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... We had whatmay- bie trul-y'desceri'bed as a very p indifferent share market on Saturday, with the tend- T' ency of prices still downwards generally, Eastern hi Counties, Caledomnsas, North British, were all in de- di efine. Speculative business may have something to d do with this depresin o prices, because it is loaf observed that in rea busines o netettei decline is by no, means so, marked. ...

Published: Monday 20 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2907 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... L ESDINBURcu , DEC. 3, An anti-game-law meeting, under the auspices of the Anti-game-law Association, is to be held in Stir- ling to-day. This is carrying the war into the heart of the enemy's camp. An interesting game case is now before the first division of the Court of Session. Capt.Wemyss, the late liberal M.P. for Fife, came into court craving that histenant, aMr.Gulland, atNewton,mightbe ...

Published: Monday 06 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1512 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I ^ .- .- 1 - , _ The severe gales which have prevailed along the coasts since Saturday last, have been attended at sea wvith great loss of life, and destruction of property. Tve Erie*, shich left Southampton on the 3rd, with the Indian mail on bused, and which, as we stated on Tuesday, put into Dartmouth in coosequence of the storm, we learn was struck by a sea on the Port Beam, off Ushant, ...

Published: Thursday 09 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1263 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SCO TLAYD. EDINnuaoBi, DEG. 14. It is rumoured that there is to be a vacancy in the chair of clinical surgery in the University of Edin- burgh, by the resignation of Professor Syme. The patronage of the chair is held by the crown, and, in. voleing a permanent hospital appointment, will be an object of some ambition. Mr. Syme, it is understood, goes tG London. Tb e tidai harbour report of Capt. ...

Published: Thursday 16 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2501 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I li;DiCAPS AND HANIlDlcAPPERS.] Within' these lakt few years handicap races,' have received an impetus iwhich has 'caused:themjt3 em erge from the semi-obscurity in which they so-long unjustly languished, and attain a notoriety and im- portance. beyond.. the most s anguine expectations of those who advised 'the judicious. alterations;:ia'the' conditions that have, conduced to this result.. A ...

Published: Sunday 19 December 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1581 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THE CLOSE OF 'THE YEAR---THE PAST AND THE FUTKtR |. I - . .. . . i The present is the last opportunity that will be afforded us ofaddressing our sporting readers -this aear, our next publication appearing with, the birth of the new one-1848. We cannot resist the temptation of, for a brief space, casting aside the sportsman, and, as man: to man, holding. a little quiet conversation with our ...

Published: Sunday 26 December 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1824 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Le DuirxDn, Dzc. 8. ay There is an approach to amity between the parties Y Which divide the city and the corporation-a feeling which the Earl of Clarendon will do all in his power Ie to extend. At the last meeting of the corporation a t. memorial to his excellency for the extension of muni- ie cipal rights was almost unanimously supported, the l. conservative party tendering their adhesion to ...

Published: Friday 10 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1334 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LANCASEME. ABOLITION OF CAPITAL PONIs1=BNTrs.-The Liverpool Albion of yesterday says:- An address to the Queen, praying for t e remission of the capital sentence recently passed in this town on two individuals left for execution, is now in course of signature. In the case of Speed, the memorialists point to the absence of malice, and D to the fact of his being a sober and industrious man, who ...

Published: Tuesday 28 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3517 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... 2i Shares were in good request on Saturday, with b- prices looking better, and on the rise. Caledonians, l0 as stated on former occasions to be on the move, have id be imrved, and seem likely to be better still. North id Stffrds also are firmly hold. Freioch lines were d. weak in the early part of the day, and sellers were id pressig But subsequently, as prices came higher I- from Fgranice, ...

Published: Monday 13 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2877 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... There was a more satisfactory demand for shares on Saturday, but without more difference in prices, as quoted in the official list of Friday, than that they were rather better for money than account. LcvcscrooL.-Tbe market on Saturday was very dull in- deed.-MANcoCsrEST.-Business was flat, and prices re- ceded slightly. North Staffords were done at a dis.- BiRMINGuRAM.-Very little business woo ...

Published: Monday 06 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1369 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... COMMERCIAL DISTRESS AND CUJRRENCY COMMITTEE. Divisrog in favour of the gevernment proposition that the Committeoe Beo of 26 memhors, end not 3U, as proposed by Lord George Bentinck. Ayes, 13G; Noes, 45. AYES. Abdy, T. N. Danurft, J. Koppel,Hon.G.T.Ridh, H. Adair, R. A. S. Dundas, Adm. Labouchere, H. Russell, F. C. H. Aglionby, H. A. Dandas, Sir D. Lasncoels,W. S. Salwey, Col. Anderson, A. ...

Published: Thursday 16 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1201 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... RALW Y 1 NEWS. Shares opened favourably in th.e morning yesterday, but drooped rather on the report current afterwards that no change would take place in the discount and money arrangements of the Bank. Subsequently, however, on the reduction to 5 per cent, becoming known, applicable to loans on stock and Exchequer Bills as well as commercial paper, the share marketI rallied, and prices were ...

Published: Friday 24 December 1847
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1509 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News