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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... - THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY IN MANCHESTER, PRESTON, AND OTHER TOWNS. It has become of increased importance to persons P in business to be informed that on 'r'uesdays and I) Fridays, about two o'clock, wve publish an afternoon a edition of the Mercury, containing the CORNn MARKET REPORT of each day; and on the latter of the two days we are enabled by a recent alteration to give also the COTTTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by S0 uggestions, arguments, and inquiries may be anony- Ala fInoue ; but facts and allegations must be authenticated to by name andi address;, for our own information, fly atto-Lnti.~ AnInhabitant saysz-. I bieg leave to direct I th totin Of VIke Proper. parties to the present state 01 the of road Ils Lodge-lone, from near thowster-worlas to the now pile ely Gf buildinga at the Prinoce's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Carry the lollewing distinguihling Lights, via.: se A CLEAR WHIl fE LIG11T at tule INASTHEAF -D GREEN DITTO on the STAR BOARD' BOW. r f RED DITTO on the PORT NOW. BRITISH A ND N oRTH AMIERICAN ROYAL JiIAIL STEAM SHIPS, Wt e - i10neob hidmiralty to sail b~twecn pletely ov LIVERPOOL antd BOSTON, from theat And betw Watcrfooi LIVERPOOL. -;M ORK,haew Ii tin- at HA -Ax to tandala 00 VA-e PesueRdhr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~' Juggestieiie, argunments,nnd inquiries CAI e llf7' ok maus ; bat facto and allegations msbeateiced bar, oi It by name and address, for our own infraon belooll been DTHe OLD WOODEON PAVROIIONT.- W. liotichlll that the He0alth dence , Committee htld declined to bestow the broken-up timber, in latter] I Exalhnge-stree' Last, 0onthe Night Asylum exprseses a great five a) I desire to larn h., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -OVAL -A'MII1THhATRE. - THIS EFFvIZQuJ (FRDAY,) fte fith instant. PA~ FXIsar-LaLott de Yoetse-~The GYmnsestitt fixer. YTN1 kolie- M. Ado) phe Fiancont Wil exhibit the c-ec. Horse Atar Ul-The Scarf Dance-Rognoet ind aposj~u-An Act of EquitatIon, Riding baekwar'd.The 3ntie P seq-The Dance of the Two Globls'ihTbe Rorman aarfiegTbe Pyram d of i)eeanters.Au intev .1 of Ten AMinuteF. PASTr Ssc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MI.~t4S Li AS a, CC).I Toorrow, ~turday.j the6 k2110 In!steant ut OneOek, IIIEE HORS3ES and a Pot'NY, the Property T~f Udittman. Tale HotOse, steady to Xidtl Or drive; the yy t,,edy to carry? a Ludy. A Hila 45sijjg# rioting a6er Mryears BY~ Miooter.Alo LUASat Caieyof. te ore, onTep n,-. . the 25 h Instant, atOu o', ujclc, at their R_,-eitory. Great Charnotte-utr, et, Liverpo, e BrownCob H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO ADVERTISERS. The proprietors rt'specifully inform their ntnnerous adveitising friends and sub-cribers that the Liv EI1POOL MERCUtUY has still hY lbar the largest Circulatihn of any paper in Liver- pool, and is steadily increasing. They, there fore, dit ect continued attention to that fact, as many erroneous statements of the cir; tlation of the Liverpool papers have been issued in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vuw~te tm~uergsrW. - CONCE R-HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET NVO GRAND CONCERTS will be given at Ttoabove Hall. on the Etvenings of TO.ISIORROW, WEDNESDAY.) the 19th.and eRIDAY, the 2lat instaRn, VOeALISTS . The eelebrated Miss RAINFORTH (Of the Theatres-royal Drury-lane and Covent-gerdien,) M r. T. BISHO- a0P, AND Mlir. J. Q. W&ETUflnlBEE XNSTRUMENTALIBTS, 5Mrs. RotSt (Chrystalopian'. Piano ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO ADVERTISERS. t! The proprietors respectfully Enform their b numerous advertising friends nd subscribers 0 that the Liver ol Mercury has Still ov far the n largest circulation of any paper in Liverpool, and is steadily increasing. They, therefore, 0 direct continued attention to that fact, as many h Erroneous statements of the circulation of the s Liverpool papers have been issued in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, S COCERTHALL LORD NELSON-STBRET. on SATURD.. , y7C0 29th f etowt. MMs RttdSOD) theM CIIY.TALOVIA Ne Herr A DELSBE~RG on flie VIOLIN., and Mr. N NIELLOR oin the MUSICAL BELL$, Between tbe pjriq, and at ?he close of the Concert, Mirs. Af^lITAGf. 4i9 te Xtro lodjnaey weight of 31 stoue 11 pounde, Will Sing a FAVOURITE MALLAtD. 5osdy,:3,1.; Gallery. Gd . Reset-v -it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS HRY. FOR THE LIVEERPOOL MERCURF'. Accrfngton, John Riley BarIzer, Blrchon-lane, Lemt Maps Altrincham, Walton bard-street; * l HarnrOrtd, Asthton--under-Lync, Thomas 27, Lombard-stroet; Charle' nghamJ.T. Kerrison, Mitchell, Red Lion-oeurt, Maps 5 a nd ' Arbr Wilson J. Thomas, 1, Finch-lane, P* Ar'7roath, P. Wilson . Da'eron de8on,Csnnron-stee; Bacup.T. Brown eceds, Mrs. Mann, and JamsO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SILVER WATCH FOUND. t D ),on Saturday last, whilst loading Manure from bil 8table, wrapped in CalVas. a SILVERt WATCH e The Owner m ay have it by giling the Maker's Name and Num. O her, and pIylg expesce.-Apply to 11rLLIAx CAjwow. pro. vis.on Baop. 20. Banastre street. 1 1OUND, in the neighbourhood of Great Howard. 'z JL street. a IIG. The owner may bavl it ain by decri ntho Same sand Naifr ...