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Advertisements & Notices

... .. ?? THE NORTHERN 'Ihurnch'lI of EungIau(l I Se iool. IV A N T E D, MANCIPLE, or HOUSE STEWARD, for the /above Establishment. Persons desirous of filling the same, are requested to send in their applications, detailing their quaif cations for the office, and giving pee- ,onal referenc's as to character and ability, to the Secre- tary, the Rev. ST. VINVEcT BEEcETr, Fleetwood. Salary, £60 per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,.N OTICE is hereby given that the Boards of Manage-. men of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance gocity, and that of the India and London Life Assurance Company) are united; and that hence- forth the business of both 'vill be trausacted at tile office of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance Society, 14, Waterloo-Plitce. Proposals for As- zurance, and other communications, wvill likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Onl TihurseaY. Fol.lthl Zoveinbert, AT TlIM HALL OF COMiMERCE, LoNDON, VOOQL.-2,toti BALES AUSTRALIAN, including I C E L Y, s, o n, &c., VAN DIE)MEN'S LAND, PORT PlILIP, CAPE, mant SWA~N RIVEI1. Catalogues arid rfurtter Particulars by 1IMLiY P1. IlIUlI~Ms, ~oulI~rokier. 3asingbgatll-Street. London, /vcn 14.1817. lr At the HALL 01 CosiNi altcm, LONDON, uin 2'hscsuio, ltctobfel T'renty-cighth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mattor & Comr~ovoiu' .0. Mf- r Harney' having'ben taken suddenly, Ill. Ot Thursday. several commniuncations musit remiln over tillt est weak. W. HAUZZ, Oldhatn.-The'`resolution raspeoting the electlon iiananighbouring borough Ia deemed objec. ~ tionable by the 'gentletsan therein alluded to; e therefore, consider its publicationinespedlen't.' Vimte maca OV Air DIma'd DfTtES.A'S a SIepeimeP1 ...

The Daily News

... HAYMARKET. Evening, THE HEART AND THE , WORLD. Vivian Temple, Mr. Creswiek; Florence Delmar, Miss . Helen Faucit —THE ROMANTIC WIDOW. —And WHO'S HUSBAND ?—Doors open at GJ. PRINCESS'S.—THIS EM-kino, KING HENRY THE EIGHTH. Cardinal Wolsey, Mr. Macreadv; Queen Katharine, Miss Cusliman. KATHARINE AND PETRCCHIO. And LADIES, BEWARE!— Doors open at 6(. LYCEUM.—This Evening, LIGHT DRAGOONS. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TlE P1IOPLE'S VICTORIiSAT THE EEXd2T PMIAMSETARY ELECTIQI-. A PUBLIC DINNER, . 555 (1CLEDB&TIW 'e~~5lgo& TBtSIaWSe WILL Ds EBLD A: THE CROWN AND Ap'OHOR TAVERN, STRAND; ON MOI1DAY VB&Ilxo, Oc-oxso 2fta, 1U17., * Dlnnr en Tablo at Six o'lllck precisely. Tickets, S., Cd. each. I. WILLIAM DIXON. of JManfa4afsr air .ke £a0 3,,air. T~ follewing Members eof Parliament have bren Invltod, a*d are ...


... Sfie SALVS LKX SVPREMA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1J547- The accounts which have rcachcd us from Switzerland within the last few days, seem to warrant the conclusion that the long impending crisis of a civil war in that country will precipitated by the masked intervention of France. We believe, therefore, that we shall render no unacceptable service to our readers endeavouring place before them a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR. CALCRAFT EGS respectfully to announce, that having ngain entered upon a Lease of the Theatre Royal, that establishment will Open for the WINTER SEASON on SATURDAY next, October 30th, 1847, Mr. ALLEN, Prime Tenore, from the Theatre Royal. Drury lane, is engaged for a fewv nights, and will mako bis First appearance on Saturday next, in a FAVORITE OPERA, in which will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr ro T:JI: GOVEI dRS oF ' rHE DEVON AND. EXEI'R HOSPITAL. tOn, My Loans, LADINt, AND GESTLICNEty OIt lR. BLACKALL, who, for So long a period, has devotee! DJ him hi~qh taltmts, and the lindelst anid mnost persevering attention to the duties of a Physielan to your Charitable stlitln- Ing lion, has this daye reslgaaed his OfJfice into your handl. ber, I beg to offer mysel as a Candidate to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v, Ootnbtir 29th, 1IR47. M ifo 'IA ?? * 'IY p 1S\IO ?? 0v ir,-produfli ig thoir Qlcbta~ ;Ht1AC4~ Oti t'i ithik fliiectoias, 'l~1A4$IYLONLECTAIRES.h IC' AI/h ?? to ftintitl a ladly ioo-v y Si't Ltenturp,'o On Stivit 0-itlo A>il annouritioghtLu1yate.- DVN11W t.l) SIM OSNE. 10.I-ho. Iiof o- 1 of li.-ttft o u A AI7II N ~UM~b'-Te ,I'ii'e- -lt 1 betec stillvle >BEP1) Ift ?? ?? i ?? Vwitlit dp.~i-i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (nHING0S WORM-DESTROYIN& LOENGES have for Fitly Yearshl ltnna~ spt.uotand are still and ?? Umanse in rank, respeetability, and sciatnce rt eenlko lodge of their utility iii theirown fitmiliee. It is a fset established by the arialual B-ills of 31ertalitv. tM one half tithe Children born aree out oil before attaining eh Year at of ge. and theli ?? source of this, mortazlitt fo~ to esist in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The. afets oso of. the AgriculturishoS of Lacahrei called to the following improved and jnwtly, Celebraied Implement&. C4ROSSKILL'S PATENT SERRATED ROLLERS and CLOD-CRUSHERS, for. crushing clods, corn-- pressing soft soils, and rolling cultivated land hin the- autumn. Awarded the. gold medal, silver medal, an'd thirty sovereigns by the Royal Society of England; also f prizes and medals by the ...