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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... H R-ENRY GARDNER desires to return his sincere thanks to those friends and neighbours who so kindly assisted in extinguishing the late Fire on his premises on the 3d utinio. Chiippiyn-Norton. Jan. 6, 1848. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3171 ~WLLIADIb HUNT I WINNOWNVIN MACHINE anid BRL INFCTURER, p GS leai'a to return hlis I teu thanks for I B.Jthe minny faos harrdo i frmoethan 20 years bythe irih abittit ?? n iiiy \V. 1-1. hanvingrovd* e L'-IN an CASTLE ?? BLO,0X H.\Al. wver hei~le rrying on the above boninless, hopes, by trict ateton i uctuality, still to merit their' ?? and suppot an(la ta f tire agricurlturrists (if Blox- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TpO LET, in a p ant part of the City of Oxford,- T SIX ROOMS a genteel House, readi Furnished, on advantageous ?? at the Office of this Paper. A FEW MAIDEN EL AND ASH TREES, Wi1TH Tri, AND LOP, At Morarsh 'a1do , near Nuneham, Oxon. TB S B SjOXD IY AUCTION, T AL A3 & X~~Se.lW.3dO 9N, Oni Wednesday next ,e 2Gth of January, 1848,at Mr. Jones's, the public house, Marsh Baldon, at Twelve o'clock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Relief of the Distressed. Po T HE Vce-Chacellor and Mayo tcpec~tfully re- T comamend the resident lirhabjitants tile University and City of Oxford to continence a eubsorieurnetotprovide Soup arid Fuel for the Decesios o tthi clemn seasn. susr.rai'S ALR DYRECEIVED. The RetiereCactr 5WCoy Tboemue. Enq.o The %oVhi iteMan'.2~ Aldermoan %V. 5 harp 2 .J. H. La. n. A t.I ..lf Aldermnan J1. Thiorp2 W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE BEECH TIMBER FOR SALE, A t STOKENCH UR CH, OroI. E BE SOL D BY AU C T ION, L ZBy Myx. SVERNON, At the King's Arms Inn, Stokenchurch, on' Wednesday the 5th of January, 1840, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, (by direction of John Fane, Esq.),-About 450 Loads of superior BEECa TIMBER, in lots of about 30 loads each, with the Fellhig Fagots, at per score, growing in the Woods on the Worinsley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOVERNESS PUPI[, Young Lady may be received in ;a vell-cstbablislhed A Boarding School as atiove, who will be required to rewipr some assistance with the younger pupils; in consideration of ,which duty she wvill be instructed in all the ordinary routine of educatiun, with various accomplishments, on very reduced ?? -Address D.N., Journal Office, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AN'T'ED, in a Gentleman's Fasnily,-A KIT- W CHENMAID, who understands Plain Cooking and the management of a Dairy,_ Apply at the Journal Office, Oxford - or to Mr. Dixon, Red Lion, Henley; or to AMr. Smith, buteberi Watlington. BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY. E.MBROIDERY AND BERLIN WAREHOUSEg No. 29, CORN MARKET STREET. p LIZABETII, wi~dow Of theC late JonN RoSE, Orgatt JL4 Builder, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice. Shortly will be published, with Remarks, A VERBATIM COPY of the SCHEDULE of A EDMWARD NAPLETON JENNINGS, lately of Worces- ter College, Oxford, and discharged under the Insolvent Debtors Act, Dec. ll, 1847. Oiford, Jaem 14, 1848. OXFORD ANGLERS' SOCIETY. A Gencral Mfeeting of the Society will be held at the Z1X J arge Room, Maidenhead Inn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ea 1817. , FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 0OF ICING EDWARD e THE SIXTH. IN BIRMINGIIAM. - ~I-E HEA) MASTERSHIP of this SCHOOL .`'will be VACANT carly in February next, in consequence of tire Rev. James 1'rince Lee, the present Head Master, having been appointed Bishop of Manchester. Tie Governors therefore invite Gentlemen of Classical distinction to become CANDI- a DATES for the appointment. r The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE REGISTE D PALETOT. MESSS. 1I J. A D) D. NICHOLL, * URT ILORS, 114, RE ENT TREET, LONDON, l I7 ESPE(IT l''U L, ?? to the Nobility, Lrt rC~lergy, Genztry, ut teseridst of Banhury and its neigh- .hbourhocd, that they ha r inted Mr. ft. BAILY, Tailor and Draper, Ma+rket-plal~ce ~aihuty, Agent for the sale of their !Fashionabile ~eritlenra like Wi~ter Garment, which will be sold by fslr. Baily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. TPHE present season is hallowed by one of the most delightful offices of friendship and affection; the inter- change of gifts, as remembrances of the donors, arid tokens of their esteem for the receivers. While large sums are expended upon the most costly baubles and elegant trifles, no more appro- priate present can be made at this season of the year than a package of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABINGD N. IIYDR and eso ully informi their friends and thedpbic g1 eraJ that thle whole of their Retail wo' 111E N RA PE ~,jTAILORING. READY-MIADE CLOTHES, HATS, a ~eneral Outfitting Trade, will lie renioved onl Thursday. erayi) to te premises in the High-street, next door to ydanW'eler, and lately in thle occupation of Mr, Gregory. Thytatitemselvyes tthe arrange- merit of the B~usiness, anid ...