... ADMITTED. DISCHARGED. In-patients 30 In-patients cured 16 Out-patients 1 Relieved, &at own a Casuals during \ - Made out-patient i the last week 7 Irregular Remain inthe house 171 Dead 1 Consulting Surgeon —J. Dawson, House Visitors.—Her. J. B. Monk, and G. Crosfield Esa House Surgeon.—Mr. M*Cbeane. ' House Apothecary.—M. G. Padley Chaplain.—Rev. W. BlundeU. | Traesurer.—Richard Gibson. ...


... ( From the Mark-lane Express.) The tone of mercantile affairs lias slightly improved, and there has certainly been more disposition to purchase grain ; whilst holders have shown less anxiety to realize. The prevailing impression in the corn trade appears to be, that prices can scarcely, under any circumstances, fall much below their present level for some months to come; and this opinion is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Benetit of Alias JULIA HARLAND, Lnd Last For the BnGo but Two of herself and Mr. ALLEN. AP2ea RESENT THURSDAY, November N* ill be perforedn English vorsion of Doal. st Gland Serious opera ofR 1sl5 LUCIA OF LAMERMOOR. ar 0 Ravenswood, MIr Allen; Lucia of Lammer- 0300 Mis Julia Harland; Colonel Aebton, Mr Hlenry Corn' tbe Opera tbe Pas de Gustave by Mademoiselle Adala anti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WORKS BY BOZ, On the 30th inst. will be published, price ls. the 15th Number of El A L IN G S with the FIRM of DOMBER 12 eel SON, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation. By CnAoiLn DIrCR1. W ith Illustrations ?? K.Browne. I.-oilon, ]lradburyand Evans, 11 Donucerie street, Fleotstreet. hOOKS FOR PRESENTS OW READY VAALES for CHILDREN, YOUNG and OLD | y ?? E CDWARDCS iSTAIdTREo~gr~aq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dl NOTICE. ah A LL Percenn having any Claims. on JAMES Ie±1 EVI.MmiaB1J Victory, are re- 'k qetdto send their Accounia on board the above ship, le on ~ondaynes~t, 'at I2 o'clock, whente hl ei-o' in mnediately discharged, FR. onl isJua(;T~ublished, by J. Maddlen, 8, Leaderthall-street, year - , price 2si. mean se DUSAN AND HU0NGrEONG: with Renmarks the i on tlie Treaty of Peace at Nankin in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREEHOLD COTTAGES AND LAND, At LE WKNOR. O qfo;rdshdre. 0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, T -Five substantial well-built TENEMENTS, with Gardens, One occupied by the proprietor, and the others let to tenants, at moderate) rents; together with Eighteen Acres (more or less) of excellent Tithe-free MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, in- cloed within a ring fence, and now in the occupation of Mr. Fennel White ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY INuT BALL. FOSTER axid Co. TNFORM the Ladies they have just received a quan- newv textures and stle c SsS i a vaity of tity of BALL and EVENING DRESSS na v uarityo new textures and styles comprising Brussels and Mechlin Skirts, Plaisn and Embroidered Tarlatans, Black and Colored Satins. Brocaded and Watered Silks, Grenadine and Egyptian Gauzes, &c. ?? Gossamer, Mousseline de Soje, Lace, ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS.—Tuesday, NOV. 23. Notwithstanding that it was generally known that her Majesty would not, on this occasion, open the business of parliament in person, but that the royal speech would be delivered liy commission, the proceedings appeared by the number of strangers present to hare attracted considerable interest. The peers' seats on both sides —with the exception of the front ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,. _ =_ pr e PiANO FORTE FOR SALE. 0 he A VERY superior ROSEWVOOD COTTAGE T a A PIANO, (by Metzler) Q;1 Octave, new within six ci months, in perfect order, the property of a lady going e abroad. Original Price 45 guirneas, to be sold for 3U at r unas. Mar g y 3av be seen at Davis's music Warehouse, ¢, Yetu 1 High-atreet, Portsmouth. .. Le ALE AND STOUT HOUSE TO LET. .. 0 TO be LET, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,NOTICE is hereby given that the Boar ds of Maliage Ni mnent of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurac Society, -and that of the India and London Life - Assurance Company, are unite; ?? lien- forth the business of both wyill he transacted at che Office of the Great Britain Mutual Lile Assurance Soit,14, Waterloo-Place. Proposals for AS.N suraniet, end other cornmunications, will likewise beN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rp HE PARAGON COMPOSITE T CANDLES (ItANUFAcTUnED ItY W. S. HALE, LONDON) Do nat require snu!ling, and for brilliancy and softness of light, are filly equal to wax iiaind sperm, at one-third thle cost. Also, the PARAGON NIGHil1-LIGII I'Sfor the Bed-chamber. As a stubstitute for the rushliglit it stands unrivalled, is free fromn smell, safe, and economical. Sold b~y all thle principal lamily ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS. Their lerdships assembled yesterday, pursuant the summons for calling a new parliament. The LORD CHANCELLOR addressed their lerdships in these termsMy Lords, —Her Majesty,'not thinking fit to present here this day in her royal person, has beeH pleased to call a commission to be issued under the great seal for the opening and holding this parliament. The Lords Commissioners ...