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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... u.octrv, TE1E JEWISH PEOPLE. flow ereat the semblance between human life Alld latlolal cxistellc! ScoNVling raoge And suiloing peace, repose antd deadly strife, Prevltl by turns ol earth's uncertain stage. Mtianl rises. olourishes, succumbs, and dies, And nations for tle meost part do the same; The difference only, that fewi ycars suftles To close the llue`of ma1l, adla shroud Ills name For ...


... I WEs WERE EARLY RAILWAYS CiRcurTous.-A history as interesting and extraordinary as a romance might be written of the difficulties encountered and conquered by the early projee- tors of railways. Nothing less than golden arguments of the purest mint would induce noble and gentle landholders to gile assent to roads which trebled their estates in valse: and vast loss of money and of time was ...


... Rostra. A SONG 'FOR THE TIMES. DLEDCATED TO THiE OPPONENTS or SANATORY XtEEOu M. (FROM TUE SIAN IN TUE MOON.] CLosEyour eyelids and fold your arms, eood, easy people abliot; In filth ald stench, from sever and trench, Have your limp securely out. Cran; your dead into reekin vaults, As herrings are crnmn'd hil a;ll rels; Then cheek by jowl, with the dendlnen foel, (.o oel with your loves sud ...


... Rittrature. Dublin Usiversity Magazinee.-Orr & Co., Paternoster-row, London. The opening paper, Fireside Horrors for Christmas,' is not at all to our taste. Such stories do much harm among the weak and nervous, who are probably most disposed to read them. Now, one oannot but smile at the bombast which cha- racterised Napoleon's addresses to his armies; nevertheless, they are properly ...


... Duxi: OF WELLINGTON.-No Man so little beloved was ever o well obeyed: and there is not a mnail in Eagland, of either party, citizen or soldier, who would not rather me than see him disgraced. His firmness, his moderation, his probity, place him more opposite to Napoleon then he stood in Itle field of Water- loo. These arc his lefty lines of 'forres Vedres, which no enemy dares assail ...


... A GENTLEMAN. -The only way to be i gentleman is to have the feelings of one: to be gentle in its proper accptation, to be elevated above others in sentiment rather than situation; and to let the benevolence of the heart be maeifested in the general courtesy and affability of the ?? Smni/t. HOPE OF A FUTURE.-I find in life that suffering succeeds to suffering, anti disappointment to ...


... Coxe's Memoeire of f/ic Dnke of 31artboreolgi. Fol. I. As/i's Standard L Pbrarg.-H. G. Biolin, York-street, Covent-garden, London: Another sample of the excellent productions whichi Mr. 1] 33ohn is monthly adding to his now comprehensive Standard a Library.1 Looking to the literary value of their contents, tile .style in which they are got up, and, above all, the price at which p they are ...


... The colour3 most in favour this winter in woollen materials for dresses are monstre vert, dark gray, garnet and muraille: stripes and checks continue fashionable; the richer materials of dress are generally in running satin patterns, on reps ground, whether of different shades of the same colour or contrasting ones. The new materials are so rich in pattern, as not to admnit of trimming with ...


... l~octu). THE VILLAGE CHURCII -BY ELIZA COOs, TIM village ?? Is Passing VY, Ihle bells gush out Ii merry tune, Atnla,' is oer tic tot ret grtty, The iorell holds oilt the ftluivr, of June; For N outh and beauty comee to wet, With bhoindings torte cilolt bca:iiitg eye- Withll alt te raptutre love call stied, And ill ?? hotp that gold calo hoy Asd Childlcet twiitlC with koiky glee, White favours ...


... SLANDER is 'THE TONGuE Or ENVY. -At the court of the lion Was a noble horse, who had long and faithfully served his kin-; - O and his master prized and loved his filitlilal servaist as U~ to deserved. This was distaeteful to tinecrowvd of inferior cour~tiers P' and the fox undertook to undermine the trusty servant and rob IV him of his mionarch's favour, But his insinuations were nobly and ...


... illattr-P. A FRAGMENT. TuE night is dark! the night wvinds sigh Wjith a dall, uiteertailt restics stir; There Is ?? rcd star, and bht oII, it' tho sky, Atid It looks like a burning coal onl 11igh, Or the hot. ellized eye o1 a miurderer I The Auntuin leata ltil slow from the tree. Anad droz on tile grass where its follows be ; Itneusy tieen, withi a restless care, tt see Is reekilng i friend ...


... IL ittrattl re - As,'nts' n S~~iir ndt~~ o '/eq sti'ntah. Part I.- CferrssysI ?? and Colonial Libraer!5.-Mlitrray, Albenmarle-st., London. This is anl entertaining journal of travel, undertaken. In Mexico a few months befure' thle occupation of the country by the ?? comprises descriptionsofVrCu, uta Jalapa, the Mlexicant capital, and the. other places which recenti events have made ...