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Advertisements & Notices

... THEL REAL tton UA O C6OAL ,o. , IS Now this SELLING 3 AT THIE COMPANY'S YARD, fne- 15031 It . E1D L V 0u ,N i.e nih AGEsNTS :EVANS & JONES. ilfe, nO JUCIT is thc reputation of' tle Best RUAPION At KY COAL (ivlieli is pronounced by scicntific at mcn to bh one of the best in the market) that 'day S0nie perS006 havc introduced an inferior article disI from the neighbourhood of Wrexham, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTE1E FASHIONS. MRS. JAMES, V Milliliter, &C., CASTIE,1 STR EET, BANGOR, I ESPECTFULLLY informs the Ladies of .I, Bangor and its vicinity, that she will have ready for inspection, on and after TiURUDsAY, the 28th instant, a Fashionable Assortment of MIL- LINERY, &c.,'adapted for the ensuing Season, consisting of Cloaks, Bonnets, Caps, He-dIdresses, French Flowers, Ribbons, &c., all carefully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO B E SOLD, VX A London-built CHARIOT, with Imperials a nnd Boxes, complete for travelling. lor 1Ptaticulars, enquire at the Office of this ropel'. EVANS & ROWLANDS, il1C an(I m j1?irit Merchatnts, BANGOR, 'I ySPECTFULLY announce that they have J|, just received, ex Robin IRedbrcast, from Ca. diz, their Stock of Superior SHERRIES. oct. 11tli, 1847. CAUINARVONSHIRE & ANGLESEYV I N i I l R1E IL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'iR0 BE ILET9 FrerO Year to Year, Wi,,1 on WVITHOUT ABOUT 15 ACRES OF EXCEL- 1ENT LAND, I 11 AT genteel Residence, called BRYN. j TIRION, (with a good -walled Garden, ,table, aId Coalch-house, attached), pleasantly .it,,ted on the Banks of the Menai Straits, and cemelanai a splendid Viewv of the Carnarvon Mountains, Snow- Bor further particulars, apply to Mr. OwEN g~3r~SDinas, near Carnarvon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE TREMADOC ANNUAL HUNT BALL v vill take place at the MADOCKS AnmI-IoTEL Oil WaNEP-]5DAY, the 13th OCToBBER next. Lady Patroness, lIUSS OWEN, YMWLClr. Comptroller, F. J. WALKER JONES, EsQ. Deputy, GEORGE CASSON, EsQ. TIhe Hounds will meet in the vicinity of Tre- madoc, as usual; and on TcuutSDnAY there will be aln Ordinary. T O B E IL ET, From Year to Year, ,VI-VU O0 WITHOUT ABSOUT 16 ACRES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ;ll; Tl.EMADOC ANNUAL IIUNT BALL j `ill take Placc at the NMALOCxS AItMS HOTEL J. WID5EsI1, the 13th OCTOBER next. Ladgy Patroness, IISS ONVEN, Y3MWLCH. coln eeroller, 1'. J.WALKER JONES, ESQ. Deputy, GEORGE CASSON, ESQ. Tile 1Iouids will meet in the viciuity of Tre- I;ilc as usual; and on TIUaSDnAY there will be :11 rdinarY. up, R D E IET, U From I ar to Year, ,rlIt OIL WTITHOUT ABOUT 1D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... neT ETHIE PE1NRHYN o- ia- AGRICULTURAL SHOW, ,es IS UNAVOIDABLY d, POSTPONED ~he all To Thursday, 141th of October, INSTEAD OF TUE 7TH. rimSept. 29th, 1847. aln ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. 20- TO BE 1 SOLD BY1 AiIJCTION, At the CASTLE HOTEL, in BANGOR, ill the County ral of Carnarvon, on FRIiDAY, the 29th day of Oe- In, TO1ER, 1847, at the hour of 4 o'clock in tho le, Afternoon, (unless ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iety, ; - 1, icon, :y of TO BE: LET sday BY PRIVAT 11 CO TRACT ex- s~FOR TIc TE E0:t OF FIVE YEAliS, time Comimencing from tke 12th of -Noremc6 e, ;sing HE IFe.ery known as TtL-Y-YPOFL L nart, T with the Ferry 'louses adjacent tilercto ,key For Rent, and further particulals, .pply tol l isers IlUGH JO:NES, Peorhos, Llangefli . or M did HUGhES and ROBERTS, Solicitors, LBanor imal 3 no T E Id E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To BE 1LET, From lear to lear, oA vI1THOT ABOUT IS AcnEs or EXOEL- LENT LAND, rwi HAT geiteel Residence, called BRYN. n1,ilON, (with a good Avalled Garden, able, alncd Coach-house, attached), pleasantly ttd on the Banks of the lienai Straits, and 1Inlin a splendid View of the Carnarvon and of the Llaniberis Mountains, Snow- °or further particulars, apply to MIr. OWEN estoleit's, Dinns, ...