... ( From the Mark-lane Express.) The tone of mercantile affairs lias slightly improved, and there has certainly been more disposition to purchase grain ; whilst holders have shown less anxiety to realize. The prevailing impression in the corn trade appears to be, that prices can scarcely, under any circumstances, fall much below their present level for some months to come; and this opinion is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Benetit of Alias JULIA HARLAND, Lnd Last For the BnGo but Two of herself and Mr. ALLEN. AP2ea RESENT THURSDAY, November N* ill be perforedn English vorsion of Doal. st Gland Serious opera ofR 1sl5 LUCIA OF LAMERMOOR. ar 0 Ravenswood, MIr Allen; Lucia of Lammer- 0300 Mis Julia Harland; Colonel Aebton, Mr Hlenry Corn' tbe Opera tbe Pas de Gustave by Mademoiselle Adala anti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dl NOTICE. ah A LL Percenn having any Claims. on JAMES Ie±1 EVI.MmiaB1J Victory, are re- 'k qetdto send their Accounia on board the above ship, le on ~ondaynes~t, 'at I2 o'clock, whente hl ei-o' in mnediately discharged, FR. onl isJua(;T~ublished, by J. Maddlen, 8, Leaderthall-street, year - , price 2si. mean se DUSAN AND HU0NGrEONG: with Renmarks the i on tlie Treaty of Peace at Nankin in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DjRSl ANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chan- P ccrv, nmade in a CnluC PA`WSRY against HALE,' the creiitOrs nf .JOIIN FROST, late ot llawkedon I-all, il the countY of Sutffolk, deceased, (vho died in or about thc molth of March, 145,) are forthwith to come in and )rove their debts before William Wingfield, E1squire, one f tile Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Southlampton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t4rvBOLfSM; OR3 T-ITE SCIENCEB OF Sell of Itertn I .i1 Ob . tion egint their therity, I 0-M0Itttl EVENING, Nov. 14tht, by the rf j.I.SMITHSON, tit the NesLe Omae Churalh. Peter- ir11--SH& FOREIGN B LhE O ET - ThEm AN~NULAL MEETING of thle Ml'ncli, r idSafr to ,,o*ar Bible3 Socioty wilt Ibe held on TUIESD)AYEVNN lif N,-mbner 113th, in the FIlEE TitADE IIALeer ox ,jC7'I. ,T.1ItOURlNEi eo~ f the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llbliC W, aticto2.'_ CHURCH PASTORAL AID SOCIETY. J RHE ANNUAL MEErTING of the friendsp > of this Societydwill be held in the P f t1C ROOMS, jarralt Street, on TUES DAY EVENING next, tie I th, inst.,atwhen the Chri nx PoLoCK, a Ml.A., Incumbent OF St. Mark' erpool; the Rev. A. P. IRWINE, M.A., Secretary to the Society, and ?? are expected toattend. 'h hi ilbe taken at Seven ?? precisely. Ill- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tAflR'S LIFSE PILLS.-THE POPULAR jf/ RR' LI F EDICINE. .0jrol.ovI:)g important testimony to the efficacy of P&iR'S Z Ths ?? l just been received by the Kroprietore. ,lhi To Mcasrs. T. Roberts aol Co.,'Lonilon. Athlone, December 7th, 1846. * Yoa ivill please to send me siX dozen more l'AttR'S SLrE PtLLS; I am just out. 1 can assure you they ano doing iIF cniity or good: every onc who has tritd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON AND DUBLIN WAREHOUS3E L 10, COLLEGE.GREEN. It is respectfully intimated tbat this Concern Re-opened en MONDAY, the 18th October, by ALEXANDER COMYNS, Late Partner it the Firm of COMYNS AND CARR, when there will be sebmitted for public approbation a New and Extensive Stock of FirRt-rate Artioles In FASHIONABLE WOOLLEN DRAPERY, Suited to the Season; Carpeting of all descriptions, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEKLY ARRIVALS Or ALL SORTS OF FOREIGN FRUIT., &- FROM THE PUBLIC SALES AT LIVERPOOL. / I I'KENNA has just to hand, a large supply of AniericarL-~ J1o Newton P'ippin APPLES; New Ewemni FIGS, in Drunis ; Layer Munscatell, Valeucia, and Sultana RAISI NS iNew Jordan, Soft and Hard-shell AL(IONj)S NM;dlgj GRAPES ; LEMONS ; ORANGES ; New Black Spanish NUTS. 39,JACADEMY-STBMET, Bclfast 10th Nov. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B RITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, BU NEW ROAD, LONDONG-Report for 1847 of Richard Tothill, Esq., M.RC.S.Li. of Heavitree, near Exeter. I have now for twelve years condueted the Exeter Hygelan Dispensa~ry. wherein the poor of Exeter and its neighbourhood have been treated gratrutously with Mr. Morison's purely Vegetable Medi- cine of the British College of Health, and I sin still more con. Srmed in ...

Published: Sunday 14 November 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1693 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... rn~¶IC DOLOREUX,or PAIN IN THIEF&ME TEETh, HEFt). &cM Just pesblilhed, ?? 4,:aiiA r1 0,&stelseorials to the Ehfiteny of Blarlow'se Powdoroe. In submitting to the notice or the publ~ide mranyttdstirmenlals to the efficacy of ray Powders, as a Oure folr the Tilv Doeoreox, I distinctly state that every attestation, 'vilhether, si toiname. address, dlate, or remarks, is genuine ; ten seoleofitheam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fiajc bp uction. LATTODAYS OF THEt I.)PORTANT SALE OF st~iTWOSILKS ,S11AWLS, &c,, A T No.4, C L AIt E- STRE L'T. ESSRS. FARGUS & SON beg respect- J1fully to onnounce that thle SALE BY AUCIOrNo of the Very extensive and vtaltuable STfOCK of LI N EN-I)RAPE RY, FORE1.IGN and BRIlTISHI SILKS and SATINS, ItFIENChI MER11NOES, SHAWLS, CASIIME1,'RES, CIMAlKS SATIN and VE,'LVEr' MANTILLAS, TA;AN' and ...