jacob, Mr C Lloyd; Sophia, Miss Julia Of q Nicol; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Q UBEN'S B O YAL THEA} FE. MR. JOHN HARRIS, IEassE. HIS PRESENT 'EVENING (Thursday), TILSeptember 16, 1847, will be performed the Play of THE STRANGER. raunger, Mr W Burroughs; Solomon, Mr W Davidge; Baron Steinfort, Mr Reynolds; Peter, MrJ Waiter; Mrs. Haller, Miss Julia Nicol; Countess Win-I tenen, Mrs W H Eburne * Charlotte, Mrs Bruce. To be followed by the Interlude of MY YOUNG WIFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPHE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER, ik-he high estimoate formed by the public decring tho twelve, yasW LAMS. BURTON'S (late MtIPPOX' and BURTON's'; rhe' ncielly-pstriflie material teas been before it mrade into esery useful end to onalental article usually made in silt er, psossessiuc, as it does, the ebuoucteriotie purity said durability, of attinr) has culled into existence tle deleterious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MICHAELMAS SALES, By COLCHESTER & SON. afloe }wFarlt, Tiraflenlats. On Monday, September 27th, 1847, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, mHE entire LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, 1H Dairy and Brewing Utensils, and a few lots ot Furdi- ture, of Mr. JAMES SMYTH, comprising II Chesnut and bay Cart Mares, Geldings, and Colts. Dun Cob, quiet to ride and drive, 2 Alilch Cows. 87 Fat Sheep, 27 head of Swine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nowo SELINIYG OFF, at 30 per Coett. under Cost. No. 7, MAGIDALEN STREFT, OXFORD. RUSSELL, late Manager at Spiers and Son, invites e o the attendance of all who have not yet been purchasers in useful articles for the toilet. lie offers to the public every sort of FANCy SoAr, and particularly recommends his Old Brown Windsor, of which hbe has yet one hundred weight on hand, selling at 2d. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY PIUVATECONTRACT', A N excellent I'reelsoldl IROPERHTY, let to respectable Tenants; anxd comp~rising twvo Honses and Shop-, in an eligible Situation on the North Side, ef Tyne Street, North Shieldo.. Apply t~o Messrs Griffth and Crighton, Solicitors Arcade, iNewc~astle. TO CAPITALISTS. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A most desirable Freehold PROPERTY, with a large Spauc in Irou.t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, AND - CHjEMlISTS and DIJGX1GISTS. G. JONES, Chemist, 5, Paradise-street, 1I'. LIVECPOOL, is in immediate want of a re- spectable Youth as an APPRENTICE. Also Wanted a junior ASSISTANT, who has served the whole, or part, of his time, in the Principality. Apply as above. Liverpool and lrena Bridlge , THE POWEIRFUL AND PAST SAILING NqW itDON STrEAMEk CALMtURIA, Captain JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE 'POPULAR 1MEDIOINE. 'rhofollwingimpotanttettmonyto the efficacy of PARWS'p IFET ILLS hasoust beenreceivedl bY the P~pfroi~tors. t he To MESSP.S T. ROBERTS AND CO., LONDON. an Athione, December 7tb, 1846. gal Sir,-on il peas t snd e ixdozen more Parw'sCa LifePils; am3os out I an ssere ou the9y are Wh doing an Immeasityof good; every on wh a ried W3 W GIeaxOLeCHRST, tho Apothecary and ...


... MANCHESTER TIMES. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1847. The historical developement of great principles is at once the vindication and encouragement of all earnest effort in the direction of social and political progress. The rise and fall of nations is but the exposition of examples that confirm the confidence, or mature the convictions of the patient stragglers for truth. Clear in aim and purpose ...


... Our readers will be gratified to learn that the mortality in town is rapidly decreasing, and that the health of the poor people in the diseased districts is improving to such an extent that the parish authorities, who, a few weeks ago, were applying to the Admiralty for additional floating hospital accommodation, have resolved to give up to the Government again one of the lazarettoes at ...