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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... _0 toe el an Cot6. - - Hi U B B S' LOCKS, FIRE-PROOF I SAFES AND CAS II BOXES.-CHUBBS' PA. Tt:NT DETECTOR LOCKS give perfect security from alse keys and picklocks, and also detect any attempt to open them. Thcy are made of all sizes, and for every h purpose to which locks are applied, and are strong, se- cure, simple, and darable. CHUBBS' PATENT LATCH, for Front Doors, Counting-house Doors, &c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAI.E 01' PIANO FORTER. Mr. .1OTIN HEt ?? bis rrcc;ivw-d >Iustrue'iolisto SELL BYT AU CHOI)N, ?? Cotri s 511(A15 t Slibit BU(l~iFr NasILD- rNis, LarES, en1 111vitd~i/)irt. tic ?? October lasealt, O ,~NEi 1'ie-'ITbned, SiL-OC1t-siV0 ~euolsd-ffind V CABINLT P'IANO FORT2, by-Irroadwoods. ONE DITIO, ISix. Ila~ve Square. do. by D-:atltty. TWO GiRANDi SQtAtti, Six Octavo. llerwdc.. by Bowman ONESod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 19ENOIAtY: FOR THE CURS OV DISEASES;1OR ,ISKIN AND, ALT. CUT ANEOUS AFFECTIONS, HAMSrTSAts STRIE;' Farzatoy SQZ5IS ~lcosT9OMA8g INN1iS, M.D., SB. Fitzroy osiaore, J WofCsROial, (Yonkey' Of ,Swiegeons, Londonsatales Asitistans Stogloea iaiiat Hots. Bmest ?? coeatiytst ITT U% a Strange anomaly In the practice and prop1~5' 1L. of mnedic science in this country,' that amongst ail tlbs, benevolent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,.N OTICE is hereby given that the Boards of Manage-. men of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance gocity, and that of the India and London Life Assurance Company) are united; and that hence- forth the business of both 'vill be trausacted at tile office of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance Society, 14, Waterloo-Plitce. Proposals for As- zurance, and other communications, wvill likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Onl TihurseaY. Fol.lthl Zoveinbert, AT TlIM HALL OF COMiMERCE, LoNDON, VOOQL.-2,toti BALES AUSTRALIAN, including I C E L Y, s, o n, &c., VAN DIE)MEN'S LAND, PORT PlILIP, CAPE, mant SWA~N RIVEI1. Catalogues arid rfurtter Particulars by 1IMLiY P1. IlIUlI~Ms, ~oulI~rokier. 3asingbgatll-Street. London, /vcn 14.1817. lr At the HALL 01 CosiNi altcm, LONDON, uin 2'hscsuio, ltctobfel T'renty-cighth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mattor & Comr~ovoiu' .0. Mf- r Harney' having'ben taken suddenly, Ill. Ot Thursday. several commniuncations musit remiln over tillt est weak. W. HAUZZ, Oldhatn.-The'`resolution raspeoting the electlon iiananighbouring borough Ia deemed objec. ~ tionable by the 'gentletsan therein alluded to; e therefore, consider its publicationinespedlen't.' Vimte maca OV Air DIma'd DfTtES.A'S a SIepeimeP1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .O ?? &- ¢orrPofstit a-J NEWcAsTLrur~oeoTyeJL.-Tie Burslen ertr' d.j .dress is, 'IHenry Lewis, Cress Keys Inn; Navigato- road, Burslam, Staffordebidre.' J.SaMYTH, Bradford.--We had recelred another anda different version of Mr West's $orthcoming ?? from Mr West bimaelh, before tbo arrival of y~or I'an. nouncement.' We presume tlat Mr Wests version is the correct one. eryatnin B. PARsoxs -The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TlE P1IOPLE'S VICTORIiSAT THE EEXd2T PMIAMSETARY ELECTIQI-. A PUBLIC DINNER, . 555 (1CLEDB&TIW 'e~~5lgo& TBtSIaWSe WILL Ds EBLD A: THE CROWN AND Ap'OHOR TAVERN, STRAND; ON MOI1DAY VB&Ilxo, Oc-oxso 2fta, 1U17., * Dlnnr en Tablo at Six o'lllck precisely. Tickets, S., Cd. each. I. WILLIAM DIXON. of JManfa4afsr air .ke £a0 3,,air. T~ follewing Members eof Parliament have bren Invltod, a*d are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X)ulblit NottCfr0 FDS COR EXCgiMeGE BUILDINGS.- 'Jar earetyearharet In d jierol1101 paint th epcia liredtuo K~tefdiernO . JOHN BULUIER, Clerk to the Directori lo. lark*Row. Leeds, Oclober.50fld, 18i57. R E SMEN'S BENEFIT BUILDING ' SO)ClIETY. &s GiENERAL PROVIDENTASSOCIATION. at L~ee nnd Enrolled pursuant to 6th and 7th gstsb]'S W~illiam lIV., C. 32. SharCe £10-Subsctiptions £1 per Month per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BanteW. -AANTED, several SMALL SUMS on M Mortgage of Freehold Premises, at 5 per cent. Apply to EDW. SIDEBOTTOa, Solicitor, 12, Parliament.Street. Hull. f ANTED, an active Marvied Man and W9 / his Wife, to manage a Public House and Dram I Shop for a short time. Apply to Mr. THos. GREAsLEYValuer, Hull. ANTED, a clever active Youth, from } Fifteen to Eighteen Years of Age, who writes -a good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vf' ENGINEERS, RAILWAY AND STEAM- 8T BOA T COMPANIES, A ND .THE PROPRIETORS OF STEAM ENGINES GENERALLY. BENJAMIN GOODFELLOV, the Patentee of the Compound Acting and Self-adjusting METALLIC PISTONS, desires to elicit the Attention of the above Parties to the said Improve- mnent, shown in, the ?? Sketch, the peculiar Ad* vantages of which are. that they are particularly sensitive to Iny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWENTY-PIPTH EDITION. Shultrated by TwenutY-SIX Asttousdleal Engravins on Steel. *b.plgeisel DSInal(A!flcotiane, Gereatis~eeihInapacity, and Impudiments to 3famrs-ee. Ateqw and improved-edition, enlarged to 196 pages, pricel Se, 6d. ;, by post, direct ?? the Establishment, as. 68. ill postage stamps, TRlE SILENT FRIEND; A medical work on the exhaustion and physical decay of the system, ...