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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Recent letter* from Trebiaond that the cholera morbus had reached that town. Wednesday Mr. Alderman Thompson, ..

... Mr. John G. Hubbard, were elected directors of the Bank of England, room of Mr. Presoott, who has bwn appointed deputy-governor, and lieu of Sir John Rae Held, and Mr. Abel dower, who hare of late disqualified. The Ethiopian melodists slat *t ball ...


... The proceedings of Wednesday, fully reported toi day, will show that our local representatives are 1 all alive.'* The Ist November might he approach■ ing Mr. Bn.mley Moore, even, endeavours cut a better figure on the dock warehouse question, though Mr. lyre 1 vans damps his efforts by relic' rentes to recorded proof's of insincerity on that question, respecting which, and the public welfare ...

Fine Flowing The Care ot the Hair In*;. ami Yi'Un* is, by n-rx: t-i t ;«n • nutans, too lit

... '• i'd vl. \» n.*'ect this r c n'mu wiili 'lln.' • of we'k its arc n't thrt ; :;nd tin* iv.aj >ri'y tin fire fl wi; g singlets i -Hit years a;e ihi- i.triy . i>l.!>Rl;iG!.'S COLUMBIA, long v lor iter.i:il s:'l itsviji r.iting ilit'es p urn ti ami or ng the of hair, i« peculir.ily lit'wd. to priatc.l d rtcti ...


... Ballinarlob Fair.—The fair on Tuesday proved more unfavourable than the preceding day, and there was reduction of at least 3*. 6J. to 4«. a head in sheep. The number* of the stock sold was 53,095, and remaining unsold Tne horse fair held un Wednesday shared in the depression of the two preceding day, the prices ranging from £16 £18, being from £4 to below the usual mark. The fair is considered ...


... Sfie SALVS LKX SVPREMA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1J547- The accounts which have rcachcd us from Switzerland within the last few days, seem to warrant the conclusion that the long impending crisis of a civil war in that country will precipitated by the masked intervention of France. We believe, therefore, that we shall render no unacceptable service to our readers endeavouring place before them a ...


... Lancashire, Thi'iisd ay, October 14 —The cotton mills belonging to Messrs. J. lladcliffe and Co., Oldham-road, Rochdale which have been stopped for three months, have resumed work again this week, but the hands at most the cotton factories in the town and neighbourhood are working short time, and many arc entirely without work. The gingham and nankeen trade at Radcliffe, Pilkington, Prestwich, ...

News and Observations

... SPAIN. Accounts from Mad id to the 14h state that Queen Chriatma arrived that day in Madrid. There was a general in Madrid that Narvae* was about throughout'i he capital, the wSriri«tTduTb^^nd Sss. I tadh,m!e:f - °»««« of ,he 12th mention iSforid italonia frontier with the utmost rigour since the 10 h The insurgents, the approach of General Concha hat' partly retired towards the mountains of ...


... ®Tftc SALUS POPUU LEX SUPREAIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER We noticed, in our paper the 12th instant, the arriral of a deputation from this colony, seeking, amongst, other things, the prevention of the reappointment of the present Governor, Sir Henry Vere Huntley, it will he satisfactory to the friends the good order and well being of the Island apprized that this object has been attained, and some ...

Mr. Cobden at Hamburgh.—ln the Hamburgh papers, received to-day, we have most interesting and animated account ..

... in honour of Mr. Cobden, and at which there were present no less than persons. The president of the festival emphatically declared that free trade had struck deeply into the commercial suil. That of the Hanse Towns, which were ever consp : cuouB for their love of enterprise and freedom, they might say, with a distinguished German, J' eta est alea tk The Hanse Towns, he continued, '' de>ire by ...