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Advertisements & Notices

... H R-ENRY GARDNER desires to return his sincere thanks to those friends and neighbours who so kindly assisted in extinguishing the late Fire on his premises on the 3d utinio. Chiippiyn-Norton. Jan. 6, 1848. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3171 ~WLLIADIb HUNT I WINNOWNVIN MACHINE anid BRL INFCTURER, p GS leai'a to return hlis I teu thanks for I B.Jthe minny faos harrdo i frmoethan 20 years bythe irih abittit ?? n iiiy \V. 1-1. hanvingrovd* e L'-IN an CASTLE ?? BLO,0X H.\Al. wver hei~le rrying on the above boninless, hopes, by trict ateton i uctuality, still to merit their' ?? and suppot an(la ta f tire agricurlturrists (if Blox- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RYDE WINTER SUBSCRIPTION BALLS. M R. P. T. HELLVER has the honour to an. M nounce that the THIRD SUBSCRIPTION BALL for the Season, will be held on Wednesday, January 26, 1848, at the Town Hall. Stewards. Capt. Brigstocke, R.N. M ajor Alves A. F. Leeds, Esq. Capt. Love Arthur Sanders, Esq. Subscribers Tickets.-Gentlemen's21s. Ladies' Sa. Non-Subscribers, 6s. each, to be obtained at the Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVERTISEMENT.) 'or ?? To ae EDITOR of the HAMPSHIRE TELEORAP1. .re ld SOUrTHEA, JANUARY 20O}1, 1848. SIR,-May I claim your favourable notice of the of enclosed. I crave your indulgence on your well estab- d- lished independence and liberality, and the support you of have ever given to the profession to which I have the se honour to belong. I feel myself most reluctantly obliged be to appeal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH STREET. PETERSFIELD. M ISS NEWPORT will be prepared to receive her M Pupils or Tuesday, the 2nd of February. titk 134, HiGH SRET, GOSPORT T to T HE DUTIES of MISS IVOWATT'S ESTA- - BLISHIENT will be RESUMED 17th January, B 1848. 1848 NEW URTISLE O~F WIGHT. T HE MISS ES TUPPER announce to-their friends o and the public, that their Pupils will RESUME teir studies on the 20th instant. 11, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t QXLEY'S ESSENCE' OF; GINGER, FOR GOU'k, EHEUMATISM, SPASMS, NERVOUS e - - COMPLAINTS- &c.:&c. .i j rpHISHIGHLY CONCENTRATED ESSENCE . L OF JAMAICA GINGER, recommended by many of the most eninent Medical Men; and used by persons of the highest rank and respectahihty, has for more than five and thirty e years past, obtained an established reputation. Itrelievesand shortens the duration of fits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TpO LET, in a p ant part of the City of Oxford,- T SIX ROOMS a genteel House, readi Furnished, on advantageous ?? at the Office of this Paper. A FEW MAIDEN EL AND ASH TREES, Wi1TH Tri, AND LOP, At Morarsh 'a1do , near Nuneham, Oxon. TB S B SjOXD IY AUCTION, T AL A3 & X~~Se.lW.3dO 9N, Oni Wednesday next ,e 2Gth of January, 1848,at Mr. Jones's, the public house, Marsh Baldon, at Twelve o'clock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Relief of the Distressed. Po T HE Vce-Chacellor and Mayo tcpec~tfully re- T comamend the resident lirhabjitants tile University and City of Oxford to continence a eubsorieurnetotprovide Soup arid Fuel for the Decesios o tthi clemn seasn. susr.rai'S ALR DYRECEIVED. The RetiereCactr 5WCoy Tboemue. Enq.o The %oVhi iteMan'.2~ Aldermoan %V. 5 harp 2 .J. H. La. n. A t.I ..lf Aldermnan J1. Thiorp2 W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Portsnmaouth & Portsea Bank for f'tvinge. y HE OFFICE of this INSTITUTION will be Topen every MONDA V, from 12 to 2 o'clock, as h usual, for the lecei!tand Payment of Mfoney.-Attend- ancc will be given at the Office every FRIDAY u Evening, at Seven o'Clock, for half-sa-hour, to receive Depositors' Books, for the purpose of having the In. terest added to the account, and to deliver the Bookrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE BEECH TIMBER FOR SALE, A t STOKENCH UR CH, OroI. E BE SOL D BY AU C T ION, L ZBy Myx. SVERNON, At the King's Arms Inn, Stokenchurch, on' Wednesday the 5th of January, 1840, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, (by direction of John Fane, Esq.),-About 450 Loads of superior BEECa TIMBER, in lots of about 30 loads each, with the Fellhig Fagots, at per score, growing in the Woods on the Worinsley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENEFIC-A-lrSOOIETY'S-H-A-IILPO-TS- EA. TRADESMEN'S ANNUAL BALL. T HE Committee for conductin g the A -N N U A L EHTRADESMi EN'S BA LL, in aid of the Charities connected with the Beneficial Society,-beg to notity that it is fixed to take place in the Hall. on Tuesday, 4-hl January, 1848, whin they respectfully request the kind patronage and support of the friends of the Institution, TxcKEts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOVERNESS PUPI[, Young Lady may be received in ;a vell-cstbablislhed A Boarding School as atiove, who will be required to rewipr some assistance with the younger pupils; in consideration of ,which duty she wvill be instructed in all the ordinary routine of educatiun, with various accomplishments, on very reduced ?? -Address D.N., Journal Office, Oxford. ...