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... PRICES OF MANURES. Agricultural Salt, 30s. per ton Nesbitt's Manure (prepared Alkalies, 28s. and 42s. percwt. by the London Manure Co.), Boast and Co.'s (Bow) Inor- C7. to 914. per toii, accord. ganic Manures, from 6s. to ing to crop lis. per cwt., according to Nitrate of Soda, £ 14. 10s. to crop £ 15. per ton Boast's Guano, £ 9.9s. per ton Nitrate Potash (saltpetre), Carbon, 12s. per qr. £26. ...


... HIDES. LEADENHAI.T,.—-Market hides, 561b. to 611b l.Jd. to I d. perib ditto, 641b. to 721b., 2d. to 2,'d.: ditto, 721b. to 801b., 2';d. to 2-'d ditto, 801b. to 881b., 2Jd. to 3d. ditto, 881b. to 961b., 3jd to 3 ...


... NEW AND LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS IS JUST COME TO HAND FOR THE ENSUING SPRING. J\MES WARD, in returning his grateful thanks to the Nobility, Clergy, G intry, and Inhabitants of Cardiff and its Vicinity, also Merthyr, Aberdare, Newbridge, an,1 surrounding Neighbou rhoed, together with the Trade, for the very liberal support they h-i ve been pleased to favour him .vith, begs to inform them ...


... Several alterations in the Arrival and Departure of Train' took place from the 1st Nov. The correct time is as follows; FROM BRISTOL TO PADDINGTON. DBHRTURR — 7 0 a.m., 7 40 a.m., 8 10 a.m. Expres8 35 a.m. Mail, It 0 a.m., 10 43 a.m., 12 40 p.m., a 1 Express, 4 0 p.m,6 0 p.m., II 50 p.m. Mail. Sunday I'rains — ll 0a.m.,8 3ja.m.,3 50 p.m., 11 50 p.m. Mai FROM PADDINGTON TO BRISTOL, ...


... Traffic Account for the Week ending July 29, 1848. Total. JE1969 2s. 3d. GLAMORGANSHIRE ANI) MONMOUTHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. Abstract, of House Surgeon's Report to the WoeUy Board for the Week ending August 1, 1848. „ J. /REMAINED BY LAST REPORT 9 I O I ADMITTED SINCE 1 > C ...


... AND LIRT OF FAIRS, NOTICES, ETC., IN THE COUNTIES OF GLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, AND IIUECON, FOR THE ENSUING WEEK. SEPT. 10. TWELFTII SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY.— Morning — 1st lesson, 12ih ch. II. Kings; 2nd do., 11th ch. Matt. Evcning-lsllesson, 18th ch. II. Kings; 2nd do., 11th ch. Rom. Sun rises 5!1. 2Sm., sun sets 6h. 25m. 11. Mnngo Park died, 1771. 12. Thomson born, 1790. 13. Wolfe killed at Quebec, ...

[No title]

... THE COWBIIIDGS HARRIERS will meet On Tuesday December 2(> at Marcross „ Burton Bridge „ „ 30. at Lower Brocastle THE TREDEGAR UOUXDS will meet On Tuesday December 26, at Duffrjn Thursday „ 28 .at Pen\iund Gate Satuiday 3 Pieeomer EACH DAY A r llj O'CLOCK. ...


... Smithfield—A full average supply, and a sluggish demand. Cumberland—Supply moderately good, and trade rather dull. Whltechapel-Trade rather dull, with fair supplies on offer. At per load ot trusses. Smithfield. Cumberland. Whitechapels Meadow Hay.. G()s to 80s 63m to 80s 60s to Clover Hay. 80s 100s 80s 95s «0s •• Straw 25s 3os 26s 31s 25s BRISTOL HAY MARKET. Hay per Ton £ 2 17 Straw per Dozen ...


... TAFF VALE RAILWAY TIME. S M j mom. S after, j after. } morn. I after. Cardiff Docks f 8 50 12 50 4 50 8 50 l 3 50 „ Cardiff | 9 0 1 0 5 0 9 oi 4 0 Llandaff 9 9 1 10 5 10 9 9 4 10 Newbridge > 9 37 1 41 5 45 9 37 | 4 45 Llandaff 99 110 510 9 9 410 Newbridge > 9 37 1 41 5 45 9 37 | 4 45 Navigation House, ar I 9 45 j 1 50 } 5 55 1 9 45 f 4 55 Navigation House, de > 9 55 t 2 U~i 6 5~i y 55 & 5 ...