... I WtsnsooR, TnaususoAl Evzrecsao -Her Majesty hawing been pleased to honour with her patronage the zoological establishment of Mr. Wombwell (which had been exhibited dufng the last three days at Windsor Fair), and to command otht the whole of his colleotion, consisting of five hundred wlid beasts, birds, &e., contained In sixteen Immense caravans, ihould be drawn into the quadrangle of the ...


... LITER ATU R E. TenE INIUNDATrON; on, PRAcr AND PARODn . A Christnms3 Storv. By hlrs. Gore. Fisher, Son &' Cos, London. Trieis a nicelygot op littlevolamehandsomely bound in red and gold, with numerous iltistratiorts by George Cruikelitnk Ac atale for the Christmas time, it possesses much interest, and of nick a kind as will tend to while away a Nvinter's ?? agrooab.lyv. There is a fine tone of ...


... ! ~~TO TILE 3303R 01 TUE ?? I Stas-H~aving noticed in the observations made on the1 Tamring of the Shrewv, in the TisscsS of Wfednesday, that y our theatrical critic recomnmends ma to read the two Latin lines I matke use of in the play after the manner of the Bog- : ihprenunciation. not the Italian, wvill y'ou allow mee to give yen now rcasons for adopting the latter, whlich is correct, in ...

Fine Arts

... .ftnteaOtis DEATH OF MR. WATSON, THE SCULrTOR.-Mr. M. L. Watson, the sculptor, died on Thursday the 28th of Oct., at his studio, in Bidborough-street, Burton-crescent. He was a young and a rising artist, though- hardly known (for he seldom exhibited) beyond the few real patrons of art and the studios of the London sculptors. He began life in a very humble way, and worked for very small wages ...


... (Frum tho I'orid af Fubslsn ) Capotes.-The following motdels are the latest and most be- croming. Satin is the most favourite material used by our mo- distes for this style of bonnet. A oapote of satin, lilac rose, of theBatlAeorseille. prettily contrasted with petit coques of violet ribbon and griffes placed in a slanting direction the latter being formed ol twisted lace, to match the colour ...


... I - . . . _.I . The opening night at Hawkinis'treet on Saturday last was, we are happy to state, by far the most auspicions one fwe have witnessed for many years. Before the rise of the *curtain the pit and galleries were well filled, and long before Ihalt-price commenced there was not sitting-room In any fpart of the Louse except the dress-boxes. The audlence were in the height of good humour ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ff6)iolnt nb Cable, Calft THlE COURT. The reigning Duke and Duchess of Saxe Coburg are ex-. pected to arrive at MVindsor Castle on Tuesday (this day),I iluonl a visit to hier Majesly and the Prince Consort for a Inonth or livce veeks., The day at prcsent fixed upon for thec dleparture of her Mlajesty (who will be aceomspanied hy her) illustrious relatives aud a portion of the Royal Family) ...


... MECHANICS' INSTITUTION CONCERTS- 1. . THE ORATORIO. 1I~rA 11AW;A _ lln-, NOVA l ..n.t -l,1t nfl n- -rn d -n non f AIn clfl lilt I - rh- We have bad the pleasing duty, on more than one occasion ID ngof late, to ispeak st6 the highest terms of the spirited condlutt of C id; the directors'of'the Meclhanices' Institute, in the matiy bold' Si ,'ds attempits-and, as they have turnedi oult, ...


... I ) I OJETRI'. EYENING. There is a Itohl call itiltisi: d arouinid, Antd l delicious sWcetiiis' ill tile air, I'irathitlt o' . ail things; %o ii adtal still and fair 'I lle lilA I iMSt Otl thec tliztZttaitis. Not aI sOIld II nl( the baclh' ear, saviotgi tile croai t ' I Clrow thit ~s itS tIpilt n'll IIak %I aitt ing ties hililing sillt; too' lie oil Iaitel t r tti th dim a l%;lecy winigs his ...


... !,? It ? vn ta v C. A VIN ItirlaI~s l4tIt S t'tt3it 'riTU UNI-UBLiStIM NAtI iA'IIVt1 01 A s(lIlDL1It. B~Y 1h Old II hiiir The Qnd ibattill:1 on f' oiii reI into it (.tOto l ih I tIlion heloiigei I) Illty iii lierryitlic:, IM1ack, in a fort of thiat ioiI.I, inllitplhy. Alwuttt tile Iatiter t'nd of 'Ncil. 18(17, aii order tJi-Ire flo! the0 Hor-se Guzir(ls, (liieetilii, tha~t, a, batell, ...

Selected Poetry

... .. Atlcctcu vottv-1). TrHE UTr TER FIsOM hIOME. , A youtlihfIl stranger wsalked alone .. _ gleat city's btusie.$t lJtCC, 11,t Ieatil ttt ,o10e thitiliar tone, I [L. ftmv not one fiaeilillr face; lle troi thoat long and teaty street Till t1,,) '!I hlst bmle waxM filint tnd dim, I:n t nono werer nigh to oheer or greet, Not onec was there to 8nile oil him. lle rav before hiia thickly press The ...


... * AS ION'#S FHOR NOVEMBETR. It~~ ~ 7;.. -t. r.w> er . oIIr--- - - - -. - - '- ' - - - - . re (Froteslkc World ofTsheAion.) s id Cb~aiptes,-Tbe following models are the latest andmnost f f; bucoming. Satin is-t'os nmost favourite inaterial used by our I n, modistes for this style of bomnet, A capote of satin, lilaU es rose, of the sliade orseillepaettily contrnsted widlpetiteoiues( tY of violet ...